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Kit is a half-elf rogue with a shady past she is not necessarily proud of. She considers locks and safes a challenge that must be overcome. If Kit ever tells you her history, she considers you a friend.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A little on the scrawny side but athletic and super toned. When in stealth mode, Kit can even look graceful – a gift from her elven ancestry.

Facial Features

Her facial features are delicate but more human than an elf - except for the high cheekbones and the pointy ears. She has a small scar on her left cheek in the shape of a teardrop.

Identifying Characteristics

A mane of red hair that is normally tucked under a hood. When her hood slips and her hair catches the light, it is a deep fiery red.

Physical quirks

A splattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose (when she was younger, she would try to scrub them off).

Special abilities

Sneak attack, Fey ancestry, Cunning action, Fast Hands, Second-story work, Uncanny dodge, Thieves' cant, City secrets, Darkvision. Kit can also whistle really loudly.

Apparel & Accessories

Kit dresses in glamoured studded leather that fits like a second skin and often falls asleep with it on. She tends not to wear jewellery much. If she does, it is functional and not for show. Unless she needs to don a disguise…

Mental characteristics

Personal history

554 | Kit was born to a human mother and an elven father In the Free City of Greyhawk. She does not recall her father and assumes that her mother had a clandestine relationship with him. Her only memories of her mother include the smell of baking in her childhood home, being hugged with her face cushioned in her mother's ample bosom, and her mother's joyful laugh. Kit was a bright inquisitive child, and she knew she was loved. Around the age of five, Kit's mother died, but Kit was never told how.   559 | Kit was dumped at the City Orphanage in the Thieves' Quarters. What follows was a time she would gladly forget. Degradation, beatings, bullying – kids can be very cruel. Kit lost a lot of her inner light during her years at the orphanage, but she did learn to hide, make herself scarce and avoid attention.   566 | At age 12, Kit ran away from the orphanage to go live on the streets. After stealing something to eat one night, she was beaten up badly and left for dead. This may have been the end of her story if not for the kindness of a stranger who treated her wounds, gave her some food and a small bag of coins (Debt of Kindness 1). She later meets Bud, a fellow street kid, who helps her navigate her way around Greyhawk and teaches her to survive (Debt of Kindness 2).   567 | At the age of 13, Bud and Kit are recruited to the Thieves' Guild in the Thieves' Quarters, where they are trained in the ways of the thief. Kit discovered she has a natural gift for stealth and sleight of hand. She learnt some tracking skills – enough to find out the identity of the stranger who had shown her such kindness and used her new skills to keep tabs on him. She also befriended Cook (the cook at the guild), who taught her to read and write (Debt of Kindness 3).   572 | At age 18, Kit was asked to train new recruits at the guild in the art of lockpicking and pickpocketing. Kit also had an intimate relationship with Malone, the mistress of a noble. Tired of sharing Malone, Kit gave her an ultimatum and Malone picked the noble.   574 | At age 20, Kit met and married Jer Veruga, a forger and a fellow member of the guild. Bud and Jer's mother (Zia) were witnesses at the ceremony. Jer was good to Kit and for the next 18 months of her life, Kit considered herself happy …until Jeremiah was killed in a dodgy deal one night. Kit was distraught.   576 Present | Kit asks the guild for time off. Reluctant to let her go, the guild initially says no but she convinces them by promising to be back with treasures. Kit hears about a recently discovered Cairn in Diamond Lake that still holds riches and, after saying goodbye to Bud and Cook, she heads out to try her luck. Staying at the Feral Dog Inn in Diamond Lake, she befriends Jamis over ale, a deputy with Sheriff Cubbin's office. After an unsuccessful week of prospecting, Jamis puts her in contact with Mr Allustan who asks her to find Sheriff Cubbin and bring him back unharmed. Heading out with a mule, Kit tracks him down to a nearby abandoned mine just outside Diamond Lake. After bopping him on the head, she puts him on the mule slumped face down, gags him, and ties him down with a rope which is wrapped a few times around the mule and ends in a kind of messy bow on top. Heading back to Mr Allustan's house, the Sherriff falls from the mule a few times and eventually regains consciousness. Kit keeps bopping him on the head to keep him subdued and looking at him, she hopes she will still get the coin she was promised as he is looking a little rough. He has a couple of lumps on his head and some decent grazes on his face from falling off the mule and being dragged for a while…


Kit has only had two intimate relationships – one with a woman and then one with her husband. Both were good while they lasted.


Kit is street smart and knows her way around the seedier districts of Greyhawk. Despite her rough upbringing, she can read and write. Albeit a little slower than most people.


Kit has been a pickpocket, forger, prospector, teacher and bounty hunter.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kit is not dead yet.

Failures & Embarrassments

Kit does not dwell on the past. The future has got to be better, right?

Mental Trauma

Kit has scars from her childhood but she locks that shit away.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kit loves learning new things.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite doing some real shady stuff, Kit has quite a strong moral compass. While it definitely does not follow society's definition on what is right and wrong, she has her own lines she will not cross.



Personality Characteristics


Kit is driven by the need to repay the kindness shown to her.

Likes & Dislikes

Kit's happy place is in a bakery. The smells take her back in time to a place with unconditional love. Never buy her a cupcake or she may just fall in love with you.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kit will not admit when she is hurt - either emotionally or physically. She does not want to be considered weak.

Personality Quirks

Kit bites her bottom lip when she is thinking (or writing or reading).


Kit likes to be clean and fresh - but sometimes being dirty helps you blend in.


Contacts & Relations

Thieves' Guild in the Thieves' Quarter. Bud (her dear friend and former street companion. Malora - previous lover who she keeps in contact with. Cook - the cook at the Thieves' Guild who taught her how to read/write. Guild Apprentice Trainer - a halfling named Tabia Turtlequake.

Family Ties

Kit's mom is dead and she has never met her dad (did he even know about her?) Her late husband's mother, Zia Veruga, is her only familial tie now. Zia is a doting, jolly human woman who has shown Kit nothing but love. Note to DM - please do not touch her x

Religious Views

Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

Social Aptitude

Kit will never be the life of a party unless it is a role she has to play. Crowds make her skittish and being the centre of attention embarrasses her. One on one though, she can hold a conversation and does enjoy getting to know someone. Especially someone who has lived life and travelled.


If she is bored, Kit will play with her dagger...throwing it in the air and catching it, spinning it on a table or sharpening it on a stone. It can be a little intimidating to watch. Mostly reserved, she has chatty days where she will ask a lot of questions – on those days you may wish for the reserved Kit to reappear.

Hobbies & Pets

Mouse 1- died of old age Mouse 2 - boot trample by bully Mouse 3 - ate spoiled food Mouse 4 - died of old age Mouse 5 ran away - presumed dead Mouse 6 died horrifically - Cat 1 : Mouse 0 Mouse 7 - Kit used him to check if the food was poisoned – it was Mouse 8 - cushioned one of Kit's disastrous leaps Mouse 9 is probably still alive but he did not like Kit changing her hair to purple and disappeared not to be seen again Vera and Boo - MIA, last seen in Greyhawk Carrot (too hard to talk about)


Kit's speech is not what you can call cultured and when she swears it can make a sailor blush.

