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Kit is a half-elf rogue with a shady past she is not necessarily proud of. She considers locks and safes a challenge that must be overcome. If Kit ever tells you her history, she considers you a friend.

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Thu 18th Aug 2022 12:11

A crisis of faith but the start of something new

by Kit

Dear Jer
It has been a while since I have spoken to you and I wanted to apologise for that. I will never forget you, even though our time was short. You showed me a lot of kindness and patience, and I loved you for that.
I mentioned that I was a follower of Karametra. A lot has happened that has caused me to question that faith. I am starting to think that the Gods all have personal agendas and that none of them deserve our complete devotion. Lhoris got that right - we should be asking a lot more questions. I am not sure that Arman even trusts Erebos, and I cannot see Keranos, Nylea and even Purphoros bringing a lot of happiness to my other friends. I hope I am wrong.
When I died, Karametra said something to me that has stuck with me. She said: "If your friends return life to your body, then we will have much to do together. If not, then I will choose another." It made me realise that to the Gods, even one as wonderful as I think Karametra is, mortals are replaceable and interchangeable. We are not special. If we do not serve a purpose, are we just worthless to them?
I think our goal in this world or in the previous one is to find happiness where we can.
Your mom once asked me why I married you and I told her it was because you treated me well and looked after me. She seemed disappointed by my answer. I am starting to understand that she wanted more for you, and I think for me too. It is a cliché, but I realise now that I was looking for a father figure and not a partner.
I have found someone else, and I do not know where exactly it will go or where it will end. He is stubborn and impulsive and proud. He makes me want to scream sometimes but we are good for each other. He makes me laugh but he also makes me think and reminds me that I do not always have to take life so seriously. It is never going to be easy - we are both strong willed and have a lot of baggage that we carry from our past. But it will be exciting, passionate and fun. I think we could make each other happy. That, or we could end up killing each other.

Kit's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Kit in Diamond Lake
    09 Dec 2021 03:24:46
  2. My new friends
    19 Dec 2021 10:01:52
  3. Tragedy
    21 Dec 2021 07:26:43
  4. My head is spinning
    30 Dec 2021 03:34:48
  5. Death and things
    05 Jan 2022 04:42:25
  6. What happens on the road, stays on the road
    11 Jan 2022 10:36:51
  7. Still waters
    18 Jan 2022 06:20:40
  8. Spice and all things nice
    25 Jan 2022 01:51:00
  9. Speaking in Tongues
    02 Feb 2022 04:49:44
  10. The longest day
    09 Feb 2022 12:55:53
  11. To dream or not to dream
    23 Feb 2022 03:37:17
  12. Two very different women and a King
    03 Mar 2022 06:03:16
  13. Nature vs Nurture
    09 Mar 2022 07:33:19
  14. Chosen
    17 Mar 2022 01:17:38
  15. The Gods are a Little Crazy
    03 Apr 2022 06:57:06
  16. I am sorry Carrot
    16 Apr 2022 07:09:25
  17. Goodbye Carrot
    19 Apr 2022 05:35:02
  18. New World woes
    27 Apr 2022 04:38:22
  19. Hang in there Kitty Kat
    03 May 2022 05:58:30
  20. Abandonment issues
    10 May 2022 03:39:02
  21. The future
    25 May 2022 05:51:57
  22. Humbly I pray
    07 Jun 2022 12:02:20
  23. Sun in my pocket and the moon in my hands
    20 Jun 2022 02:03:47
  24. Do not judge a horse by its handprints
    21 Jun 2022 01:12:06
  25. Regret and shame
    04 Jul 2022 02:34:19
  26. Endless days
    06 Jul 2022 10:02:48
  27. Ouch!
    13 Jul 2022 10:48:27
  28. I died
    04 Aug 2022 01:34:51
  29. A crisis of faith but the start of something new
    18 Aug 2022 12:11:46

The major events and journals in Kit's history, from the beginning to today.

