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"Gnomeswinger" ,"Lizardsbane", "Bearfather", "Kingbiter" Viridian

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, muscular, intimidating.

Body Features

Smooth, hairless and cool-to-the-touch greyish brown skin. Like the feel of a hard, polished stone.

Facial Features

Clean shaven with long dark brown hair atop his head.

Identifying Characteristics

A few tribal tattoos.

Physical quirks

Think, Jason Momoa in Aquaman. That's basically Viridian.

Special abilities

Wild Surge. Innate and often uncontrollable surges of Dao-based magic manifests when his emotions rage.   Magic Awareness: Viridian can open his awareness to the presence of concentrated magic.   Danger Sense: Advantage on Dex Saves that he can see.   Reckless Attack: Advantage on attacks, but opponent also has advantage against him.   Earth Walk: He can move across difficult terrain made of earth or stone without expending extra movement.   Merge with Stone: He can cast the 'Pass Without Trace' spell once per long rest with this trait.

Apparel & Accessories

Scantly clothed in leathers, typical of his tribal upbringing in the Dry Steppes. Also, weapons - many weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Viridian grew up hailing from one of the nomadic tribes that migrates around the southwestern most portion of the Dry Steppes, along the northern base of the Sulhaut Mountain range. His early life was wrought with strife, hardship and unacceptance. Even his own father, the very man who reluctantly raised him, treated him with distain and indifference growing up. You see, Viridian was not exactly like the other children being raised in the tribe around him. He was, something… different. And being different in their small tribal society was not celebrated as other peoples’ might, but rather viewed as unknown and indecipherable. The simple life his people led did not invite such anomalies, and shunned them for fear of the unknown.   Many years ago Viridian’s father had slain a powerful wizard he naively believed was casting a foul dark magic upon the land. As the wizard was deep in a ritualistic trance, his father crept up behind him and stabbed him in the back. As it would happen, the wizard was trying to capture and enslave a mighty Dao nearby, but his father’s unknowing actions had inadvertently freed the creature from the wizard’s spell. Magical beings from the Elemental Plane of Earth, Dao (often known as Earth Genies) fear nothing greater than being enslaved and losing their freedom. This one in particular had the form of a woman with unparalleled beauty, who was now deeply thankful to her rescuer. Repaying her debt in kindness, the two ended up spending several days and nights together in passionate and lustful embrace. After their time together the beautiful Dao left without a word, only to return several months later with an infant she ungraciously handed to Viridian’s father. That would be the last time he saw the creature, and was now burdened with raising a son he never asked for.   Viridian was named when a traveling mage came to their tribe one day when he was around 5 years old. Up until that point, he was indifferently called “Boy” by his father and the rest of his people. The mage witnessed this boy being teased and bullied by older children of the tribe, and was quite awed to see the boy’s eyes glow bright green amid the turmoil. Somehow in an act of rage the young boy manifested an invisible force that thrust the bullies away and sent them running scared. The mage was naturally intrigued by the event and had tried prying information on the boy’s origins from his father, who would not acquiesce. For his father told no one, not even his fellow tribesmen, where the boy came from – only that someone had left the boy at his door one night. The mage had mentioned the boy’s viridian-colored glowing eyes, and from then on, he took the name Viridian for himself.   Shunned even more after that chaotic event, and now feared by many in the tribe, Viridian’s childhood was far from easy or loving. Always an outcast and never accepted, he grew to hold an inner rage that often fueled whatever motivations or challenges he faced. He spent most of his time away from the tribe, out in the rocky expanses or cavernous mountains searching for any truth to the whispered rumors of his origin. Over time Viridian grew into a strong bulking beast of a man who no one challenged or teased any more, but rather was feared by all in his small tribe. The elders approached him one day when he was 19 years old asking him to leave, which he agreed to without question. He gathered what few meager belongings he had and set off to the east, following along the base of the Sulhaut Mountains.   Viridian now travels the lands of Flanaess constantly seeking any kind of proof or affirmation of his origin or mother. He tends to avoid major cities or populations when he can, often put off by the misunderstanding of most people he encounters. Sometimes a cold shoulder and a suspicious glare are the best he can hope for, but in more rural and simple places, he often faces ostracism and even violence from people who mistake him for a fiend or other abomination, due to his discolored grey skin and glowing green eyes. He truly feels more at home among the wilds anyways. Viridian has spent the last 6 years since leaving his tribe, traveling away from the Dry Steppes. He initially followed the Sulhaut Mtns east and then north, and next took the pass above the Banner Hills east and ventured through the Bramblewood Forrest. Later passing through Veluna, he eventually has recently made his way to the free city of Greyhawk in search of a rumor that might give an answer to his origin.   Viridian constantly pushes himself to improve, honing his talents and perfecting his body and skills. Finding quick mercenary contracts or tasks of manual labor befitting someone of his size and strength, he is usually able to make enough coin to support his travels. Though he grew up being shunned and ignored by his own tribe and family, over the years he has become quite confident in his capabilities, and he now walks with his head held high, though some might see this as almost arrogant. Nevertheless, rarely does one dare to challenge him or hurl insults. For when they do, the last thing they see before waking up in the infirmary (or worse) are those glowing viridian eyes.


Viridian looooooooves the ladies.


No formal education whatsoever, aside from the School of Hard Knocks. Viridian grew up in a harsh land with even harsher criticism and treatment as a child. He has spent his whole young life training himself to fight for what he wants.


Viridian has worked odd jobs befitting his skills and stature along his wandering travels. Mercenary work, bounty hunting, and bodyguard are some of the most often taken jobs.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Viridian is quite a big deal... in his own mind.

Mental Trauma

Viridian was shunned and poorly treated all throughout his childhood in the small tribal village he was raised. Now, he is driven by a wanderlust that led him away from that home, in search of something.

Intellectual Characteristics

Viridian definitely is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he knows fighting and combat well enough, and has learned to survive on his own in a harsh and dangerous world.