Wealth & Financial state

Kit has some gold she is saving but it is all earmarked to pay her debts. Not monetary debts, but debts of kindness.

Kit is a half-elf rogue with a shady past she is not necessarily proud of. She considers locks and safes a challenge that must be overcome. If Kit ever tells you her history, she considers you a friend.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
Common Year 554 (possibly sometime in Sunsebb)
The City of Greyhawk
Current Residence
Kit is currently on the road. When she is in Greyhawk she will stay in the Thieves' Quarters - if she has coin at the Hanged Man Inn or at the Thieves' Guild dormitory.
Light blue/grey with a hint of mischief
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ivory, almost translucent
5 ft 6 inches
120 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy" Say that 5 times fast.   "What shall we do today Mouse?
Known Languages
Common, Elvish and Giant

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A crisis of faith but the start of something new

Dear Jer   It has been a while since I have spoken to you and I wanted to apologise for that. I will never forget you, even though our time was short. You showed me a lot of kindness and patience, and I loved you for that.   I mentioned that I was a follower of Karametra. A lot has happened that has caused me to question that faith. I am starting to think that the Gods all have personal agendas and that none of them deserve our complete devotion. Lhoris got that right - we should be asking a lot more questions. I am not sure that Arman even trusts Erebos, and I cannot see Keranos, Nylea and even Purphoros bringing a lot of happiness to my other friends. I hope I am wrong.   When I died, Karametra said something to me that has stuck with me. She said: "If your friends return life to your body, then we will have much to do together. If not, then I will choose another." It made me realise that to the Gods, even one as wonderful as I think Karametra is, mortals are replaceable and interchangeable. We are not special. If we do not serve a purpose, are we just worthless to them?   I think our goal in this world or in the previous one is to find happiness where we can.   Your mom once asked me why I married you and I told her it was because you treated me well and looked after me. She seemed disappointed by my answer. I am starting to understand that she wanted more for you, and I think for me too. It is a cliché, but I realise now that I was looking for a father figure and not a partner.   I have found someone else, and I do not know where exactly it will go or where it will end. He is stubborn and impulsive and proud. He makes me want to scream sometimes but we are good for each other. He makes me laugh but he also makes me think and reminds me that I do not always have to take life so seriously. It is never going to be easy - we are both strong willed and have a lot of baggage that we carry from our past. But it will be exciting, passionate and fun. I think we could make each other happy. That, or we could end up killing each other.   Love Kit          

I died

Dear Mom   I was dead and I gave my friends a big scare.   I always expected to be reunited with you when I died, but I think death is more complicated than I imagined. I died in a completely different world to you, and may never get back to Greyhawk, so I may need to accept that maybe death will not reunite us after all. That makes me a little sad.   I met Karametra "in person" and my friends helped resurrect me. How does one even begin to pay back that kindness? As a start, I should leave to help keep them safe, but I am really scared to be on my own right now. I also cannot imagine my life without Viridian, Lhoris, Dok and Arman. I know it is selfish, but they have given me a sense of belonging and purpose, and I do not want to go.   We are at a festival at the moment – some sort of once-in-a-lifetime coming together of two Gods (Nylea and Heliod). The guys are playing carnival games and I am cheering them on- but I admit my mind is elsewhere. I am looking around for shadows, ghosts and anyone carrying Borpheus' mace. Is it a coincidence that he died similarly to me or are our deaths related? I feel like I am doing a complicated puzzle and none of the pieces seem to fit.   Under my leathers, I am wearing a makeshift breastplate. It is a gift from Viridian. It was a silver handkerchief, but Viridian said a magic word and now it is as hard as iron. It is a little uncomfortable and it is chafing my left nipple something terrible, but I feel a lot safer!   I am going to try and prolong this day as long as possible – everyone seems to be in good spirits and it makes me happy – but also because the thought of closing my eyes tonight fills me with fear.   Love Kit   PS I hope you are in a good place   PPS Viridian kissed me! In front of everyone. I am trying not to unpack that too much or read too much into it, but it was definitely the best part of my day (well second to coming back from the dead).


Dear Karametra   I am close - sleeping at your temple tonight. I got badly hurt today and my friends brought me here to try to recover. Your priest (and Dok) healed me, thank you Karametra! It seems I have some sort of lingering weakness that hopefully, your high priestess will be able to sort out in the morning. As an aside, do you tip a priest? I still do not know all the godly protocols.   I was either in the wrong place at the wrong time or I am a target for assassination.   If I was in the wrong place, it is entirely my own fault. Curiosity got the better of me. They say it killed a cat and look at me now, I have the strength of a cat. Just not the sleek, awesome big feline kind but a plain old, flea-ridden, teeth-missing, spoilt house cat.   If I am a target, it might have something to do with the dream I had where you erm lovingly shoved a seed down my throat. The assassin threatened something about making sure the seed died. If there is something inside me, I will not give it up without a fight!   It looks like Erebos is involved. Arman has gone to his temple to try and find some answers. I trust him but it does not look like the others do entirely. He has been nothing but good to me though and I am trying to judge people on their actions and not on the company they keep…or the gods they align with.   Speaking of gods, I had a dream. I am not sure who sent it. At first, I thought it was you, but I think maybe someone (another god/entity) wanted me to ask questions about your past. A priestess wearing a white gown was pouring a red liquid from a cornucopia as she walked through a field. Where the liquid fell, a bountiful harvest grew. I believe this has something to do with what happened a long time ago and you demanding blood sacrifices. It was a little disturbing, I cannot lie. From what I know about you, you are merciful. If you were not always that, then maybe you have changed. I am all about self-improvement.   Trixi is staying with me tonight. I guess she really does want to be my friend. She is telling me to rest, but I can hear Viridian and Dok talking outside my door. I gave them quite a scare! I feel bad about that, but being carried by Viridian and cared for by the others was nice. I do not like feeling so helpless normally, but I was in a bad state. It made me feel safe – like everything would be ok.   Despite all our dangerous adventures, I am not scared of dying. Maybe I am just scared of dying alone.   I hope I will be able to attend the festival tomorrow. Not to worship obviously, but just to experience something new.   Your devotee Kit   PS: If you can, please keep an eye on the others tonight. I am not able to do so. PPS: Edessa is well cared for and I have not seen any hungry people – your worshippers are doing a stellar job here! If you have another need for me, shout.

Endless days

Dear Mom   I wish you were still around. I could use a hug and for someone to tell me everything will be ok.   The days seem longer than normal and the trip to Edessa feels neverending. I am also not getting much sleep at night. Dok and Trixi seem to be stuck at the hip (though Trixiana is anything but quiet), Viridian is still not talking to me and I have been avoiding Lhoris.   I feel a little lonely. Arman has been great but he asked me to tell him when I see our party acting out of character but that seems a little disloyal. Besides, everyone is acting weird. Including me. I need to snap out of it.   Love Kit   PS I saw Lucy in action against some Cyclops - she is incredible. I swear I heard the bow sing when Lhoris used her.            