A crisis of faith but the start of something new

Dear Jer It has been a while since I have spoken to you and I wanted to apologise for that. I will never forget you, even though our time was short. You showed me a lot of kindness and patience, and I loved you for that. I mentioned that I was a fol...

12:11 pm - 18.08.2022

I died

Dear Mom I was dead and I gave my friends a big scare. I always expected to be reunited with you when I died, but I think death is more complicated than I imagined. I died in a completely different world to you, and may never get back to Greyhawk, s...

01:34 pm - 04.08.2022


Dear Karametra I am close - sleeping at your temple tonight. I got badly hurt today and my friends brought me here to try to recover. Your priest (and Dok) healed me, thank you Karametra! It seems I have some sort of lingering weakness that hopefully,...

10:48 am - 13.07.2022

Endless days

Dear Mom I wish you were still around. I could use a hug and for someone to tell me everything will be ok. The days seem longer than normal and the trip to Edessa feels neverending. I am also not getting much sleep at night. Dok and Trixi seem to b...

10:02 am - 06.07.2022

Regret and shame

Dear Karametra I am a mess right now. I have given Nylea's bow to Lhoris. It was not easy. In the process, I lost a friend but managed to pay a debt. Let us start with the debt. When I was younger, Lhoris found me beaten and bleeding in an alle...

05:58 pm - 30.06.2022

Do not judge a horse by its handprints

Dear Nylea My name is Kit. I am with an adventuring party called the Diamond Blades and we are not originally from here. I am not 100% sure why we were brought here, but I am grateful for the opportunity given to us by Klothys to explore a new world. ...

01:10 pm - 21.06.2022

Sun in my pocket and the moon in my hands

Dear Mom I am happy and feeling incredibly lucky to have people in my life that seem to want to stick around for a while. I still need to process everything and try figure out what exactly happened but here are my initial thoughts. Firstly, we manag...

11:37 am - 14.06.2022

Humbly I pray

Dear Karametra I hope you are well. I am still trying to get the hang of this praying thing, so forgive me if I am not following your religious protocols and stuff. You can give me a tap with your sickle if I am not doing it correctly. We are on t...

12:02 pm - 07.06.2022

The future

Hi Jer It has been a while since I spoke to you. We are in a new world, and our short time together back in Greyhawk seems like a distant memory. But I have an important ask of you. Viridian (you would like him) and I visited a number of temples yes...

05:51 am - 25.05.2022

Abandonment issues

Dear Ma You are never going to be a grandmother. Even if I could still have kids, I am not sure I would want to expose anyone to a world that does not embrace differences. Today was not the first time I was called a halfbreed and I have built up a resi...

08:06 am - 10.05.2022

Hang in there Kitty Kat

Hey Kitty Kat Yeah, I know that talking to my younger self is weird, but I am not sure that I want to share what happened today with anyone else. So, life does get a lot more complicated. You will be glad to know that getting something to eat is nev...

05:58 am - 03.05.2022

New World woes

Dear Mom Well, I had another strange dream. A message from the Gods or is my mind just processing stuff? In the dream, I was asked to stop the corruption so that Nylea would smile upon me. If it is a godly request, why can it not be simple eg save x or...

04:38 pm - 27.04.2022

Goodbye Carrot

Dearest Carrot I know you are not dead but my heart is breaking all the same. We have been inseparable since I got you from Viridian and I really thought you were starting to like me a little. Maybe I just fooled myself into believing that you we...

05:35 pm - 19.04.2022

I am sorry Carrot

Dear Emissary I am lying on my bedroll, trying to get a bit of rest. As I start to drift off, I keep seeing images of the strange men in golden masks on the beach. I always assumed that I would never leave the party behind, but I left Carrot. Emissar...

07:00 am - 16.04.2022

The Gods are a Little Crazy

Dear Mom So, we are shipwrecked on an island in this New World, somewhere in the Prime Evil Sea. I am not exactly chomping at the bit to get back to Greyhawk and my past, so I may as well make the most of this adventure. Maybe we do not have to go back...

