Greland Ser Allon Southbay Negotiates the Surrender of the Garrison at Haycastle

Ser Allon Southbay Negotiates the Surrender of the Garrison at Haycastle

Military: Battle


Ser Astris Conklyn and the other knights in her party arrived to the The Siege of Haycastle from their capture of ser Kyra Crowler in Allerton. While ser Astris took command of the armies fathered there and began discussing strategies to storm the castle, ser Allon Southbay volunteered to ride to the castle's gates under a white flag to attempt to parlay with the defenders.
When he arrived at the gates, it became clear that the defender were expecting to lose their lives defending the castle, and were not expecting to hear any other option. Ser Allon offered an alternative - that the defenders surrender to him, and enter his protection as indentured men and women. He would have them transported to Southbay where, perhaps, they might earn their freedom once more, or at least live to serve him instead of being cut down in battle or taken to the block in The City of Bayglen. The defenders agreed to these terms.
During the evacuation of the defenders, one amongst the Men-at-Arms in the colours of House Hespeak of Haycastle suddenly broke out of the line of soldiers surrendering their arms and assaulted another. Allon broke the fight apart and had both men put in irons. They were revealed to be ser Edam Bracks, the former Marshal of Haycastle, and Isambard Brunel.
Allon had the men transported to Southbay, to form A Military Encampment within his lands, while he returned with the other knights to the capital to witness ser Tyon Cray's coronation.
Ser Edgarth Hayford w3as found amongst the defenders, as expected. However neither the missing Mattheo Foxworth nor Brandeth Crowler were.

Related timelines & articles
The Hayford Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Life of ser Allon Stormborn (article)