Greland ser Ashtin Phyrefenn's Party Observes the Breaking of the Siege of Exodus

ser Ashtin Phyrefenn's Party Observes the Breaking of the Siege of Exodus

Military: Battle


ser Ashtin Phyrefenn arrived in Exodus to find it besieged by unknown forces. They made camp well away from the siege lines and ser Jesmyn Lavon and The Devourer approached after dark to attempt investigate, only to find yet more Unknown Forces already engaged with the siege camp from the sea, unleashing some strange power to bombard the besieging army with thunder and lightning and blooms of fire.
ser Ashtin's companions returned to his camp to report their findings, but were shortly followed by several members of The Allenian Armed Forces, who took the party under arms to their own camp to meet their leaders.

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Related timelines & articles
The Life of ser Ashtin Phyrefenn (article)
History of Greland (article)