Morality & Philosophy

Viridian is a free spirit - no one tells him what to do. He constantly strives to find worth in a world that does not understand him. There’s no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Personality Characteristics


Viridian is driven by a wanderlust that led him away from home, in search of something. He strives to find worth in a world that does not understand him.

Likes & Dislikes

Viridian likes strong drinks, pretty women, and tough fights. The order they come doesn't always matter.

Vices & Personality flaws

Viridian tends to be over-confident, which often leads to situations where he is in over his head. That confidence can seem cocky or arrogant to some. By his very heritage, Viridian can also be very greedy when it comes to aquiring gold and items he deems valuable. He is also no stranger to cruelty, but only when it comes to dealing with foes who oppose him.


Viridian is no slob, and will try and look his best for the ladies, but during and after the heat of battle, he usually ends up plenty spoiled with the mess that comes from dismembering foes. He often revels in the stink of battle or passion equally.


Contacts & Relations

A life of wandering from place to place has left him with little to no meaninful contacts or relationships.

Family Ties

None from his tribal paternal side. His current life goal is to find more info about his maternal, Dao side.   As an earth genasi, Viridian is descended from the cruel and greedy dao, though he isn’t necessarily evil. He has inherited some measure of control over earth, reveling in superior strength and solid power.   Genasi inherit something from both sides of their dual nature. They resemble humans but have unusual skin color (gray in Viridian's case), and there is something odd about them. The elemental blood flowing through their veins manifests differently in each genasi, often as magical power.   Genasi almost never have contact with their elemental parents. Genies seldom have interest in their mortal offspring, seeing them as accidents. Many feel nothing for their genasi children at all.

Religious Views



Cocky, confident, agressive.   Wild and Confident; Genasi rarely lack confidence, seeing themselves as equal to almost any challenge in their path. This certainty might manifest as graceful self-assurance in one genasi and arrogance in another. Such self- confidence can sometimes blind genasi to risk, and their great plans often get them and others into trouble.   Too much failure can chip away at a genasi’s sense of self, so they constantly push themselves to improve, honing their talents and perfecting their craft.

Hobbies & Pets

Baby Owlbear!


Low, gratey voice - like Batman.

Viridian is a tall, muscular, hulking figure with smooth, hairless, and cool grey skin, long brown hair, and black eyes that glow bright green when he rages. He is over confident, humorous and rash in his decision making.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Gnomeswinger" ,"Lizardsbane", "Bearfather", "Kingbiter"
Date of Birth
Common Year 551
Dry Steppes, along the northern base of the Sulhaut Mountains
Current Residence
Homeless and prone to wander from town to town
Black, but glow bright green when he rages
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
300 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Viridian usually spouts bad puns whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Known Languages
Common, Giant, Primordial

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Notable Kills

  • Kullen; albino half-orc bounty hunter / muscle for Balabar Smenk in Diamond Lake. Personal grudge.
  • Wizard; Kullen's Gang pet wizard. He is now in an unmarked grave after trying to come after us.
  • Gnome Wizard; Thieves' Guild member. Jumped us for gold. Used as a makeshift weapon to kill his friends with his body.
  • Faceless One; Vecna Cult leader. He had no face, and now has no head.
  • Giant Boar; Made for some excellent bacon.
  • Grimlock Kennelmaster; easy enough and got a sweet scary mask off his corpse.
  • Wind Duke Ancient Clay Golem; tough fight, but yielded a huge profit from the clay remains.
  • Giant. Apes! 4 of them so far...
  • Garras; another dirty half orc. This one was a Hextor cultist who bit off more than he could chew when he challenged me. I won the battle of wits and then took his head.
  • Shesht - Lizardfolk shaman, turned into a giant crocodile and tried to eat me. But I cleaved him in two.
  • Giant Snake; Huge, easily 500 ft long and weighing 2000 lbs. Technically one of those floating jellyfish that sometimes come to me killed it, but still counts as my kill.
  • Harpy; it bit Armando so I slapped it and broke its neck. Might need to tame my own giant pythons... naw, who am I kidding!?
  • Lizardfolk King; I recall eating some jerky I skinned from a lizardfolk shaman, and then my memory is hazy. I only vaguely recall some primal recollection from the depths of my mind where I had the lizardfolk king in my mouth... jaws? ... and was rolling around until he went limp. I seemed to wake and saw Kit standing over me with a bloody dagger, and a gods-awful taste in my mouth. But the king was dead at my feet, so naturally I took and wore his crown to proclaim my kingly triumph!
  • Basilisk; big six-legged lizard that tried turning me to stone before I hacked it in two with my axe. Maybe next time, scaley-boi!
  • Tamatoa; gigantic crab the size of a brothel with a shell covered in loot and treasure. Arman snuck in for the killing blow, but that was the only time he even hit the thing the whole fight, while I was whaling away on it, draining it of life and brining it near death by the time Arman stole my kill. I swear I heard it sing "You'll never be quite as Shiny... You wish you were nice and Shiny..." as it lay dying.
  • Woe Strider; some kind of ugly ass lanky elf monstrosity with a void full of purple eyeballs where its face should be. Still better looking than Lhoris. I cut down a couple of them while the group focused on the other 2.
  • Ghostblade Eidolons; weak-ass ghosts that were pouring black ooze out of cups. A whole town was infested with them, so I killed like a dozen and rid the place of their evil presence. Got a sweet golden bow from a god as thanks, but I gave it to Kit since it was too small for me.
  • Cyclops-es; several of them tried to ambush is in a ravine on a road trip. They were stupid... not just to jump us, but also like really stupid. I was loving every blood-soaked second of it!
  •   *Note to self: Stop letting these bastards steal my kills. The list would be much longer if it weren't for their swooping in at the last second to take my glory!