06:57 pm - 03.04.2022


Dear Sbaridin By now you know I am a fraud and no goddess. I did enjoy meeting you though and I am sorry I could not save you. In hindsight, I could have cast revivify on you but that would have made me seem even godlier and it was time for the decepti...

07:55 am - 17.03.2022

Nature vs Nurture

Hi Mom You have been on my mind a lot lately. I love being with the Diamond Blades but between adventures and in our downtime, each member seems to be wrestling with their own, inner demons. This is giving me a lot of thinking time. I know steal...

07:33 pm - 09.03.2022

Two very different women and a King

Dear Mom I finally got some rest and I feel like a new woman. So, we met the most horrid woman and we have been travelling with her through the swamp. I had to sit on my hands last night while we were resting to avoid getting up and slicing her neck...

06:03 pm - 03.03.2022

To dream or not to dream

Hi Jer I am tired. So tired. You told me stories of some of the torture you had to endure when you were captured, and I remember you saying that sleep deprivation was among the most grueling. I am not comparing what you went through with me being ti...

03:37 pm - 23.02.2022

The longest day

Dear Jer Did you ever feel like you are a puppet on a string and that the puppeteer does not know what they are doing? I am probably just overtired, but I am having a really bad day… and it is far from over. I tried to make myself useful by lo...

12:55 pm - 09.02.2022

Speaking in Tongues

Dear Jer It has been an unusually long day, and the Blades are now taking a short break from swamping. My body is covered in mosquito bites – those little bastards even managed to get through my leather armour … or up it, which is worse. The itch i...

04:49 pm - 02.02.2022

Spice and all things nice

Hi Ma I have this magical spice pouch and every time I say the name of a spice, I can grab a pinch of it. I have been saying cinnamon a lot because it brings back fond memories of you (and makes me want pancakes). I got two tattoos in Greyhawk befor...

09:23 am - 25.01.2022

Still waters

Dear Jer I once told you how envious I felt when the kids at the orphanage found homes – they always looked so hopeful and happy. I think I now know how they felt. Lhoris, Viridian, Doc, Arman and Mizzlyn make me feel like I am part of something. Tog...

06:20 pm - 18.01.2022

What happens on the road, stays on the road

Dear Garras We did not officially get to meet, but I am one of Viridian's friends. I do not think anyone, other than your partner (Kendra? – pretty name), was sorry to see you die today. It made your funeral (you were set alight in the cart you ambus...

06:11 am - 11.01.2022

Death and things

Dear Dead Guard I killed (I guess if I can talk to my dead husband, I can talk to you) I am sorry you died. I wish you had been a little stronger. I did consider paying to have you brought back to life, but then I do not know if you were a good or ...

04:42 am - 05.01.2022

My head is spinning

Hi Jer Things are not going well today. Firstly, I am talking to you in my head while I should be preparing to face two statues which have just come to life. Talking to myself just cannot be a good thing! Secondly, I am so distracted by everything tha...

03:34 pm - 30.12.2021


Jer, I am writing a really short note cause I am totally exhausted. Not sure it is because of all we went through today or just emotional fatigue, but I feel compelled to sleep. So Alduin, the guy who came to my rescue earlier today, died. The magi...

07:19 am - 21.12.2021

My new friends

Hi Jer I have not thought about you for a while - there has been so much happening. It feels like a week but it is still only the same day. Things got even hairier today! I lost count of the number of creatures that came at us. This group I am "hangi...

10:01 pm - 19.12.2021

Kit in Diamond Lake

Dear Jer Before I left Greyhawk, Cook told me that if the grief felt too overwhelming, that I should just talk to you. My new companions would 100% think I was nuts if I did that, so I am going to try to write in this journal instead. I think you wo...

03:24 pm - 09.12.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kit.

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Other Characters by Kymburlee