Regret and shame

Dear Karametra   I am a mess right now.   I have given Nylea's bow to Lhoris. It was not easy. In the process, I lost a friend but managed to pay a debt.   Let us start with the debt. When I was younger, Lhoris found me beaten and bleeding in an alley. He saved me and is the reason I am alive today. So, it should have been easy to hand over the bow to him, right? Not so much. I coveted that bow - wanted so desperately to use it. Apparently, its name is Ephixis, but I had already renamed it Lucy (don't tell Nylea when you see her). On watch one night, Lhoris and I discovered that he had extra abilities with the bow because of his bond with Nylea. It made me resent him a little. It was all a little strange too. When Lhoris attuned to Lucy, it felt like there was a hole in my soul. When he returned it, I felt whole. I thought this was Nylea telling me to keep it. (As an aside, I wish you would all communicate a little better - no offense).   The night Lhoris rescued me, I made a vow that I would pay back his kindness. That was never going to be easy, because Lhoris never asks for anything. He even told me to keep Nylea's bow, even though I could tell that he wanted it too.   When Nylea's bow first appeared, I was not even around. Viridian, thinking it would be perfect for me (the bow is my weapon of choice), took it and generously gave me something that is beyond value and worth more than anything he has ever touched. Before I returned the bow to Lhoris, I told Viridian that I was going to do it. Karametra, I have never seen him look so broken and sad. Viridian is a proud man and it was like I just spat on him. I hate myself right now. I knew that he would react that way and I did it anyway. I did THAT to the person alive I feel closest to, in this world and the other one. That is why I feel I have paid my debt to Lhoris in full.   I no longer feel incomplete without Lucy but I do get feel an overwhelming sense of regret at times. But it pales in comparison to my shame at the hurt I have caused. I have no idea how I am going to fix this, or even if I can.   Sorry, that was all about me AGAIN. I hope you are well. Shout if you need me. Thank you for all you have done for me - I hope to make you proud.   Love Kit   PS - I made a new friend. Her name is Trixiana - she is kind of cool. But I would trade her back for Viridian in a heartbeat. PPS - Dok and Trixi seem close which is nice to see - his grunts are not as gruff with her.            

Do not judge a horse by its handprints

Dear Nylea   My name is Kit. I am with an adventuring party called the Diamond Blades and we are not originally from here. I am not 100% sure why we were brought here, but I am grateful for the opportunity given to us by Klothys to explore a new world.   I did feel a brief connection with you when I attuned to your beautiful golden bow, so you may know me a little. If not, you will know my party – we were the ones who helped fight the corruption in Oryum (and in the sewers in Archanae).   For full transparency, I am a new worshipper of Karametra. She has blessed me, and I plan to serve her faithfully.   But, there was a brief moment when I wanted nothing more than to serve you. You are frikken majestic, your land is beautiful, and I hear your skills with a bow are unmatched. But in all honesty, some of your worshippers are twats and this put me off. I get that I am not a pure elf/sylvan, but apparently some of your followers think this makes me unworthy of you. Thing is, I am starting to realise that if "half breed" is what someone takes away from knowing me (or my friend Viridian), then they are not worth knowing.   I am sorry I did not get to know you better. I feel a little sad about it, but I am hoping to continue using your bow for a while. It is a magnificent weapon, and I will try my utmost to do it justice. If this is not your will, then please let me know.   I wish you everything of the best and know that I only have respect for you.   Kit   PS Lhoris, who is also with the Diamond Blades, prays to you quite a bit. He is a good man.

Sun in my pocket and the moon in my hands

Dear Mom   I am happy and feeling incredibly lucky to have people in my life that seem to want to stick around for a while. I still need to process everything and try figure out what exactly happened but here are my initial thoughts.   Firstly, we managed to clear Orium village of its ghostly terrors. I have started using my bow more often and fighting from a distance. I am tired of somehow always getting grappled and needing rescue, and this way I can still contribute. I miss the up-close action but now I get to watch all the guys – they are incredible, and I can still learn so much from them.   There was a slightly awkward moment when we gathered at the shrine to Nylea and saw a beautiful bow that I assume she left us as some sort of reward. I immediately looked at Lhoris, knowing he prays to Nylea, and swear I could see a yearning to touch the bow in his eyes. I could be wrong. Viridian reached over to grab the bow and when I looked back at Lhoris, his face was perhaps I imagined it.   When Lhoris and Dok went off to find survivors, I prayed. It was a pretty intense experience and a lot scary. It felt like she let me share her emotions and I felt her pure, hot rage at the defilement of her land and her unmistakable grief at the loss of lives. I felt angrier than I have ever been. Then I felt a searing, scorching pain and I shut my eyes tightly to try to get away from it. For a minute, I thought it would be my end, but then I intuitively sensed Viridian coming closer and standing by me. It made me feel stronger. Braver. Eventually, the waves of pain and grief subsided.   I do have a souvenir from my experience – some purple markings on my face. I think it is where either my tears or Karametra's fell. I will wear my scars proudly - a reminder that I am alive and that others were not so lucky. Also, it could be worse - poor Dok is slowly turning into a beetroot. Well, the bits I can see anyway. Now I wonder if he is red everywhere.   Karametra told me that we had to destroy the urns to end the corruption. When I told the others, they all immediately helped. No hesitation. No doubt. They dropped everything else. I do not know how to express to you how that made me feel. When I think back to it, I feel all choked up and I am overwhelmed by the support they gave me, despite worshiping other Gods. I think they cared just because it meant a lot to me. Arman even destroyed the one he had taken (probably to study it) and went back into the well to get the last one. Viridian did not smash any. He just brought them to me – it was like he knew I needed the violence in destroying them to calm down.   The horses! Oh my Karametra. The sprites decorated them, and they are the most fabulous horses ever! The horses looked a little embarrassed and I was tempted to ask them about it, but I prefer to believe they love it too.   Finally, Viridian gave me the bow from Nylea! I did covet it when I first saw it, so I am over the moon. I cannot wait to try it out.   Love you always. Kit

Humbly I pray

Dear Karametra   I hope you are well. I am still trying to get the hang of this praying thing, so forgive me if I am not following your religious protocols and stuff. You can give me a tap with your sickle if I am not doing it correctly.   We are on the trail of another corruption, and it is pretty dire. There is some sort of sticky, gooey substance all over your lands to the North (I sound like I might know where we are, but I really have no clue. I just followed the others). We hope to get to the bottom of it by killing the creatures responsible. If we live, I will let you know how it went. If we don’t, you may want to send a clean-up crew.   Viridian once referred to our party as a family, and so my "family" is mostly well: • Dok caught the eye of this cute redhead, but he does not have much game. Viridian was having a nap at the time, or he could have given him some pointers. Dok is changing colour, but he says he feels fine. I can't imagine that changing colour is a good thing though. • Arman's lord and saviour, Erebos, seems to have gifted him quite a bit (not hinting that I need any more from you!) but it is all a little (battling to find a word here) off. I might just be a little jealous though! • I managed to get some alone time with Lhoris on a couple of watches. He told me some of what he knows about the Gods in this world. You are all very complicated and I am not sure I understood it all, but I enjoyed the chance to talk to him. Things are still a little strained with us, but I think we will work it out. • Viridian has been busy tracking for days, so he has his serious face on, but I cannot help but smile when I remember that morning we celebrated our Gods. That was a good day.   Kind regards Kit   PS I love your sable…I had a ferret named Carrot, and he was pretty special too. Make sure you tell him/her you love them every day!