    What a Strangely Epic Place This Is

    Hello Journal, my old friend - I've come to talk with you again... It's been a while since I last had a chance to write down my thoughts. It's been a crazy week! I have so much to tell you about - so much has happened here in this super strange, super lame, but also super exciting world we're in. Flanaess is great and all, but this world also has so much to do and creatures to fight and opportunities to be heroic, I don't know if I need to get back to Flanaess anymore. One world is as good as another, so long as it has chances for fame and glory. And treasure. The gods here are all crazy, but I suppose no more crazy than the ones back in Flanaess. Craziness must be a prerequisite for becoming a god.   Ok, so where did we leave off last time? Oh, right. Just arriving in Archanae (it's not pronounced 'Arachnid' like I had thought apparently). It all seems a blur, but I do vividly remember a lot of what's transpired over the course of this past week or so. So many crazy things have happened in such a short time... my kind of place! Once we got here, we settled at the best Inn and Tavern we could find - the Pickled Sprite. It wasn't bad as far as Inns go, I've certainly stayed in worse - but I still haven't seen how it got it's name. I was expecting jars full of little pixies fermenting on the shelves, but there are none to speak of. It must be a delicacy here and they're sold out. I did reserve their finest, largest room in hopes that it would help with the ladies. I met one of the dancing girls - a redhead just as I like - and even took her out on a date, but she fell asleep on me! We were talking and she just fell asleep and started snoring, so I ditched her. At least I hadn't paid yet, so that was nice. Oh, I also bought their finest, top shelf bottle of liquor that night. Boy, that stuff really packs a punch! It was awesome. I don't really remember much of the next day after taking a swig of the stuff, so that's how you know it's good! I think we visited a temple for Dok to check out Moradin. I think he goes by Purphoros here though. Either way, Dok found what he was looking for and is back in good spirits now, so that made me happy. I hated seeing him so down. That's not a short joke! Let's see, what else has happened...   Oh, there are a shit ton of temples here. Like a lot. Wait, back up a bit. I do vaguely recall seeing Arman and Kit trying to sneak outside a temple for Erebos that first night, while I was trying to get my hands on some more of that crazy strong liquor. Apparently the temple is also a distillery and they make the stuff there. So, I was just trying to get some more bottles but apparently Arman wanted to visit the temple part of it, so the 3 of us went down. He went off with some lame priests while Kit and I apparently we part of an orgy!!!! At least I think. I sadly don't remember much at all. I don't remember Kit being part of it. Maybe that's good though. I don't like the thought of her with another man. I think I might have stronger feelings for her than just like a sister. Another time, journal... another time for that. Right, well the next morning while I had a massive hangover Arman came back and was acting strangely. And by strange, I mean, more confident and awesome. I like him better this way for sure. Whatever he found down there with those priests really seems to have made him much more palatable and cool. Lhoris doesn't seem to like the new Arman, but he doesn't like anything he can't control or manipulate, so more power to Arman. That reminds me! Lhoris was so butthurt about Arman that he really laid into Kit and I for letting him go down there. At the time I was fuming mad, but looking back, it really is funny that he thought he could command me or berate me. I was toe to toe looking down at the scrawny elf and sooooooo, so very close to pounding him through the floor. It was too bad really, I was just starting to actually like him. Just goes to show that elves will ALWAYS think they're better than everyone else. I'm so thankful that Kit isn't that way and must have inherited her mother's side much more than her father's. This whole city is actually infested with elves who all strut around with that arrogance and attitude.   The temples, right. So, Kit and I thought it might be fun to check out the temples and see what all these gods are about. No, back up again. I almost forgot something. Lhoris apparently thought it would be funny to set us up against the champion guy over at Heroes-R-Us after talking to the ship captain. Actually, I think it maybe was the ship captain who was the champion. Anyways, he signed us up to fight against him in some kind or tournament, so Kit, Arman and I went to take him on and he wiped the floor with us. All of us. Easily. This guy was juiced out of his mind somehow and we didn't even stand a chance. I think Lhoris got some sick fun out of seeing us beaten so badly - why else would he have set it all up? It was actually after that horrible experience that Kit and I went looking around the temples. After seeing what that guy could do with a god backing him up, I figured I needed to try and get a god of my own, so maybe I could have that kind of power. Then maybe I'll challenge him again when the odds are even.   So, Kit and I went to all the different temples in town - aside from the ones for Erebos and Purphoros - since we'd already been there. And I already knew Heroes-R-Us sucked so we skipped that one too. A lot of the gods actually sounded pretty cool - some more than others. Thassa was neat, but there's no way I'm going to champion a goddess of the sea. No way in hell. Nylea was cool, but both Kit and I were turned off by all the arrogant elves that worshipped her, so that was a hard pass. Ultimately, I ended up spending a lot of time learning about Keranos, God of Storms because I was utterly fascinated by what the priests had to say about him. He honestly sounds exactly like me! It's really too bad that all his priests are utter and complete assholes to the one. I seriously hate those guys. Kit also was really impressed with Karametra, the goddess of orphans and food. I think it's because she was an orphan and really took to her as like a matronly figure. Sometimes I think Kit has too pure and too soft a heart to be hanging around us. But I'm glad she has stuck around. Dok too. I often wonder why he's stuck by us so long when it seems that all we do is get into trouble. Don't get me wrong, Dok is like a brother and means much to me, but I'm surprised he's stuck around through some of the shit we've put him through. Losing Moradin must have been awful for him, but he stuck by us nonetheless. I'm glad for that.   What was next....? OH! Ok, so the short little owner of the Pickled Sprite asked us to help find his buddy Durkin who went off to search a shipwreck outside of town. We loaded up on potions that could help us breathe underwater or walk on it and headed out. Listen, I was really not down to get back out on the water. That is the last place on Oerth I want to be, but now I want to prove to Keranos that I'm worthy of being his champion, so I figured facing my biggest fear would be a good start to showing I'm worth blessing. I actually tried talking to him there on the beach, but I've never prayed before so I don't know if it worked or if he heard me. I did say that if he didn't let me drown, I would seriously consider following him. Well, we found Durkin's jerkin and figured he went out to the shipwreck we could see about 100 feet off shore, so we took a little boat and headed that way. I honestly have no memory of what happened after that until we were all back on shore again, beaten and bloodied. They said some tentacled sea creature took over my mind and I attacked Lhoris on the boat and nearly killed him. Apparently the sea creature knew my inner desires! But, I still wouldn't have actually tried to kill him myself, so it must have been true that they were controlling me. We can't have that, now can we? No one controls me but me! I was dead set committed to destroying those evil things before they could do that again, but no one else wanted to take them on again. I even tried asking Keranos again for some direction or affirmation and the sky started to storm and rain! It seemed that Keranos, God of Storms, was saying "Go get them!", which only strengthened my resolve. I couldn't believe it when everyone else in the group said they wanted to leave. TO LEAVE! They were ok with leaving Durkin to his fate, and worse, leaving those things out there to do gods-know-what more harm and danger. I almost ran out into the water alone to take them on with Keranos' blessing above me, but remembered that he doesn't look favorably on people who act foolishly without a plan. So, dejected and defeated, I went back with the others to tell the halfling proprietor, Haldor, that we left poor Durkin out there. I couldn't believe it. Some heroes we were.   