Greland ser Mitchar Somercrag Arrives in Allerton

ser Mitchar Somercrag Arrives in Allerton

Population Migration / Travel


ser Mitchar Somercrag, ser Sola's youngest brother, arrived in Allerton with a contingent of Royal soldiers to take control of the city until the issues in The Hayford Duchy could be resolved.
He took custody of Duke Brennar Hayford, ser Mattheo Foxworth and Brandeth Crowler while ser Sola, recently recovered from her injury, set off for Hess Hall.

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Related timelines & articles
The Life of ser Mattheo Foxworth (article)
The Hayford Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of ser Sola Somercrag (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)