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Arman Giza

Arman Giza (a.k.a. Red Mane)

Arman Giza is a learned man. Almost unheard of for someone hailing from The Barrens. He grew up knowing of the many hardships one can face in life and decided to do something to change that for the rest of his people. After trying and failing to do so once, he left the nomadic life of his people to settle down and learn before trying again. For a second time he tried, and for a second time he failed. For a while, the way forward evaded him, but his latest bout of misfortune has made him afraid he might not ever get to see his dreams done. Determined to save his people, Arman is hoping to amass power so when the time comes, they cannot refuse to be saved.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, broad shouldered, well muscled.

Body Features

Weathered skin, callused hands.

Facial Features

Stern eyes, warm smile, chiseled bone structure.

Identifying Characteristics

A tattoo on his back stating his lineage.

Physical quirks

Scratches his beard when in thought.

Special abilities

A powerful and learned mage specialized in transmutation; the changing of properties of existing materials and meta-materials.

Apparel & Accessories

Prefers comfortable clothing fit for travel as an underlayer and sleeveless dark colored robe overtop, hooded to keep the sun off his face.

Specialized Equipment

Wears various pieces of jewelry, some magical or as magical components, some as a means of identification.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

534: Born to Giza Uruuk and Svenna Garda of the Fox Clan of The Rovers of the Barrens Nomads. Shortly after, the now named Arman Giza receives his lineage tattoo and is given to the Lion Clan.   540: Arman lives through his first raid on his people by the bandit lords and their followers. At the age of 6 Arman learns what it feels like to starve, and the loneliness of never seeing some of his siblings again.   550: Arman tries to fight during another raid on his people, but finds he is hopeless at it and is almost killed.   551: Arman tries to introduce the idea of infrastructure and farming to the clan representatives but his uneducated attempts are ignored. He decides to leave and pursue and education before trying again.   552: Arman arrives in the Free City of Greyhawk. Arman needed to enroll in the Guildhall of Architects and Stonemasons, however he was short of the tuition. Arman sought work as a tradesman and apprenticed at the Carpenters Guildhall.   556: Having save up as much coin as he could over the last few years, Arman finally had enough for the tuition for the Guildhall of Architects and Stonemasons. He spent his time here learning the theory needed to understand how buildings stay up without collapsing in on themselves, etc. and how to build everything he needed from the very basics if resources weren't readily available. Meanwhile, he kept working as a carpenter on the side, meeting a lot of people interested in the same things, and saving coin simultaneously.   560: With all of his knowledge and skills now up to par, Arman set out to the barrens to reunite with the nomadic clans and make a more educated presentation. Unfortunately he was met with the same response from his own clan leader and was mocked, never even getting a chance to present to the other clans. "Still too much fox in you to be a proper lion", are the words that the leader said to him. "Trying to be clever when you need to be strong in the barrens", and other variations were whispered under breaths as he walked by. From that point on, Arman was known as "Red Mane" by the Lion Clan, insinuating that he was weak and cowardly like a fox rather than a lion. Arman returns to Greyhawk dejected.   564: Arman has spent the last few years working as a construction worker and making friends, especially with the half-orc folk who remind him of his siblings. Tired of having wasted the knowledge he spent years learning, Arman attempts to start his own construction company with some of his close friends. Unfortunately he is unsuccessful, most of the people he hired are half-orcs who seem to be discriminated against and it is hard to find work. The company "Red Mane Foundations Co." is barely breaking even. To bring in more business, Arman decides they need something other companies don't have and decides to learn magic, specifically transmutation, and enrolls at the Grey College.   568: Arman has since finished the initiate years of magical education and is a fairly capable wizard in his own right. He was praised as having a lot of potential for transmutation and the passion to follow it through. Having this reputation has helped somewhat with his company which has been running smoothly although still not making a lot of coin. Arman spends almost the next decade rectifying this and with his knowledge of materials, theory, and new magical capabilities, the company becomes a booming business.   574: Red Mane Foundations Co. has since become most well known for constructing reliable and affordable homes en masse in the slums quarter of Greyhawk, allowing the poorer folk to live in better conditions. This has earned the company a lot of gratitude and coin. Unfortunately it is around this time that one of the homes constructed by the company has collapsed and injured a couple. They state that a support beam just disappeared into thin air. Arman as a wizard specialized in transmutation, and in charge of the construction of the house, is suspected of cutting corners and is held responsible. The company's reputation disappears as fast as it came and is left once again struggling to survive.   575: Arman has tried everything he can to get the company back into the black, but it is loosing coin far faster than it is making any. Having had to lay off many of his workers, has tanked Arman's personal reputation too and he resorts to desperate measures. Arman asks for a loan to get things back on track, but is turned away from various money lenders. Eventually he makes his way into the shady parts of the city and find someone that takes an interest in him. They seem to be from the Thieves Guild, but Arman is certain he can get the business on track to pay them back in the year they give him. 576: Fortunately, Arman was correct and the company, while not making as much coin as it used to, has made enough to keep it afloat and to pay back the loan he owes. When the day comes around to pay back the loan however, the members of the Thieve's Guild demand more interest than was agreed upon. Arman tells them that he can't do that and they get ready for a fight. There is a short fight and various members of the company's construction crew get involved trying to help Arman. Unfortunately the Thieve's guild are too strong and many of them are killed while Arman is kidnapped.