Well, the next day, we spent all morning running around to temples and authorities trying to find answers about those creatures. It was all horrendously boring and time wasting when we could have been out there killing them! Even worse, every place we went to told us to just leave it alone and they'd handle the creatures. Why hadn't they done it already then?! Whoever runs this city is utterly moronic, and the elf authority police are totally useless. We ended up having to solve a crime for them because they couldn't do it themselves. Apparently something in the sewers was abducting people and likely killing them, so we went down to put an end to whatever that was. At that point, I just needed a win, so I reluctantly followed them down and put the sea creatures out of my mind. For now. We ended up finding some disgusting looking elf monsters... well even more disgusting than normal anyways, and killed them. They were tough, but no match for me as I tore through a couple of them myself. They did something that made me feel less powerful, but even so, ultimately they couldn't stand against me. The others helped - some. We found a loot stash of theirs with a strange box that Lhoris told Arman to pick up so he wouldn't get his prissy hands dirty. Or maybe he wanted Arman to take the hit instead of him if something bad happened. Nothing came of it though, and we didn't find anything of real value. Oh, I did chase something down a small tunnel for a while. When I got to a dead end, something stabbed me from the wall just like back in that underground temple in the mines under Diamond Lake. I heard it yell out "Thursday!" right before it stabbed me and disappeared. I don't even know what a 'thursday' is.   The lazy, incompetent elf police were happy we did their jobs for them and paid us. Then they asked us to do yet another job for them that they apparently couldn't handle. Seriously, they have an entire force of people and resources, but they have to rely on 5 strangers to do everything for them?! What a pathetic joke. Elves... always proving me right in my distain for them.   So, we headed north a few days to find some of their useless rangers who went and got themselves lost. We passed one small town and headed to another where they were apparently supposed to be. Just before the town we saw their camp and I followed their tracks roundabout through the forest to the outskirts of the 2nd town. We also came across some tiny flying pixies in the forest who were pretty funny. They warned us the town was haunted and the rangers were likely dead. No duh. If they needed us to rescue them, there's no way they'd survive a haunted ghost town the pixies seemed so scare of. We scoped out the town from the trees and saw a ghost floating around pouring black ooze all over the ground from some never-ending chalice cup thing. In fact, the whole town was covered in the gross black ooze. Well, one of them saw us and came at us, but I quickly dispatched it. It screamed out as it disappeared and hundreds returned its eerie cry from all over the town, as it seemed they were infesting the whole place. This was going to be fun! True enough, they started coming out from everywhere, and true to form, I quickly and easily dispatched them by the dozens. Dok protected me with some sort of aura that seemed to dissuade them, leaving them open to my axe. He is so cool... I love that grunting little dwarf. Who, by the way, is getting a terrible sunburn here. Which is weird because we've been under the shade of trees for many of the days, and no one else is getting burnt. But he's like beet red now! He said it doesn't hurt and that he's fine, so... He always knows what's best and I never second guess him.   Once we cleared the town of ooze spilling ghosts, we saw a bright light coming down from the heavens to light up a shrine in the middle of town. We ran over to it only to find a beautiful golden glowing bow on the shrine! It was so amazing, I felt in awe just looking at it. I knew it would be perfect for Kit who seems to favor shooting our enemies from afar (thankfully out of danger), so I grabbed it for her. I wanted to give her a great gift in hopes that she'd really like it. The light disappeared when I took the bow, and it was then we saw the 3 rangers dead on the ground by the shrine. Lhoris very uncharacteristically looted all 3 of their bodies as soon as he had the chance, and then ran off to loot all the nearby houses. That left a bad taste in my mouth... this place was ravaged by these foul ghosts and evil corruption, and there were dead bodies strewn all over the town. Who would go and desecrate this place even further by stealing all their valuables? Some people have no shame... that was too low even for my own greed. This place seems to be having a negative effect on him, even though I figured he'd be in heaven will all of his snooty own kind around. Arman on the other hand seems to be relishing and blossoming here. He's started using a dagger and singing during battle instead of his dirty magic tricks, but he's kicking ass and I for one am glad to see him drop his cheap tricks and fight like a real man. I think Erebos finally helped him grow a pair, and now he's swinging them all over, just like his shiny new daggers.   While Lhoris was off looting his way through the poor town, Kit felt called to pray at the shrine to Karametra. It was really intense, like she was in some kind of trance. I could tell she was extremely vulnerable so I wanted to stand next to her in case she needed any help. Apparently she had some crazy intense visions from Karametra and she was crying profoundly. When she came to, her tears seemed to have burned into her cheeks and turned to purple scars! She said Karametra came to her and told her we needed to destroy all the chalices the ghosts were using and that was the only way we could get rid of the black ooze and whatever was causing the corruption. So, I gathered up as many as I could find and let her smash them, hoping it would help ease some of her pain the prayer-trance seemed to cause her. A bit later, she and I went back to get the horses so we could leave the town and she told me more about it. I gave her the golden bow and it seemed like she really like it. I told her is was beautiful like her, and I think she blushed. We finally got to the horses and the pixies we met had painted them all white and sparkly! It was pretty cool. We told them that we killed the ghosts, found the stupid rangers and ended the corruption. I was going to ask them about the bow, but they all flew off towards the town before I could. Oh well, I'm sure Kit can figure it out on her own.   We took a couple days riding back to the small town on the way back to Archanae. When we got there, we were met by a group of elf police and they wanted to know what happened to the town we fixed. I tried to tell them, but they would only talk to Lhoris. I swear those elves all love to hear the sound of their own voice more than anything else in the world. Once the droll storytime was over, one of them said he'd teleport us back to Archanae. Now? They only offer to teleport us now?! I swear, these idiots are utterly useless. Anyways. We went back to the elven authority police station and once again they and Lhoris talked way too much about everything. There was one old elf listening in who wouldn't stop staring at Kit. He kept calling her "half-breed" and I was seconds away from showing that bigoted fossil just what a "half-breed" could do by snapping him in half with my bare hands. As I was just about to get up and show him, I was pleasantly surprised when Kit snapped back at him with her own witty response that shut him up. After all we'd done, they gave Lhoris alone a bag of payment money and some golden acorn jewelry that looks like a bull's nutsack. Fitting I'd say.   That afternoon was nice to have some time to take a break from all the traveling and insufferable elves. I picked up some armor I had commissioned just before heading north several days ago, and went by a few other shops to get some odds and ends. That evening we all met up at the Pickled Sprite and had a good meal with lots of ale. Haldor the owner knew we were planning to leave this town finally and set us up with a traveling merchant heading south towards our next destination. He employed us as traveling guards to the caravan - a job I'm highly familiar with doing throughout my travels before arriving in Greyhawk months ago. OH! I did get an amazing animal before we left. We went by the stockyard to get a couple more horses for the journey south, and they had the most powerful, sleek, and regal beast I'd ever seen before at a stable. It's called a Lambei, and it's much bigger and stronger than any normal horse. A beast just like me. I immediately fell in love with it as the centaur owner told us about them. It wasn't cheap, but nothing worth having ever is. Besides, what good is having gold if you can't spend it? I named him Thor, after the god of thunder. It seemed fitting that a soon to be champion of the God of Storms would charge into battle atop the god of thunder. Let all the world marvel and quake at our approach!   OH RIGHT! I think Keranos is actually favoring me! I had a dream a few nights back where he spoke to me. It was seriously nuts. I would have thought it just a bad dream, except that I woke up covered in sea water and with a strange feeling of newfound power. I've also had another similar experience since where I think he bestowed yet more favor and power on me. I'm seriously psyched to see where this goes and just how powerful I can become as his champion. That will show those fucking priests at his temple who he really favors! And that Dremides better watch his back.

