Greland Lady Ophelia Foxworth is Imprisoned

Lady Ophelia Foxworth is Imprisoned

Disaster / Destruction


Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford awoke from her capture in Thurnon to find her wounds healed, and herself dressed in the garb of an Initiate in a strange dark room which was revealed to be the basement of a large Dualist Church.
Ophelia was soon joined by two pairs of knights - two White Knights and two Black Knights, who arrived within the church using the same Shade-derived powers as Ophelia had seen ser Katriana use.
One of the White Knights began to interrogate Ophelia, however when she failed to show humility in the face of her captors, had the Black Knights bring out ser Darris Blackmyre, bearing a new injury from the battle, and execute him with a sword of Blackstone before returning Ophelia to the basement.

Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Life of Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford (article)
The Foxworth Duchy (article)
The Kingdom of Irogonie (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)