The future

Hi Jer   It has been a while since I spoke to you. We are in a new world, and our short time together back in Greyhawk seems like a distant memory. But I have an important ask of you.   Viridian (you would like him) and I visited a number of temples yesterday, and they were all pretty bland, but I cannot get Karametra's temple out of my head. Karametra is the God of the Harvest, and she is all about community and family (and other things that I tuned out). I have tried praying to her for guidance, but I have no clue what I am doing.   It does not matter though. She has already given me something.   You know I can't have kids. Karametra's temple ignited some motherly instinct in me and reminded me that there are a lot of children that do not have families. I have decided that if I live through all my adventures, I am going to think about adopting a child. I know I still have a few things to learn about taking care of living things (ok a lot to learn), but if I save money on my adventures, I will one day be in a position to provide someone with a home, an education, and unconditional love.   I waited at the orphanage for years hoping someone would adopt me. When I go back, I will take the child that nobody else wants. The one that skulks in the corner, the one that the others all tease, and the one whose eyes show that they have given up hope.   I know the Blades all have things they want to do with their lives when our adventures are over, but I hope to always stay in touch with them (if they let me). The child would have a lot of great role models:   • Viridian could teach the child self-worth and to beat to their own drum. He would remind them to hold their head high, to be brave, and more importantly, to have some fun along the way.   • Lhoris could teach the child about the ways of the world, the subtleties that most people (including me) do not get and provide them with knowledge and reasoning skills.   • Dok would teach them the importance of compassion, awareness, and working for what you want. How putting others first sometimes makes you stronger, not weaker.   • Arman would teach the child the importance of community but also how to carve your own mark on this world. To not give up when things get tough and to keep trying, despite the odds.   I do not think I will ever marry again and since I do not have my own surname, I wanted to ask if I could use yours. I will obviously ask your mom too if the time ever comes.   Think about it…there is plenty of time.   Love Kit

Abandonment issues

Dear Ma   You are never going to be a grandmother. Even if I could still have kids, I am not sure I would want to expose anyone to a world that does not embrace differences. Today was not the first time I was called a halfbreed and I have built up a resistance to it. But to be dismissed so easily makes me angry. And not just me - the elves dismissed Viridian, Dok and Arman too. If those are the types of followers that Nylea attracts, she is not the patron for me. I may not have mentioned this, but I was looking for some sort of greater meaning in this new world and I stupidly considered getting some answers from one of the many gods here.   I have not given up on finding my father but this is not the place for that. I want to believe he is the one who called me Kitty Kat and that it was an affectionate name, but it may just be wishful thinking. Did he leave us cause we were different? Did having a halfbreed child embarrass him? I may never know.   Lhoris is back. It does not look like he meant to abandon us, but I am guarding my heart a little more. And sulking. Oh, and I threw a strawberry tart at him. It felt good at the time, but now I keep wondering if it tasted as good as it looked.   Arman, Viridian and I fought the Lord Champion today in a friendly match-up. It did not go well. I could not see - but I did hear the moment Viridian went down and, as a result, I took a cheap shot at the Lord with my dagger. Not my finest moment. I have seen Viridian do amazing things in a fight but this is the first time he has gone down. I know both he and Arman would have pulled out all the stops, so it means we all still have something left to learn. Hopefully, I can stick around for a while to see them both become the heroes I already think they are.   I followed Viridian out of the arena and now have an eye on him. But I am thinking he probably just needs some time alone, and that I am not respecting his privacy. I should probably just head back to the tavern and get cleaned up a little. But maybe not yet...   Love Kit PS I hope you do not see Carrot, cause that would mean he did not fare well...but if you do, tell him that I really did wish the best for him.

Hang in there Kitty Kat

Hey Kitty Kat   Yeah, I know that talking to my younger self is weird, but I am not sure that I want to share what happened today with anyone else.   So, life does get a lot more complicated. You will be glad to know that getting something to eat is never a problem anymore. We have enough coin now to eat, drink and have a warm bed every night… if we wanted to. We still prefer the floor though – it grounds us. Haha – I made a pun! We also get a slight sense of humour and life is not always so serious.   We still collect pets – there have been twelve so far – 9 mice, a rabbit, a guinea pig and a ferret. The ferret was the best. He was a little cheeky and not entirely tame, but he was ours until he decided he wanted a different life with a different family. It breaks our heart.   We are now in an adventuring party called the Diamond Blades and we have seen so much in such a short amount of time. There is Viridian, Arman, Dok, and *drumroll* Lhoris. Yes, we eventually meet up with him again and now we are on the road and in a new world together. Just a heads up that it is not easy with Lhoris. Of all the people we ever meet, this relationship is by far the most complicated. When Lhoris is disappointed in us (and it is more often than we would like), we feel like we cannot catch our breath. I would take rage, anger, or a beating over it any day.   Dok is having a good day (he found his God again) but Arman is not (we may have failed him, but time will tell).   We are still insecure. We still bite our lip until it bleeds. We are still awkward in front of most people and in conversations.   There are exceptions. We met a man who we loved and who loved us for 18 months until he died. He never judged us and accepted us for all our faults (and we have quite a few!). Viridian is another. He is a little gruff and unpolished, but he has a heart of gold (though he would be the first to try to deny it). He is probably not the best influence on us, but he is the most fun. Oh, and we have seen him totally naked and *censored for your 11-year-old arse*. You will just have to wait to find out more.   Today, we danced on a stage with a beautiful woman. Spoiler alert – we are into guys and girls (it doubles your chances of a date on a Saturday night). We also witnessed our first orgy (hopefully you do not know what that means yet). Our. Mind. Is. Blown. There is so much we still have left to learn.   We are also good at stealing. We love to fight. We f*&k up a lot. We fall down again and again, but we get up.   Hang in there. Kitty Kat.   Love Kit   PS I just realised that Kitty Kat might have been our father's name for us. It goes way back - to before the orphanage - and I remember it being said in a male voice. We have not found him yet.

New World woes

Dear Mom   Well, I had another strange dream. A message from the Gods or is my mind just processing stuff? In the dream, I was asked to stop the corruption so that Nylea would smile upon me. If it is a godly request, why can it not be simple eg save x or steal y with a handy map thrown in? I will leave Lhoris to figure out what we should be doing in this new world. My dagger is at his disposal and I will try not to disappoint him.   Not too much has happened since I lost Carrot.   • We fought and killed all the Returneds (the guys in the masks). • I spoke to Lord Champion (I was not really listening when he spoke - he could be a lord or he could be a champion of something or that could be his name). I wanted to spar with him to see how much damage he could do but then I lost interest cause he spoke A LOT. • Arman seems to have caught the attention of some scary, vindictive, netherworld God (yes, another God) and he seems a little skittish about dying. He asked me not to loot his body for some reason...but how will he know? Maybe I will be talking to him soon. • Viridian is still not ok with the whole being on the water thing and my attempts to cheer him up did not help. • Dok seems a little better I think but his God is still MIA.   We are a sorry bunch right now but at least we are back on dry land and Viridian is looking much better and has regained his swagger.   This land has humans which are half horse! Halfbreeds like me. My mind is a little baffled as to how they are conceived but something tells me that is not a polite question.   I don't know if the possibility of seeing you on the other side is real, but I hope it is. I would love to see you again one day.   Love Kit                  

Goodbye Carrot

Dearest Carrot   I know you are not dead but my heart is breaking all the same.   We have been inseparable since I got you from Viridian and I really thought you were starting to like me a little. Maybe I just fooled myself into believing that you were warming to me because I just desperately wanted you to.   I would give anything to go back to that night on the beach. I would not have let you loose to explore and I would not have left you behind. That is on me.   I am going to miss you a whole damn lot.   When I saw you as I was leaving on the boat, I wanted to ask them to turn the boat around to go back for you. But your earlier words stopped me. You deserve to have the family that you want and to be the light of someone's life. I am so glad that you will not be alone!   Thank you for coming to say goodbye - that meant a lot to me.   Please stay in the shadows like I tried to teach you. I want you to be happy but I also want you to be safe.   I love you madly Kit   PS The only good thing that came out of this is that I managed to fill a vial of tears for Arman.  

