Greland The Royal Progress

The Royal Progress

Population Migration / Travel


Following his wedding King Tyon I Cray embarked upon a Royal Progress throughout his lands at the head of his royal party, with his new spouse Princett Nym Cray-Cimber at his side.

They rode first West along The Flametongue to The Rushwater, then North to the King's former home in Baremaw, then South-East to attend the official reopening of Summerswind. From there they began the climb North to Castle Blackbar, West to Honn and East to Felweather Keep. They then left The Blackbar Duchy and entered The Foxworth Duchy, stopping at Cainfield, then East to Sentinel Point, North to Redmouth and finally West to Fairstrand. They then boarded The Royal Gull and sailed across The Bay of Glass to Riverfoot, before entering The Hayford Duchy, Travelling South along the Tayach River to Tayach Dam, further South along the shore of Eastlake to Epperton, East to Quarrystone, then back West to meet House Redthorn on the road outside of Redwatch before heading South to Stivir. From here they travelled West around the Southern end of the Hespeaks to Hess Hall, befor crossing the Hespeaks via Haycastle and finishing The Hayford Duchy in The Shale on the Northern end of the mountain range. From The Shale they entered The Southbay Duchy riding West to The Green before turning South to Westlake, then following the The Conbridge River to visit the former Kingsguard Knight ser Carsen Prester. From Conn they rode West through Caulstid to The City of Southbay. From Southbay they travelled West to The Icewater, then South to Blackmyre before turning further West to The Point. Leaving The Point they rode North to Lowall, and then left Somercrag entirely, crossing the Witwells at The Howl to reach Farcastle, before turning back on themselves and crossing the mountains once again before turning North once more to The Peak. They then rode North along the mountain passes to Two Points before leaving them to enter The Ilves, then cutting East through The Glade and The Clerewood, leaving the vast forest to pass through Calford and enter The Gaunt Duchy at Serpent's Bridge. From Serpent's Bridge they rode North to The Conjunct, West to The Hollow and The Catacomb, before finally reaching The Stonehouse and boarding a barge back along The Flametongue to the capital.

Related timelines & articles
The Timeskip 444-454KS (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)