    Allustan Troubles (Discord Archive)

    After the adrenaline wears off from fighting the undead, worm-infested zombiefolk in the basement, Viridian takes advantage of the downtime before turning in for the night. Intentionally seeking out Marzena's room, he sits down on her oomphy bed, takes his boots off and rubs his sore feet. The smell is nearly overwhelming - even to him - as he has not had a chance to remove his boots since they were on the road to the keep with Allustan, over a week ago, and before the long trek through the swamp. Ripe and rancid would not even begin to describe the stinging odor's assault on his nostrils. As he contemplates the events over the past several days, now laying barefoot and stretched out across the bed, he lets loose his lower intestinal muscles to relieve an auditory expulsion of pent up digestive discomfort that had been compiling for days. "Ahhhhh, that feels better!" he thinks to himself with a relaxing sigh.   During the several day ride back to Diamond Lake, Viridian spends much of the trek in thought, contemplating the upcoming meeting with Allustan. "That rat bastard has deceived and cheated me more than once now. Do I kill him for that? I've killed men for less. But if I kill him, he can't show me where he took the owlbear. But do I trust him to be true to his word and take me there anyways? I can't trust his word, he's already shown that multiple times now. And if he did, would the owlbear even remember me now after all this time? I feel like too much time has passed already, and it's no longer the baby I took from the farm. I don't know what I was thinking, really, when I took the thing. I felt bad for killing its parents, even though we had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to kill the baby, and I couldn't leave it there, all alone and helpless. Maybe some part of me deep inside felt like I was that baby, left alone in a harsh world, and I wanted to rescue it from the fate I endured as a child. To give it a parent that would love and take care of it, as I never had. Regardless, it is no longer the baby I saved, thanks to Smenk. I would kill that gnome-fucker of a coward a thousand times if I could. I hate that I didn't get the chance. And then Allustan promised to keep the creature safe and contained until I returned, only to release it into the wilds. I should kill Allustan for that. I should take my revenge that I was robbed of with Smenk, before it's too late. It's settled then. I will kill Allustan when we get back to Diamond Lake. I can find the owlbear on my own, I don't need that scheming mage's help. I'll deal with the consequences, whatever they may be, but I can't let him go unpunished for what he did."   With set and unwavering intent, Viridian heads to Allustan's with the group - all unknowing of his intentions ahead of them. As they walk through the foyer, and into the house, his fists tighten in anticipation of the sweet revenge and justice that awaits. "Should I do it now, right here in front of everyone? I doubt anyone here will really be too upset - it seems no one in our group really has much affinity to him anyways. I'll make it quick... " As they enter the sitting room, Marzena running ahead of them, Viridian stealthily slips his battle axe from his belt and into his sweating grip at his side. His steps seem to quicken just slightly as he aims to close the distance between them, when all of the sudden he stops dead in his tracks. "What is she doing sitting on his lap? Daddy?! She's his DAUGHTER?!?!" If anyone were looking at Viridian instead of the unexpected scene in front of them, they would see a look of utter dejected confusion and disbelief on his face, as sweat drips off his brow. He quietly slips the axe back into its holder on his belt and slumps down hard onto the couch next to him. He remains silent for the entire conversation to come, simply staring dumbfoundedly at Allustan - trying to reformulate any semblance of a plan he once had.