I am sorry Carrot

Dear Emissary   I am lying on my bedroll, trying to get a bit of rest. As I start to drift off, I keep seeing images of the strange men in golden masks on the beach. I always assumed that I would never leave the party behind, but I left Carrot. Emissary, if you are in a position to help, please keep him safe until I can return for him.   It has been a crazy day.   Dok is still out of sorts because he has lost his connection with Moradin. I wish I could tell him that he can talk to Moradin even if he is not around but that would mean admitting I talk to dead people. And even I know that is a little strange. I do not know anything about serving a deity but I think you can still do the work you are meant to if they are not there to see it. Dok is still who he has always been and his actions still honour Moradin.   Arman bonded with the giant over their sculpting. He created an amazing likeness of Rhaion out of a rock and I was in awe! I also know his actions and his honesty saved us from a battle we would not have won. Arman has many layers and I find him fascinating. I want to do some self-improvement in the future and I think I may see if Arman will show me one or two spells that I can add to my skills.   This speaking to animals thing that I can do with my tattoo is really rather unusual. I thought it was all happening in my head but it seems like people can see and hear me when I do. When I spoke to the crabs, I noticed Viridian looking at me strangely... almost a little disgusted. I did not like him looking at me like that. Then later he berated me for leaving Carrot behind, and rightly so. I think he sees me as a little sister and in my limited understanding of family relationships, that is probably how siblings interact. I have had dreams of Viridian though (which are definitely not sisterly), and there are the odd moments when I am attracted to him. Am I just missing Jer?   Lhoris is still everything that I wish I could be. He is an amazing strategist and good and just. Everything I see him do just impresses me more. I also think I am starting to understand the looks he gives me. Well, I definitely get the one that means "this is not the time to steal". I think stealing for me was a way to survive growing up but it has become more than that. It is also a lot of fun! It is also a way for me to feel like I have a little control in a world that still makes no sense to me. I will just pick my moments more carefully.   Anyway, hope the madness has gone and that you are at peace now.   Kind regards   Kit                    

The Gods are a Little Crazy

Dear Mom   So, we are shipwrecked on an island in this New World, somewhere in the Prime Evil Sea. I am not exactly chomping at the bit to get back to Greyhawk and my past, so I may as well make the most of this adventure. Maybe we do not have to go back...   Doc has discovered that he no longer has a connection with the deity that has blessed him with his incredible gifts. He seems melancholy and out of sorts. I am trying this new thing where I try to understand people better by relating their emotions to something that might make me feel similar. The best I could come up with is that Doc is feeling like I would feel if I lost my right hand- the hand that wields my rapier. I think I will go give him a hug. I miss his grunts.   This world has some strange deities that I have not heard of before - like Thassa, God of the Sea and Klothys who brought us here to find the champion she lost. Seems pretty careless of her, to be honest. I was feeling pretty special to be one of the chosen, but a missing person mission seems just a little lame.   The gods back home all kind of scare me with the games they play. Their followers all seem to be pawns in some sort of godly Dragon Chess game. Maybe with a little more knowledge (and if they bestowed some kick-ass gifts on me), I might see the appeal.   This world's creatures seem a tad larger than those back home - like the Kraken that took the ship down. Then early this morning, Doc and I were on watch and heard what sounded like a really big creature moving around on the island. It does not sound happy at all, and I have a sneaky suspicion it might be because it discovered the missing emerald I stole from one of the statues. In the back of my consciousness, I also have a memory of a mournful song, and I am a little on edge. Was the creature singing a sad song in the night?   I am considering returning the emerald…   Love Kit   PS I am keeping an eye out for another ram with a magical fleece. I have a riddle I think will stump them!


Dear Sbaridin   By now you know I am a fraud and no goddess. I did enjoy meeting you though and I am sorry I could not save you. In hindsight, I could have cast revivify on you but that would have made me seem even godlier and it was time for the deception to stop.   I am a thief and now an adventurer. I am also working on being a friend and a better person – but that is a work in progress and not going all that great.   I have no clue where we are or what we are doing here in your world. It is so very different from where we came from. Lhoris, Arman, Doc, Viridian and I are apparently the chosen ones. At the orphanage, I was always the last one picked – probably because I am a half-breed but possibly because I am a little odd. So it does feel kind of good to be chosen!   I wish I would have asked you about your life. Did you have big plans? Did you want to be a Captain one day? Did you believe in love? My late husband and I loved each other but I am not sure we were really in love. He was good for me, and I was good to him. I do not think I will be in a relationship again, but I do miss the nights. Should I do what Viridian does and just hook up with people on our travels? How do I make that happen? I have seen people flirting but that seems so hard.   If you were still alive, I could have asked you how to go about it. But that would probably not have come across as very godly.   I wish you well in whatever lies ahead for you.   Kit

Nature vs Nurture

Hi Mom   You have been on my mind a lot lately.   I love being with the Diamond Blades but between adventures and in our downtime, each member seems to be wrestling with their own, inner demons. This is giving me a lot of thinking time.   I know stealing is considered wrong. I know killing is bad. But things are not black and white for me.   I like to think that I am not a bad person, but I am not sure that everyone I meet would have that opinion.   Would I take food from a woman trying to feed her family or a dagger from a man defending his? Never. Would I take a painting from someone who does not appreciate art? Sure.   I had not actually killed anything before meeting up with the Diamond Blades. Apart from some of the mice I befriended - but those were accidents.   The kills we do as the Diamond Blades do not bother me as they are generally deserved. But should they bother me more? The exception is the guard I killed. There was no justification for it, and I do feel remorse.   I know there are two schools of thought on how people's characters are shaped and that it is probably a combination of both. I am a product of the way I grew up as well as whatever I inherited from you and dad. I know you were a loving and kind person – I carry those memories close. This always brings me back to my dad and what kind of person he is/was. If he was a bad person, how much of that is in me? How much of that can I change?   I hope we get into a fight soon – anything to get my head away from this self-reflection crap.   We will be back in Greyhawk soon.   Love Kit   PS I wish we had had more time together.

