Greland ser Sola Somercrag's Party is Ambushed on the Kingsroad and Annihilated

ser Sola Somercrag's Party is Ambushed on the Kingsroad and Annihilated

Disaster / Destruction


Riding a stretch of the The Kingsroad between Eastlake and the coast, ser Sola Somercrag and her companions came upon a caravaneer and his granddaughter whose wagon had broken down, blocking the road.
Ser Sola had her companions set about repairing the wagon and gathering the carthorses which had bolted into neighbouring fields.
They were Ambushed by ser Kyra Crowler and her men, including the unprecedented use of Some Unknown Power which exploded the wagon.
Finally, ser Edam Bracks revealed himself to be a traitor, killing Duke Brennar Hayford and then using the Duke's own sword to deliver the killing blow to ser Sola.
The traitor ser Edam was the only survivor.

The bodies were left were they fell. Eventually the farmer who owned the fields in which the squires had been cut down buried them beside the road and erected a small memorial. The landmark became known as Knightsgrave.

Related Location
Related timelines & articles
The Hayford Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of ser Sola Somercrag (article)
The Life of Edam (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)