Greland ser Tyon Cray's Forces Cross the Flametongue at Whitewharf

ser Tyon Cray's Forces Cross the Flametongue at Whitewharf

Military: Battle

28/9 6:00

The forces under ser Tyon Cray crossed the The Flametongue at Whitewharf, finding the outskirts of the city abandoned and the townsfolk barricaded in their homes.

As the head of the column began to move through Small Court the morning was wracked by a sudden clap of thunder and a shaking of the ground, followed by a column of smoke rising from Twilight Park.

Related Location
The City of Bayglen
Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Life of ser Allon Stormborn (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)