Two very different women and a King

Dear Mom   I finally got some rest and I feel like a new woman.   So, we met the most horrid woman and we have been travelling with her through the swamp. I had to sit on my hands last night while we were resting to avoid getting up and slicing her neck swiftly with my dagger – just to shut her up for a few minutes. We saved her life, but she has yet to say thank you. She just keeps complaining about pretty much everything, but mostly about her missing equipment. If you are watching over me, then you know I have it and have shoved it down my glamoured studded leathers. I am a tad uncomfortable but annoying her has become my guilty, petty pleasure. Also, without so much as a thank you, we deserve something for suffering the swamp, the constant mosquito attacks and the exhaustion. I did consider giving the equipment back to her - but if she had known how to use the items, she should have made herself useful and avoided getting herself and the soldiers captured. I think it is mostly magical gadgety things and I know that Arman, Lhoris and Doc will find a good use for them.   The shaman also travelled back to Blackwall with us. I believe she really wants to negotiate some sort of peace between the Lizardfolk and us soft ones (her name for us squishy folk that are not lizards). I like her and feel protective of her, and I think King Viridian does too. Do you think he will like his nickname or do you think Overlord is better? Anyway, I hope that the shaman manages to accomplish her mission.   And then there is the dragon egg. I have never even seen a dragon, but I have seen them drawn in children's books. I am a little nervous we have it, but I am sure it will be fine.   Off to the next adventure!   Love Kit and Carrot   PS: Lhoris has been a little quieter than normal and I find myself wanting to give him a big hug, Not sure he is a hugger though. I might tell him a joke I remembered. An elf, a human and a dwarf walk into a bar and order a beer. A fly lands in each drink. The Elf shoves the beer away in disdain. The Human waves the fly away and drinks the beer. The Dwarf picks the fly up, holds it over his glass and yells, “Spit it all out you little fucker!”

To dream or not to dream

Hi Jer   I am tired. So tired.   You told me stories of some of the torture you had to endure when you were captured, and I remember you saying that sleep deprivation was among the most grueling. I am not comparing what you went through with me being tired, but I am starting to see how being tired makes you a little nutty. The only way I can describe what is happening is to liken it to that feeling when you first wake up and recall a dream you had. At first, it seems so real, and then as you think about everything that happened, you realise it was just a dream.   This is what I recall:   • The Lizardfolk were fighting us, then they stopped, then they attacked again and now they are fighting with us. • Hishka, the Shaman, became Shananae (still a Shaman) and when she touched me, I felt all warm and tingly inside. I trust her. Or at least I think it is trust…maybe it has just been so long since I have been with someone, that I crave touch. • She keeps asking us to protect her eggs. Every time she does, I keep looking around for eggs but this treasure hunt is getting a little old. • I fought a huge crocodile that reminded me of Viridian and then it turned into Viridian (this one makes me giggle a bit). • At one stage, I could not see anyone in my party, and then I swam through a tunnel and found Arman and Mizzlyn. Mizzlyn was sleeping so I woke him in irritation by pouring some health juice I got from Hishka down his throat – I also want to sleep! It looked like they had been fighting a hoard of kobold and were giving as good as they got (at least until Mizzlyn's nap). • Then my last memory is of Doc flying through the air towards me. He proceeded to land quite gracefully (this one makes me laugh out loud).   I now see seven kobold in front of me. I know I am awake because I am poking the blade of the dagger into my thigh – so they are real. The rest of it was probably not real.   Hopefully, by the time we chat again, I will have had some rest.   Kit and Carrot   PS: I do not know where Lhoris and Viridian are at the moment, but I wish they were here. I like having them around.

The longest day

Dear Jer   Did you ever feel like you are a puppet on a string and that the puppeteer does not know what they are doing?   I am probably just overtired, but I am having a really bad day… and it is far from over.   I tried to make myself useful by looking for the entrance to the lizard hideout in a wall of roots and foliage - but it was like looking for balls on a cow. Viridian eventually just got frustrated and hacked a hole for us to use. It is making me question my use to this group. Right now, I feel as useful as a bath sponge tasked with mopping up a river.   We eventually got into the Lizard's lair/camp/hideout. For me, I got there headfirst … straight into some harpy crap. I am currently covered in a vile-smelling, retch-inducing paste of bird shit and I would trade my lock-picking tools for a long, hot bath. Even the swamp smell was not this bad. On a positive note, the paste seems to make the mosquito bites less itchy.   There was nothing stealthy about our entrance. The Blades might as well have blown a foghorn at a funeral to announce our arrival.   Mizzlyn, Arman and Viridian went one way and Doc, Lhoris and I went the other way.   Lhoris seemed a little irritated with me, and rightly so. I was not watching where I was going and got in the range of a straight shot he had on one of the Lizardfolk. I tried to move out the way by heading down some stairs and got inappropriately fondled by a vine (my first action in a while), and then entangled. I had to be rescued by Doc (bless him) and I am a little mortified, to be honest. I did manage to kill the plant later - but not quite the heroic action a bard would sing songs about.   We are off to go try to kill the king of the Lizardmen. A good fight might put me in a better mood.   Wish us luck!   Kit & Carrot   PS I tried to steal a hug from Carrot, but his mood matches mine. At least his spontaneous and vindicative little bites jolt me awake.

Speaking in Tongues

Dear Jer   It has been an unusually long day, and the Blades are now taking a short break from swamping. My body is covered in mosquito bites – those little bastards even managed to get through my leather armour … or up it, which is worse. The itch is strong on my butt – I just want to drag my behind on the ground like a dog to scratch it.   Lots happened.   • There is an old mage possessed by green worms in the Keep. Jared and the other soldiers seemed terrified of it. We have not seen it yet, but I am very curious. Hopefully, when we return, we can deworm the mage.   • Jared asked us to rescue a mage (a different one) and some soldiers that the Lizardmen had taken. Viridian and Doc navigated us through the swamp to find their hideout. Mizzlyn is also highly perceptive and kept an eye out for anything ViriDoc missed. I had a giggle at Doc needing to take two steps for every one of Viridians. They were chatting away in Dethek, so I did not catch what they were saying, but they seemed to be bonding. On the way back to the Keep, I am going to ask Viridian for a ride in the Bugbear harness. I will be able to see till the ends of Oerth!   • While we were trekking through the swamp, Arman did this thing with magic to keep his boots dry and I was a little jealous. I bet he does not have one blister from our long walk.   • I managed to speak to a crocodile today and he was so nice! I don't know why anyone would wear Crocs! When I first entered his mind, he managed to show me he had a really bad toothache – and he seemed apologetic for being grumpier than normal. On our way out of the swamp, I hope we run into him again. We can tell him we (well Viridian) managed to kill the snake he feared. I know it will make his day!   • I met my first (and second harpy) today. They are charming when they sing but they also have a deafening screech when they are unhappy. How do you make a harpy unhappy? Arman figured it out. Apparently, beheading her sister and swinging the head around will do it. The harpy sang like a canary and told us to look out for the entrance to the lizard hideout up ahead.   • Lhoris was chatting to a Lizardman earlier and I am off to ask him how he managed to do that. It is such a grating language with a couple of achhhs (the sound you make when you clear your throat) and plenty of hissing. I do think Lhoris may have missed some social cues though as the Lizardman did not seem to like him much and tried to take him on. Lizardman 0, Lhoris 1.   Chat soon   Kit, Carrot, Boo and Vera   PS Despite being cold, wet, itchy and tired, I am happy.

