Greland Conspiring Against The Crown

Conspiring Against The Crown

Political event

4/5 1:00

Over the course of the months between his meeting with Queen Malina Somercrag in The City of Bayglen and The Tourney at Fairstrand 441KS, ser Tyon Cray hatched a conspiracy to use the upcoming Tourney to capture Prince Dalran and ser Mitchar Hespeak, the surviving children of House Somercrag of Bayglen and use them to leverage the Queen into accepting the evidence against ser Kyra Crowler and her part in The Ambush on the Kingsroad.

This conspiracy began with a conversation between ser Tyon and his neighbour Lord Erac Tallman, but spread to include three Duchal Leaders, and ignited The Revolution of 441KS which led to ser Tyon ascending to the throne of The Kingdom of Somercrag.