Gender Identity





4 years studying architecture and stonemasonry at the Guildhall of Architects and Stonemasons. 4 years studying transmutation magic at the Grey College.


8 years as a carpenter with the Carpenter's Guildhall. 4 years working construction with various companies. 8 years as an architect and business owner of the Red Mane Foundations Company.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Came to the city of Greyhawk as a nomad with nothing and made himself a successful business.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tried and failed twice to convince his people that they could have a better life. Was given the nickname of "Red Mane" by the Rovers of the Barrens, signifying his cowardice.

Mental Trauma

Saw many of his parents and siblings murdered or kidnapped as a child.

Intellectual Characteristics

A deep thinker. Often tries to think of the far reaching consequences of his actions and sometimes misses what's important in the present.

Morality & Philosophy

Pain, emotional and mental included, and anything that could lead to it is a bad thing and should be avoided if possible. Those that suffer such pains so that others don't have to are to be respected. Those that cure such pains are to be exonerated of all but the worst taboos.


Cannibalism. Sexual misdeeds. Slavery.

Personality Characteristics


Desperately wishes to save his people, even if they don't believe they need saving.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy at construction and has immense material knowledge and the skills to apply it.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes to build things, using both magic and mundane means. Likes money, mostly as a means to further his goals. Dislike anything that threatens his goals.

Virtues & Personality perks

Cares about his people so much that he'd work himself to death if it meant they thrived.

Vices & Personality flaws

Often believes that his plans are the best as he think more about the future but forgets more immediate responsibilities. Is so afraid of death because it means he won't save his people.

Personality Quirks

Scratches his beard and paces often when in thought or bored.


Very clean at all times. Believes there is no reason not to be as he has magic that can do as such at any time instantly.


Contacts & Relations

Lion Clan - Main Family. Fox Clan - Origin Family. Red Mane Foundations Company.

Family Ties

Giza Uruuk - Father Svenna Garda - Mother

Religious Views

Venerates the spirits of his peoples ancestors.

Social Aptitude

Good at managing his subordinates. Unsure of himself within a group of peers.


Holds himself as if highborn despite his origins. Dislikes being talked down to.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets. Enjoys spending time carving wood and transmuting stone into wood and back to carve.


Polite and soft spoken.

Wealth & Financial state

Little liquid wealth. Ownership of a failing business.

From the nomadic life of the Rovers of the Barrens to a business owner in the Free Cities of Greyhawk. Arman has lived a full life for a human, yet he still yearns to fulfill his childhood dream of saving his people.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Red Mane".
Date of Birth
1st Coldeven
The Barrens
Black, greying, dreaded, bearded.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Orcish

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An excerpt on the dynamics of the Zodiac Clans

