Greland The Death of ser Matthis Cray

The Death of ser Matthis Cray

Life, Death


ser Matthis Cray died in his sleep at the age of fifty-four.
ser Newall Foxworth returned to Baremaw with his young daughter Terin and Sanah heavily pregnant with Mattheo. He and ser Tyon Cray buried their father together and drank long into the night in celebration of his memory. But ser Newall departed swiftly the following morning, and the two did not see each other again for over a decade.

Following the death of ser Matthis, ser Tyon Cray became Lord of Baremaw.

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The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Life of Duke Newall Foxworth (article)
The Life of Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth (article)