Spice and all things nice

Hi Ma   I have this magical spice pouch and every time I say the name of a spice, I can grab a pinch of it. I have been saying cinnamon a lot because it brings back fond memories of you (and makes me crave pancakes).   I made some more memories in Greyhawk with the Blades. We did a bonding over pain exercise at the tattoo parlour and I got two tattoos. I was a little nervous and wanted to ask one of the guys to hold my hand, but they would probably (definitely) have laughed at me. One tattoo says, "Your song is finished but your melody lingers on". I will always remember you and Jer fondly, but the pain of your loss seems to be mostly gone. My other tattoo (in Elvish) represents the journey I am on but, according to Lhoris, it may not have the meaning I intended. It does not matter though. I do not need a reminder that I am enjoying myself. Today we fought a lounge of Lizardfolk. Lhoris and Doc went off to save the people in the tower by themselves and the rest of us headed for some troops we could see. I can only assume Lhoris and Doc did admirably cause when went we went back to the tower, we saw lizard bodies splattered everywhere. A lot of them had tiny hammer mark indentations.   Mizzlyn literally punched a bunch of Lizardfolk to death with his fists. He is fast and lethal. He is definitely the person to have around in tavern brawls. I have never been in one but, with this group, it is just a matter of time.   Arman has serious magic! While I was concentrating on one lizard at a time, he just zapped a bunch of them. He killed the chieftain in a tidal wave(!!) to stop him from escaping. It hit me too, but I hope I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and that it was not intentional. Or maybe he thought I could handle it, which is flattering. I am not sure how these group dynamics really work, but it did seem like Arman broke group code today by sneaking in and taking the final blow on Viridian's main target. I should give Arman a heads up that Viridian is pissed, but I am still soaked and grumpy.   After the battle was done, Viridian and I looted the bodies, and I found this fancy dagger. I have no idea what it can do, but I will find out the next time I need to stab something. I feel like it may be special enough to deserve a kickass name.   On a high after the battle, I agreed to play strip poker with Viridian. I had barely drawn the cards when Viridian was completely naked and heading back to the others. I am not too sure he knows the rules of the game.   Right now, the Blades are resting and catching their breath. Lhoris wants to explore some more, so I invited myself along so I can spend more time with him.   Love Kit, Carrot, Vera and Boo   PS My training with Carrot went well today. He started biting Vera and Boo, so I have separated them. During the battle, I had Carrot in a pouch under my cloak and kept feeding him bits of dried beef I had stashed in my pocket. He still bites and draws blood, but I do not think his heart is completely in it anymore.   If we have time, I am going to ask one of the guards in the tower if they have any children at home that would love to care for a rabbit and a guinea pig. I fear I am going to get them killed and disappoint Viridian. I think he would be ok with me finding a good home for them.  

Still waters

Dear Jer   I once told you how envious I felt when the kids at the orphanage found homes – they always looked so hopeful and happy. I think I now know how they felt. Lhoris, Viridian, Doc, Arman and Mizzlyn make me feel like I am part of something. Together, we are called the Diamond Blades. How frikken fierce does that sound!   We were in Greyhawk and I went to visit your mom and brought her some of those Elderberry fruit dumplings she loves. I could see she was proud that I had remembered her advice to never visit anyone without bringing baked goods. Mama Esther at the Bakery put a little something extra in the dumplings that helps to lift moods. It was probably sugar but it worked like magic and she seemed a lot happier after she had eaten them. Your mom misses you something terrible...   Viridian just disappeared for two days and then he arrived back this morning bearing thoughtful and expensive gifts for everyone…even Lhoris! My working theory is that he got lucky somewhere and wanted to share the afterglow. Or maybe we are growing on him.   Let me tell you what I got!!   I got this amazing pouch that looks empty. Viridian mentioned something about spices which made me think about the saffron your mom put in your birthday stew. When I said the word out loud, a pinch of saffron appeared. I tried salt, pepper and cinnamon too. They just appeared right there between my fingers. Then I ran out of spice names. I might sneak into a library and go research spice names. I am sure there are a few more.   Viridian also gave me a ferret named Carrot, a rabbit and a guinea pig. The rabbit and guinea pig are very cute, but Carrot is my favourite. He is scrappy, has tons of attitude and keeps biting me. Last night, I tried to cuddle with him and ended up with a bloody, inflamed lip. Your mom once told me that there is more to all living creatures than what you can see - IF you bother to look. I think that is true of Viridian too.   We met two of the Circle of Eight and Lhoris told them all about our adventures. Mr Otto made me a little mad when he ate all the scones I had brought for tea. I did consider stopping him, but I blinked and all that remained were crumbs on his robe - it was both horrifying and impressive at the same time. It reminded me of the Bugbear eating the Ape meat. Otto is very sarcastic, but he has a very naughty sparkle in his eye - I cannot help but think he likes us a lot but maybe I have it wrong. I did not quite catch the other guy's name (I know it rhymes with Fucktard) but will ask Lhoris about it later as he knows a lot about everything.   We are now on another mission for Allustan who challenged our group to some riddles tonight. I did try, but they were hard. Even with the answers, I only managed to understand them after thinking about them later that night. Riddles are quite clever. I think I will ask Doc if he has some for me to practice with – Doc got the one that I battled with most. Later, while everyone else was sleeping, Mizzlyn and I did a guard shift together. We did not say much to each other, but I think we both needed the silence after the last few days of crazy. I do want to ask him more about himself but I will look for another opportunity.   Till my next adventure.   Kit, Carrot & the Others   PS I might get a tattoo. Arman told us about the lineage tattoos on his back and what they represent. He is far from his clan at the moment, but I think the tattoos may remind him that his clan will never be far from him.

What happens on the road, stays on the road

Dear Garras   We did not officially get to meet, but I am one of Viridian's friends. I do not think anyone, other than your partner (Kendra? – pretty name), was sorry to see you die today. It made your funeral (you were set alight in the cart you ambushed) a little hollow.   Since you might have some time now to reflect on your mistakes and maybe to figure out all of Viridian's insults while you are at it, I thought I would tell you where you went wrong:   1. Never challenge someone who has friends; 2. Never challenge someone more superior to you in battle; and most importantly 3. You should not have killed the party on the road before us - it turned out to bite you in your Garr-ass (I hope you get this joke). If we might have had mercy on you, this sealed your fate.   I finally got to thank Lhoris today (the one who cut your partner down before she had time to shed too many tears). I watched him quite intently as he opened the gift I gave him, but I did not see a flicker of recognition for the item on his face. So, I am sure he is not my father. Long story but I did not know my father, so I constantly look for him in all the elves I meet. He did seem to genuinely like the gift though, which made me incredibly happy! I still smile when I picture his face and I hope it gives him many hours of joy. I do wish I had had the courage to approach him years ago – some of my choices might have been different. But like he said: "Harp not on the actions of the past".   Oh, remind me to disguise myself before we head back into Greyhawk. I am not sure I want people to know I am back yet. I might pay a visit to Mrs Veruga just to let her know I am ok and to bring her some pastries from that bakery she loves.   That's all from me.   At least you and Kendra are together…   Solemnly   Kit   PS I do not really have the inclination to look for another mouse companion right now. Being around Lhoris, Viridian, Doc, Arman and Mizzlyn is a lot. But nice, really nice.   PPS Doc was formidable in battle today and delivered much pain.  