A few of my companions have asked about what life is like in the Barrens. Instead of telling them each the whole story multiple times, I have instead decided to write this so I may save time by handing them this letter to read. Especially so as our party tends to rotate members in and out...   Each of the Clans are based on the animals in which us as nomads call the months. As such there are 12 clans;   Fireseek's Tiger Clan - Nimble Warriors Readying's Bear Clan - Strong Warriors Coldeven's Lion Clan - Skilled Warriors Planting's Frog Clan - Apothecaries Flocktime's Turtle Clan - Spiritual Guides Wealsun's Fox Clan - Politicians Reaping's Snake Clan - Medics Goodmonth's Boar Clan - Cooks Harvester's Squirrel Clan - Foragers/Traders Pathwall's Hare Clan - Caregivers Ready'reat's Hawk Clan - Scouts Sunsebb's Wolf Clan - Army   Each of the clans are self sustainable and barring their specialty are almost identical, as we consider ourselves one people despite living apart for most of the year. The one part of the year in which we are not apart is during the spring time. This is a time in which each of the clans convene on our ancestral oasis, near the center of the barrens (*note 1). As spring approaches the wolf clan sends out a small number of their own to each of the clans to escort them to the oasis. Upon arrival, our Lineage Festival begins.   During the festival any child that was born during the time in between festivals, that has also survived being preyed upon by the Bandit Lords and their armies, is formally given their name and lineage tattoo. Males are given their first name by the leader of the clan they were born into and given their father's name as a last name. Females are given their first name similarly by the leader of the clan, and given their mothers name as a last name. Their names, their parents names and the clans each were born to are then tattooed onto their backs and enchanted to grow with them. Finally the child is gifted by the parents to the clan of the month they were born on. Unlike the parents of children I have observed in my time in Greyhawk, this is a somewhat joyous occasion rather than a tearful one. Most parents plan the conception of their children based on when they will be born, so as to give their child the best opportunity they can.   Other than this festival there are very few opportunities in which one can be adopted by another clan. One of the most accessible exceptions is placement into the Wolf Clan as a part of the Army. Most that choose this are contrarily, not from any of the warrior clans as they see it as beneath their skillset.   Notes: *1 - I suspect the reason we are given reprieve by the Bandit Lords during this time is so that we may replenish our numbers and swell our stock of goods for them to take from us.

Companions in my travels.

Upon being kidnapped I found myself lacking in my ability to defend myself against a number of trained foes. I am not like the others of my clan, unable to do away with pride and see my flaws for what they are, I will take advantage of this second chance my saviors have given me.   Once freed I found myself in the companionship of, what seemed like at the time, an unlikely crew. Here I will take note of what shall likely be my new travelling companions as they have made a good argument against me returning to Greyhawk alone.   Among them were;   A male goliath by the name of Viridian. Viridian is a tall, muscular, hulking figure whom seems to be the type to punch first and ask questions later. He doesn't seem to like me that much, his first thought when the group found me was to pin me down and interrogate me. I admit this may have colored my own opinion of him, but he did also present himself to be a fool just a few hours ago at the inn, picking a fight with an unknown opponent. I will try not to hold it against him, I could use someone as foolhardy as they are strong.   A male elf, whom I actually recognized as someone that went to the Grey College while I was in tenure there, Lhoris Revven. He hasn't seemed to change much, still looks the same as he did all those years ago and still reigning in others like the leader I supposed he was training to become. I find the man most respectable and consider him an equal despite him dividing his time among both the martial and magical arts. A luxury elves can afford I suppose. I would likely only benefit from his friendship.   A bandaged figure I could only assume was male from the voice. He went by the name Alduin and was apparently a monk. He seems to be the most mysterious out of them all, I have yet to see his face. He says he is a monk, which is why I find it so disturbing when his thoughts make themselves known. He seems to be a violent individual, despite having somehow attained inner peace. Despite how much he disturbs me, I am not one to waste a resource. If I find myself in need of someone with loose morals, it is likely he will find no issue with the task.   A short stout male that I instantly figured for a dwarf by the armor. Dokgruth Stoneleg, a silent yet strong type as typical of dwarves I suppose. A worshipper of his race's god Moradin. I cannot express fully how comforting it is to be travelling in the presence of a man of the cloth. I cannot die before I complete my goals. "Dok", as he prefers to be called, seems to be loyal and I suspect if I stay on his good side that not even death will stop me from completing my goals.   Some manner of creature with the features of a rat, likely some deranged wizards' experiment. It goes by the name "Twig", and despite it looking unsettling, I find myself enjoying it's company. It took some time to listen to the story of my past during our travels back to the Inn and offered it's condolences. It's been a long time since I thought about it, let alone spoke aloud of it to anyone, and I find myself wanting more. It seemed fascinated by the idea I have to create an oasis for my people rather than find one, and I found myself wanting to talk more with the creature. Unfortunately the night was cut short by an incident cause by the goliath. I can only hope to talk more with this "Twig".      


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