Greland Alvar Skanler's Squire Training Under ser Sola Somercrag

Alvar Skanler's Squire Training Under ser Sola Somercrag

Life, Education

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Alvar Skanler was the younger son of Duke Dravor Skanler and ser Marya Skanler-Knotte, after Jaenis Skanler. With both of his parents dead in The Irogonie Aggression and Jaenis benefitting from the Stewardship of their maternal aunt ser Barbenna Knotte, Alvar Skanler began being Warded by the Crown Princess ser Sola Somercrag and training as her Squire.

Related Location
The Kingdom of Somercrag
Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Skanler Duchy (article)
The Life of ser Sola Somercrag (article)