Greland Choking Ash and Dust

Choking Ash and Dust

Disaster / Destruction


A cloud of ash and dust, spewed forth by the eruption of The Boxsart Hills and added to by the fires which resulted from it, chokes North Western Greland. All of The Kingdom of Rotheval West of The Mountains, as well as swathes of Northern Baycotte and Western Irogonie, was choked with dust.
Rotheval entered a period of famine, as previously bounteous farms on its Western slopes were polluted, and whatever could be cleared and resewn was denied sunlight by the heavy ash clouds.
Thousands across Rotheval died, including both King Frederick IV Cimber's wife Princess Consort Alice Cimber-Stanley and his sister Princess Imogen Bullen-Cimber.

Related Location
The Kingdom of Rotheval
Related timelines & articles
The Timeskip 444-454KS (article)
The Kingdom of Rotheval (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Kingdom of Hillhurst (article)
The Kingdom of Irogonie (article)