Ektorina, god of Duality and Acceptance

Ektorina, the divine embodiment of duality, sexuality, instinct, and love, holds sway over the hearts of hunters. This deity and its servants present themselves to devotees in the forms of both male and female, their distinguishing feature being abnormally bright green eyes. Seekers also turn to Ektorina for enhancing their sexual prowess or rekindling the passion in their relationships.    


  • Ektorina, god of Duality and Acceptance and Annarah the Hollow : Annahara considers Ektorina her greatest enemy and actively spreads the notion that Ektorina's followers are deceitful. Annahara contends that they never truly experienced love, asserting that genuine love is non-existent. According to her, their purported affection for each other was merely a pretext to achieve godhood.

  • Ektorina and Nissios: Ektorina and Nissios get along well, as the hunting endeavors of Ektorina's followers often provide ample food and game for Nissios's festivities.

  • Ektorina and Ranix the Renewed: Exceptional harmony exists between Ektorina and Ranix, both deities actively combating discrimination against humanoids due to their origins.

  • Feridius the Hunter and Ektorina, god of Duality : Strained relations persist between Feridius and Ektorina. Feridius prioritizes humans above all and advocates their dominion over nature, conflicting with Ektorina's belief in the equality and mutual respect between both.

  • Ektorina and Dirfia the Mother Wolf: Ektorina and Dirfia generally don't get along as conflicts arise occasionally. Both gods claim control over the moon and Dirfia places beasts and nature above humanoids, a viewpoint that clashes with Ektorina's belief in the mutual reverence of both.

  • Ektorina, God of Duality and Acceptance and Thallisia : Tensions persist between Ektorina and Thallisia. In the city of Aquameros, where Thallisia reigns, women are prioritized over men, a perspective at odds with Ektorina's belief in the equal importance of both genders.

Tenets of Faith

How to Honor and Increase its Influence:
  1. Hunt Grand Beasts:
    Followers should engage in the pursuit of formidable creatures, showcasing their skill in the hunt.
    "Cultivate your instinct with mother natures' bests"

  2. Protect Nature from Abusive Exploitation:
    Devotees are tasked with safeguarding nature from excessive and harmful exploitation.
    "Take but do not exaust."

  3. Recognize the Unity of Humanoids and Nature:
    Both humanoids and nature are interconnected and must be respected mutually, fostering harmony. "We are it"

  4. Accept Both Aggressive/Instinctive and Calm/Logical Sides:
    Followers are encouraged to embrace both their instinctual and rational aspects, recognizing the duality within.
    "Not one without the other"

  5. Acknowledge the Equal Importance of Man and Woman:
    Ektorina emphasizes the equality of genders; followers should honor and respect both men and women.
    "Both are different, but none is best"

How to Dishonor and Decrease its Influence:

  1. Destroy Nature:
    Actions that lead to the destruction of the natural world diminish the influence of Ektorina.
    "Those who destroy nature, destroy part of themselves"

  2. Display Disrespectful Attitudes Based on Gender:
    Disparaging actions or attitudes towards individuals based on their gender go against Ektorina's teachings on natures will.
    "Not one, better than the other"

  3. Break Someones True Love:
    Intentionally breaking a good loving couple is crucially against Ektorina has it is the same as if it was breaking

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In a time long past, Ektor and Rina, two mortal hunters deeply entwined in love, found themselves challenged by the enigmatic goddess Annarah, who sought to prove the falseness of their affection. The couple, embodying duality, sexuality, and instinct, had stark differences in their perspectives, leading to challenging situations. Annarah, through her followers, orchestrated trials where the lovers faced moral dilemmas. Their opposing views on sparing or ending the suffering of an assailant and helping or leaving a struggling mother and her son became the battleground for Annarah's experiment. This disparity became the Achilles' heel that Annarah exploited, causing severe conflicts, and ultimately, Ektor unintentionally took the life of Rina's father, leading to their separation.   Annarah, reveling in her perceived victory, returned after two years to check if the couple had learned the alleged falsehood of love. To her astonishment, Ektor and Rina were reunited. Frustrated, Annarah subjected them to further tests, only to find that they now embraced their differences. They met halfway in decisions, understanding and accepting each other's perspectives.   In utter frustration, Annarah attempted to use her followers to kill the couple, preventing them from reaching the gates of death, forcing them to be reborn without their memories. She manipulated others into marrying them, hoping to see them miserable with different partners. Despite the suffering, Ektor and Rina found happiness when reunited. Fate and their own choices led them to part ways with their spouses and come together again.   Annarah, refusing to accept their love, decided on one final test. She killed them once more, this time reincarnating them as women. If Rina's soul was naturally drawn to men, Annarah believed they could never be together. Yet, to her continued surprise, they found each other again. Accepting who they were, embracing their feelings, and recognizing the duality within and between them became the force that bound them together.   Legend has it that Annarah, frustrated and defeated, gave up. The stories of Ektor and Rina's acceptance and love in its myriad forms turned them into revered deities. Their tale, of overcoming trials and tribulations, accepting each other despite differences, and persisting in love through various forms and circumstances, became an enduring source of inspiration for many.