Death and things

Dear Dead Guard I killed (I guess if I can talk to my dead husband, I can talk to you)   I am sorry you died. I wish you had been a little stronger.   I did consider paying to have you brought back to life, but then I do not know if you were a good or bad man. Since there was a 50% chance of either, I paid Sherriff Jamis 500 gold for a good burial instead of the 1000 gold to have you resurrected.   My friend Bud has this theory that if you lived your life well, that the afterlife is one continuous orgasm. So maybe you have that to look forward to. Or maybe you will be reunited with the person whose lock of hair you carried. You have options. If you go to a terrible place, we will probably meet one day. Then you can get payback.   Ok, enough about you.   My day was pretty good considering how it started badly with me killing you.   We made short work of the statues in the library. You probably hoped we would die there. A monk from some monastery in the twilight helped. He does a lot of damage. Also, your boss killed himself. If you see him, tell him that was stupid. He would have been better off dying a more noble death - as you did.   The Bugbear is free (ish)! Mr Revven had this good idea to shrink him, and Arman made that happen with magic. The Bugbear was ok being hugged by Viridian who took him outside to the courtyard. It definitely has a lot more space than the cramped cage he was in. The Bugbear loves ape meat! Doc carried out one of the apes we had killed, and the Bugbear got stuck in! He seemed much happier. I got a good look at the animal for the first time, and I have no idea why they call it a Bugbear. It looks more like a bird. Ok, maybe a little bear too.   After Viridian took the fall for your murder (I find I want to hug him a lot), I pulled Jamis aside to tell him that it had been me. I do not think Jamis wants to be drinking buddies with me at the Feral Dog Inn anymore as he strongly suggested we all get out of town. I am happy for his promotion to Sherrif though…he deserves it. I hope he will remember that this party is responsible for that though. If they had not started this adventure, Sherriff Cubbin would still be getting away with all his horrendous deeds.   Then we went back to Inn (I am sure you have been there as your boss apparently owned the place). I hope the new owner will improve the ale. I tried matching drink for drink with Doc and Viridian, but that was not smart! When the barbarian started looking attractive, I decided to stop drinking.   I hope you rest in peace. Kit   PS If you see Alduin, tell him I say hi! He was apparently tainted and could not be brought back to us.

My head is spinning

Hi Jer   Things are not going well today. Firstly, I am talking to you in my head while I should be preparing to face two statues which have just come to life. Talking to myself just cannot be a good thing! Secondly, I am so distracted by everything that has happened.   Both Doc and Mr Revven went down during a fight we had with three overgrown monkeys. I like them so much and find myself wanting them to stick around forever. Like a coward, I just kept attacking with a bow from far. Thankfully, they were just unconscious and are now back with us (Doc's magic)! Although, Mr Revven has not been himself since we woke up. I find that when he is out of sorts, then so am I.   Then Viridian made my eyes leak a little. We came across a Bugbear stuffed in a cage and it may or may not be one he knows (and loves). Viridian, who always seems to know what to do, seemed at a loss as to what to do. He ran around trying to feed the Bugbear through the cage - but I think he just wants it out of that damn cage. So do I. I know when the guys put their heads together, they will be able to figure out the best way to do it without us having to hurt it (or it hurt us)! Arman seems to be very wise!   Then there is what I did.   I killed a guard, unnecessarily. He was just protecting this house - something he was paid to do. In his possession, he had a ring attached to a lock of hair. Did it belong to someone he loved and lost? Did he desperately long for this person to be alive - like I do with you? I feel like a monster.   I need to get my head in this fight or I will be of no use.   Kit   PS Mouse 9 seems to have disappeared. I changed my hair colour to purple this morning and it might have scared him away.


Jer,   I am writing a really short note cause I am totally exhausted. Not sure it is because of all we went through today or just emotional fatigue, but I feel compelled to sleep.   So Alduin, the guy who came to my rescue earlier today, died. The magical people may try and bring him back, so if he is on your side...send him back! I owe him a debt of kindness I would love to be able to repay.   I hate hate seeing all my friends so sad. They are such crazy, brave, special people.   If I get up early enough, I am going to see if I can make them pancakes. They always make me feel better.   Miss you   Kit and Mouse 9   x   PS I flew today. How freaking crazy is that!

My new friends

Hi Jer   I have not thought about you for a while - there has been so much happening. It feels like a week but it is still only the same day. Things got even hairier today! I lost count of the number of creatures that came at us. This group I am "hanging" with is all so impressive - in different ways. I had fun.   Arman, the one with the gentle smile, uses magic quite a bit. He created this big dirt hand out of nothing that held our hostage so he could not escape. The hostage has these big eyes that dart everywhere - he will definitely visit my nightmares later. Hopefully, we will get some information that will help the party get some answers to what they are looking for. I do not understand exactly what they need yet but when I do, I can hopefully help. Arman can also identify the properties of different magical items. Turns out some of the loot we secured is magical!   There was this really strong creature that almost took Viridian down ... but not quite! V is a powerhouse - which just shows you how strong the creature was. Doc, the guy who makes everyone feel better, landed the killing blow (which V looked pissed about). Doc not only deals damage but also heals people. I was feeling pretty weak but not trying to show it when Doc did the thing he does and I felt a warm, peaceful glow (similar to memories of my mom) and then most of my strength returned. He has such an amazing talent - a gift.   I kept throwing the dagger and then having to find it, so Mr Revven gave me a light crossbow to use and I quickly got the hang of it. I do not know how to describe my feelings for Lhoris (which is what the others call him). I get very clumsy around him much as you do around someone you admire very much. But that is not the right word and I am a little too tired to come up with the right one.   I did have a totally Kit moment when I fell from a rickety bridge but luckily only Alduin saw me and I hope he is too much of a gentleman to mention it. Alduin fights with many different weapons and he is super stealthy it seems. I can learn a lot from him. He also came to my rescue today when some creatures snuck up on me unexpectedly and I was a little out of my depth.   Today, for the first time in a long time, I feel alive and present. I am starting to think about tomorrow again.   Miss you still Kit and Mouse 9   PS: You have never lived till you see a Barbarian wearing the face of one of his kills wink at you! I think I blushed and peed myself at the same time.    

Kit in Diamond Lake

Dear Jer   Before I left Greyhawk, Cook told me that if the grief felt too overwhelming, that I should just talk to you. My new companions would 100% think I was nuts if I did that, so I am going to try to write in this journal instead.   I think you would be proud of me. For one, I left Greyhawk (but I already told you that), and secondly, I met new people. I was nervous at first but then I heard your voice telling me that I needed to open up more.   They are all very odd, but I like them.   We fought side by side. That was so exciting. I saw monk moves, firebolts for the first time (and holy heck they can cause damage), and also one of the party disappeared and then appeared again - it was freaky as fuck. There is the most intense dwarf with us too…he has this gruff voice, but he looks out for everyone. The barbarian is pretty scary looking though when he rages but his fury was directed at the creatures we were fighting. The barbarian and the knight (who can do magic!) do not seem to like each other but everyone works so well together. Doubt they will ever admit it though!   I think the knight is the leader.   I could learn a lot from them if they let me hang around.   Oh, and I know one of them, but I do not think he recognised me. But more on that later cause right now we need to move on.   Miss you x Kit & Mouse 9  


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