    The Ship & The Kraken (Discord Archive)

    Viridian rows the dinghy with tireless abandon, and a look of set determination and sheer resolve on his face as the small boat speeds across the open sea by the power of his incomparably strong arms. Sweat beads and drips from his sleek grey muscles and mixes with the sea spray as it drops to the floor. Without a single word spoken to his companions, Viridian rows on with no intention of hesitating even a single stroke until they reach land. Though the sea is now calm after the unnatural weather brought on with the kraken, there is a tumultuous storm born of dread and fear raging inside the stoic barbarian's heart. A primal fear that wells up from deep inside and arrives in full force when one is faced with the certainty of their end looming before them. It is this very storm that fuels his strength to row without stop until his feet are back on the solid ground he had always taken for granted.   Unbeknownst to his companions, Viridian’s journey from his childhood homelands up til their meeting in Greyhawk or Diamond Lake had never taken him near any major bodies of water. Until this unnatural shift in their reality, Viridian had never even seen any amount of water larger than Diamond Lake itself. He had never been on a ship – never traversed a waterway aside from natural or manmade bridges that span small streams or rivers. Throughout their sea voyage over the past few days, Viridian never once left the spot he initially found aboard the ship. With one arm never letting go of the rigging at hand, Viridian even slept in that very spot, curled up among the crates and barrels, for fear of getting too close to the edge and falling into the sea below. Among other secrets held within the mighty warrior, one was especially pertinent now – Viridian could not swim. He never had the reason or chance to learn. Maybe the lack of desire to bother even learning to swim came from growing up among a nomadic desert tribe that never saw large bodies of water. Maybe it was written deep in the very fibers of his Dao heritage, to shy away from water and be more at home among the earth itself. Whatever the reason, the reality of his predicament was all too clear now, trapped aboard a ship sailing the vast sea with no land in sight. He had absolutely no intention of moving from his spot aboard the vessel until they reached their destination.   When the huge tentacles came out of the raging waters all around their ship, Viridian knew in his heart that this would be his end. The normally fearless and reckless barbarian that would predictably leap into a fray before thinking was now frozen in place aboard the besieged ship as the chaos of events unfurled. Not frozen with fear of the huge beast attacking them, but rather the endless expanse of water below him. While the havoc around him carried out, he closed his eyes and accepted his inevitable fate – to helplessly sink into the waters below and die an insignificant death in a watery grave. In those fleeting moments, he thought of his companions. Of Kit, who he had come to endear more than he thought possible. She was like a sister to him – a hot sister – who he would fight for and protect with his very life if needed. Never having one, he didn’t know if that’s how siblings were supposed to be, but it felt right to him. He thought of Doc, his brother in both beard and battle, who he also cherished as he never would have imagined possible. The short, stout and grumpy dwarf felt like a brother more than a traveling companion. Maybe this was what it’s like to have a family. He felt cheated that he had only now come to feel this kind of bond with someone, just as he was about to die. He thought of Lhoris and how he was beginning to respect and maybe even admire him somewhat. Though he was still an elf, he continued to impress Viridian with both his wisdom and prowess in battle.   And Arman. The scrappy little mage was also growing on him despite his distaste and distrust of magicians. He’d been a true friend and dependable ally when things got rough, which was more than he could say for most in his past. Maybe now actually was a good time to die, having come to respect those two. He thought of the owlbear as well. Of all the missed moments he could have shared with the beast, and how he’ll never get the chance to raise the thing he felt a parental affection for.   As these thoughts swirled in his head, he was shaken back into reality when one of the huge tentacles smashed into him, carrying him into the cargo hold below. Igniting a solely instinctual reaction from deep within his primal brain, snapping him out of any sense of rational thought that had previously consumed him. It was unarguably the very beast trying to kill him that would in the end save him. Without the crippling shackles of fear or caution, Viridian was now free to fully follow his primal, animal instincts. Hacking and slashing his way towards the front of the ship and his companions, his only rational thought was to get them off the doomed vessel and to the (hopeful) safety of the smaller, untouched ship below them.   At one point, Viridian did recall being thrown from the grasp of a tentacle and into the raging sea below. Were it not for the vast amount of the ruined ship’s debris between he and the lifeboat with his companions, Viridian would have surly sank into the black depths below. Through the few coherent thoughts between his primal instincts, he vaguely remembered clambering his way over the floating remnants towards the little boat. It seemed a few times as if the very ropes floating around him tried to pull him under to his death, but he was somehow able to loose himself from their twining grasp and pull himself up aboard the small dinghy.

