Greland Sola's Vanguard Departs Allerton for Bayglen

Sola's Vanguard Departs Allerton for Bayglen

Population Migration / Travel


The day after they returned from Hess Hall Sola's Vanguard departed Allerton once more, bringing Duke Brennar Hayford, ser Dominic Winthrop and Mattheo Foxworth to The City of Bayglen to testify before Queen Malina Somercrag.
They leave Brandeth Crowler in the custody of ser Mitchar Somercrag.

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Related timelines & articles
The Life of ser Mattheo Foxworth (article)
The Hayford Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Life of ser Sola Somercrag (article)