Greland The Battle of Tayach Dam

The Battle of Tayach Dam

Military: Battle


The greater part of Sola's Vanguard, under the command of ser Tyon Cray, roade to Tayach Dam and arrived the following evening.
They infiltrated and siezed the castle, arresting and then executing ser Anderon Crane. Lady Maeve Buckhaill threw herself from the ramparts when news of ser Anderon's death reached her.

A small party, consisting of ser Doncan Buckhaill, a resident of the castle who could assist the others in reaching their goal; ser Astris Conklyn, a trusted and capable knight; Mattheo Foxworth and led by ser Tyon Cray, infiltrated the castle where it spanned the river, entering its docks and climbing through cellars to reach the castle's courtyard.
Once inside the knights seperated, with Mattheo and ser Astris entering the keep itself to search for ser Edgarth Hayford while the other knights made their way to the castle's gatehouse to allow the remainder of their party to enter.
Ser Astris and Mattheo became entangled in a fight against ser Anderon Crane, both taking grievous injury in the process, but were saved by the intervention of ser Tyon returning to the keep once the gates were thrown open and the rest of the Vanguard permitted entry.

The victors learned of an impending attempt on ser Sola Somercrag's life but were too late stop what was already in motion.

Related Location
Tayach Dam
Related timelines & articles
The Life of ser Mattheo Foxworth (article)
The Hayford Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)