    This New World

    Well, we're in some strange new world apparently. I remember falling asleep on the road back to Greyhawk after we saved that black-walled keep from a bunch of dirty lizard people, and the next thing I knew, we all were in some strange cave with an even stranger looking elf woman talking in riddles. Apparently she's an oriole of some sort, but I didn't see any feathers. She talked about strange gods, events and places I've never heard of, but that's nothing new to me. There are so many places and gods in this world that I can't even keep track of it all. But Lhoris and the others seemed truly perplexed at all of it, so maybe it matters more to them. I don't particularly care where we are, so long as there is adventure, glory and treasure on the horizon!   Well, the bird lady told us to make haste down her mountain to a boat and not to stray off the path. Normally, I don't put much stock into what bird people say - those Kenku in the mine-temples under Diamond Lake were just babbling idiots - but for some reason I thought it best to listen to this one. We ended up passing by a herd of huge sheep with strange glowing fleeces, and some weird lions that were watching them. The whole scene was really odd, and none of the beasts looked like any I'd seen before. Kit tried talking to one of the sheep with a dark, glowing fleece, but I have no idea what they said and we moved on. While she was bleating with the goat, I thought of a really great riddle... "What has cities, but no houses; forests but no trees; and water but no fish?" - A map! Haha, I thought that was pretty good - I might try and use it on Lhoris since he loves maps so much. Anyways, we made it down to the boat apparently just in time before it left the island we were on. We also saw a huge lion/goat/dragon hybrid thing flying around! Man, I wanted to kill that thing and add all 3 of its heads to my list of trophies, but it never came down to us. But we were next faced with something even more scary and terrifying than any beast imaginable - sailing.   I'd never been to the ocean or even seen one before now. I've never even seen a ship larger than a fishing boat on small lakes during my travels. I don't know how anyone can be at ease out there on the vast, empty expanse of water with nothing keeping them from falling into the depths to drown, but a bunch of rickety planks of wood. That whole sailing trip is all just a blur of a nightmare now. If only I was able to document it as it happened, I'm sure it would make a very interesting story. Alas, I don't remember much of it as I sit to write this now.   After that whole debacle, we made it to another gods-forsaken island after rowing a tiny version of the ship because the big one sank. I think. The ship's crewmen we saved were all whiny and useless, but I was just happy to be on solid ground and ready for another adventure. We did come across a bunch of weird stone statues all over the beach - some were barely recognizable as objects, and some were perfect images of people and animals. As we were looking at them, these strange 6-armed lizards tried to jump us, but I killed one alone and the rest of the group all tried hard to kill the other, eventually finishing it off. I think these 6-armed lizards might have been distant cousins to the ones we found in the swamp. These were much more artistic though, being able to carve all those amazingly detailed statues. I guess having 6 arms helps with the stonework.   We kept exploring the island for a couple days. We found more of the ugly looking statues all over the place. There was a path that lead us up atop a huge waterfall where we found traps with fish in the river feeding the falls out into the bay. It was all pretty calm and serene, but hopelessly boring. Boring until one night during watch Lhoris and I saw the most amazing sight. There was a giant on the island! He looked strangely just like me only he was 100 ft tall and had a ton of arms floating around him! It was amazing. In my wildest dreams, I would love to be that tall and have a bunch of arms... think of how devastating I would be in a battle! Sadly, it turns out this guy was named Ryan and basically just a loser stuck on the island. It was him who made all the crappy statues littered everywhere. I was seriously hoping for an epic battle between him and me, but Arman talked about his stupid dolls they made together and became friends. What could have been a fight for the ages turned into a lame arts and crafts hour. The loser did point us to a quest and promised immense treasure if we found his girlfriend, so that was at least an upside. Well, turns out his girlfriend was a huge, ugly crab named Tamatoa, who was stuck in a cave behind the waterfall because she got too fat. Kit was able to talk to her using some kind of strange crab-like movements and hand gestures. It was really weird. BUTT, I did like when she wiggled her ass as part of it though. I could watch that for hours.   Anyways... Ryan's ugly girlfriend attacked us. Maybe she was jealous of Kit and it was some kind of girl spat or something. Either way, I was thrilled that we finally got to see some action against a real foe! I heroically climbed atop the giant beast, cleaving into its solid shell with reckless abandon, tearing into the soft crabby flesh beneath. I was hacking away on top of it, hit after deadly hit, while the others were all scrambling around the ground trying fruitlessly to hit its legs. I don't know why they didn't just climb on top with me where it could barely reach. Eh, they aren't the brightest bunch at times. More glory for me anyways. So, there I was, bleeding this thing time and again until it was finally succumbing to my relentless slaughter and seemed on the final cusp at death's door. And then, as per usual, those greedy bastards swooped in at the last minute to try and steal my kill! This time it was Arman who finally got his first spell off at the thing, and all I remember next was getting electrocuted AND squeezed hard by thing's enormous pincer in it's final throes of death. Magic is just for wussies who can't make it in a real fight.   Turns out Tamatoa actually had a decent amount of huge gems on her, so that was a nice surprise after a fun fight. I'm sure gems these size would fetch a really good price! Seeing that the cave was now empty and boring, we went back to tell Ryan we slaughtered his girlfriend and we wanted our promised reward of immense wealth and power. The loser gave us each a rock. A ROCK! He said he carved them to look like animals, but all they looked like were ugly, stupid, plain rocks. I seriously wanted to throttle that whiney waste of power, but decided against it since Arman finally found someone who actually respected him. He needed that apparently. Oh well, back to our campsite atop the waterfall where we can hopefully find something else to do.   That night, Kit decided to follow some noises she heard down on the beach we landed on, and to check on the sailors to see if they had found us a way off the island. She left while I was asleep, or else I would never have let her go alone - that was just horrible judgement by whoever else was on watch with her. I would have gone down there with her, if only to watch her back in this strange place. Well, what I awoke to was a great commotion when she returned, seemingly terrified of a whole army of masked men who encircled and tried to kill her! Apparently she barely made it back to us, and accidentally lost her pet Carrot while running for her life. I can't blame her though, she was running for her life... If only one of us would have gone with her. When I find out who was on watch with her that night, I'm going to throttle them good!   We went back to the beach at first light to look for both the masked men and for Carrot, but neither were anywhere in sight. I spent the whole morning searching high and low for the tiny animal in hopes of making Kit feel better, while the others talked with some new sailors that apparently just arrived that morning on another large boat. I felt horrible that I couldn't find him. The sailors said they were leaving, and we knew this was likely our only way off this stupid island, so we had to go with them. Before we left, Arman decided it would be a good idea to transform himself into a small ferret and try to console Kit. I sincerely thought about just stepping on him while he resembled the tiny beast and just snapping him under my boot, but a pang of guilt entered my mind just before I lifted my foot, so I thought better of it. I don't know if it made Kit feel any better, but I thought it was a cheap trick that diminished and cheapened the deep feelings she had for the animal. Oh well...   Back on another ship now, and back to holding fast to the rigging on the main mast for fear of falling overboard and sinking to my death. I hate this more than anything I've ever known in my entire existence. I feel helpless and useless out here.   Apparently there was a naval battle against another boat filled with those same masked men, but I couldn't bring myself to let go of the ropes. I don't honestly know what help I could have been against a target so far away anyways, so better for the ranged focused fighters to get their shots in. I would wait for any that came aboard and skewer them with my trident if it came to that. The fight was over quickly. Apparently our ship that was 10 times larger, and manned with triple the sailors triumphed... who would have thought? Kit was hanging over the rails most of the fight stabbing down at what I could only guess were the masked men. That sight alone had me more worried than the battle itself. What if she fell overboard?! I don't know that I could save her. After the battle was over and the crew were returning to their posts, Kit thought it would be funny to lean over the edge and let go of the rails, shouting "Look, no hands!" She had a big smile on her face, but all I could think of that moment was her falling over into the sea and drowning. Something inside me snapped and I ran over to her as fast as I could to pull her back onto the deck. I feel bad that I might have been too rough in doing so, but I couldn't bear the thought of losing her. I set her down on the deck and guiltily headed back to my little safe haven at the mast. Hopefully she knows I was only trying to help. As I walked back I saw Lhoris standing at the very prow of the ship, holding his arms out wide and humming a melodic tune. I could have sworn I heard him whisper, "Hold me Arman..."   During the uneventful rest of the journey to some other supposedly strange land, I watched as the crew hustled about their duties. Arman spoke at length with the boat's wizard lady, and then with Lhoris. Kit did come over and offer to spar with me on the boat captain's deck, but I still couldn't let go of the mast. I sincerely wanted to, but just couldn't let go. How pittiful I must seem! If we live to see solid land again, I will make sure everyone knows I'm not a coward! Dok, too, seemed to look on me with pity, and that might have been the worst blow I've ever felt.   Finally we made port at some place called Arachnid. I think it means "spider" and I'm seriously hoping we get to fight some huge spiders like the crab back on the other island. I couldn't wait to get off the floating death trap, so I ran to the port at the first opportunity. I ended up in some amazingly strange market with all manner of delicious and foul smelling foods. No matter, this was a new place with new sights and smells and brawls, so who wouldn't want to take it all in?! With a renewed vigor for life, I decided I wanted to try all that this place had to offer. All the foods, all the ales, all the women! If we only get one life to live, I want it to be an undeniably epic one. As we walked through the streets of this new spider-town, I saw a building filled with men fighting one another in sport. This was my kind of place! I immediately wanted to know more so I was given a tour by one of their leaders who said it was a temple to some god called Hero-us. I think the temple was called Heros-R-Us, dedicated to fighting, glory and war. I was all ready to join in the fun until the guy said I would have to stay confined there for years before I could leave! No deal. I can find my own glory in war outside Heros-R-Us, thank you very much. The man went on and on about other gods who also had temples here. I think we've entered the parchment-belt of this land, with there being so many temples to gods around.   The gods! That reminds me! Poor Dok hasn't been himself ever since we appeared in that cave with the oriole. He's super bummed about Moradin, who is actually a god himself! This whole time, I literally thought he was just a famous dwarf, but apparently he's a god that they all worship and love. No wonder Dok talked about him so much... I thought he was just a huge fanboy. Either way, Dok is out of sorts, and I'm not ok with that. I guess Moradin also gave Dok all his healing abilities, and he can't call on him in this new place. I don't know what to do for Dok - apparently finding another god is out of the question. One god is as good as any other as far as I'm concerned, but I guess not for Dok. I promised my dwarven brother that I would help him find Moradin in this place any way I could, but I honestly have no idea how. For now, since this town has so many gods and so many temples, I bet there might be one for Moradin here. I might just try and find one for myself while we're looking for gods. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to yell at one to get some more awesome power of my own!   But, until we find Moradin and our next adventure, I plan to taste and experience everything this new town has to offer. I saw some oddly attractive purple scaly ladies and even a half-horse half-woman chick! I bet they'd really be something behind closed doors...

