Ranix the Renewed

Ranix, the son of Sriphiel the Protector , is a deity who values freedom and positive transformation. In contrast to his father, Ranix advocates for freedom with responsibility, believing that any being, regardless of their origin, deserves a chance if they live without causing harm to others. He advocates for inclusion and redemption, offering opportunities for unjustly treated beings to experience "rebirth" by rising from the ashes.  


Ektorina, god of duality and hunters and Ranix the Renewed : Both share similar ideals, combating discrimination and accepting the diversity of origins.

Argeon of thunder and wind and Ranix the Renewed : share a common interest in gladiatorial battles, although their interests differ. While Argeon revels in the glory of the combatants and seeing his followers win, Ranix values the barriers overcome by his followers and seeing them become stronger from every battle that they rise up again from.

Tenets of Faith

How to Honor and Increase His Influence:
  1. Helping someone feel included.
    Ranix promotes the inclusion of all beings, including good undead, fiends, and other creatures from different planes. This act is seen as honoring his belief in equality and freedom.

  2. Sparing an opponent's life for redemption.
    By showing mercy and offering a chance for redemption, demonstrates his belief in Ranix's lesson on rebirth and overcoming adversity.

  3. Preventing someone with malicious intentions.
    Acts aimed at protecting the innocent and preventing malevolent individuals from causing harm or injustices are seen as service to Ranix's faith.

  4. Freeing someone unjustly imprisoned or opressed.
    The release of the unfairly imprisoned or opressed, granting them a chance to start over, is a way to demonstrate belief in rebirth and the pursuit of justice.

How to Dishonor and Diminish His Influence:
  1. Harming someone for selfish interests.
    Actions like theft, detrimental manipulation, physical harm, or other selfish behaviors go against Ranix's principles, diminishing his influence.

  2. Rejecting or oppressing beings of different origins.
    Denying or mistreating individuals from different origins, similar to how the Fire Orcs were initially shunned, diminishes Ranix's teachings of inclusion and equality.

  3. Avoiding or disregarding opportunities for redemption or second chances:
    Neglecting chances for redemption or positive change by denying opportunities for those who trully seek to make amends or show improvement violates Ranix's values of rebirth and growth.


Ranix Festival:
Celebrated on the first weekend of August, the festival commemorates Ranix's liberation from his father's dominion. It includes parades with people dressed as Ranix and other important figures from his history. The event narrates the story of his liberation and involves parties, theater performances, and gladiatorial tournaments, where opponents are spared, honoring Ranix's tenets.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ranix was born from the energy of Sriphiel the Protector. Since his early days, his father played a limited role in his divine education. Sriphiel was often too preoccupied to guide Ranix on his destined path. Feeling abandoned by his father, Ranix often felt isolated. The servants assigned to care for him sometimes seemed as displaced as his progenitor. In the midst of this loneliness, Ranix would secretly observe his father's divine work in action, although he was forbidden to leave his domain. It was assumed he had much to learn before taking flight.

When Sriphiel discovered Ranix was defying his rules, he decided to confine him, using it as a teaching moment to emphasize the importance of obedience to rules. More alone than ever, Ranix began to seek ways to entertain himself. He first began experimenting with his powers—playing with fire, then light, healing abilities, and air. However, this entertainment only exacerbated his sense of isolation.

It was during this time that he created the first Phoenix of Ra—a bird with rainbow-patterned feathers that possessed healing and fire abilities. This vibrant bird kept him company during the countless days he spent alone.
After several years, Ranix established a connection with a humanoid for the first time. This Orc sought guidance, and Ranix somehow was able to listen to his pleas and attempted to help. The Orc began to venerate Ranix, and in turn, Ranix started seeing the world through this being's eyes.

Over two decades passed, and the Orc asked for strength to guide his tribe on a more appropriate path. However, to achieve this, he had to defeat his self-serving rival. Perhaps due to this devotion, Ranix managed to channel his divine energy more deeply through this being and somehow opened a connection to an elemental plane of fire, from which the energy invaded this Orc. He became the first Fire Orc, more precisely, a Fire Orc Genasi. With the energy conceived by Ranix and his new fiery appearance, he defeated his foe. When he was about to deliver the final blow, Ranix mercy invaded this Orc not to do it. After sparing this being's life, his friend led the tribe on a path of light and prosperity, creating the Feudal country of Hertzev.

Following this, Ranix connected with more humanoids. This time it was a couple of humans who had been unjustly imprisoned, praying for a deity to hear them, as Sriphiel had abandoned them. Ranix granted their wish. Similar to the Fire Orc, he transformed them into fire genasi. His father eventually discovered what he had been doing and instructed his followers to eliminate the Fire Orcs — creatures corrupted by chaotic fire energy that he deemed needed to be corrected. And so, a civil war started in the newly formed Hertzev. 

Many creatures died... Frustrated by the freedom his father had taken away from their people by killing innocent people and opressing them was the last straw in Ranix's eyes. He expended much of his energy to escape his father's domain and cut loose, forming his own and guiding the descendants of the Fire Genasi in Gretaria to a better path. No one is certain whether it was due to losing his son, but indeed, Sriphiel became more lenient towards beings from elemental planes—focusing more on eliminating threats from other planes with clear malevolent intentions."

Hundred of years later, Sriphiel had lost its domain in Hertzev, now a country that adores and worshipes Ranix as his main deity.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If you take their ability to fly, you take away your ability to see"
"Be the flame of change"