    Gifts for the Weak

    I'm not good at saving my wealth and would much rather spend it than have it sitting in my pockets for someone to steal. It would certainly be much more difficult for someone to steal my weapon than pickpocket some coins.   Over the past several weeks since arriving in Greyhawk, I've been doing one job after another. The pay has been good, and the treasures found from raiding crypts and taking from slain enemies has been even better. I've found some pretty cool stuff so far! Some of it I've been able to sell, and I'm keeping some for myself - like the really fancy drinking horn I found in that Wind Duke's crypt. He definitely doesn't need it anymore. I've also been collecting teeth, claws, fangs and other fierce trophies from slain foes that I intend to make a necklace out of. I'm still working on that.   Well, we are back in the big city again. I still don't like being around so many people and in such claustrophobic areas as this. Give me a vast empty plain over a bustling city any day of the week. I've grown used to the stares of common people who can't get over my size, skin or eyes - but it still never sits well. I hear the whispers behind my back, but rarely does anyone have the guts to say anything to my face. Those are the most fun... The only good thing about these big cities is that there are plenty of places to spend all my collected monies and treasures. I decided to take advantage of that during this trip, because gods know when I'll be back again and I sure don't want to keep lugging around all these weighty coins. As if my stature wasn't enough, I'm sure all the jingling in my pockets causes plenty more stares, and usually from those wanting to take it. Let them try!   Anyways... I decided to do some shopping. I got a few things for myself of course. As an old acquaintance of mine named Tommy Haverford used to be fond of saying, "Treat Yo' Self!" It's always great fun to visit the weapon shops to see all the wonderful new ways to kill things. In the spirit of Tommy, I did get myself an amazing new quiver that holds WAY more than it should. That's the best use of magic I can think of. Then I got lot of new weapons to fill it with, and I'm extremely excited to have a whole arsenal at my disposal! I also got several things I intend to use with the owlbear when I get back to Diamond Lake and visit it at Smenk's place where I left it. Oh my gods, my belt! I almost forgot about it! I found this amazing belt at a pawn shop of all places... whoever let this thing go is an idiot. As soon as I tried it on, not only did it look amazing above my new loincloth, but I immediately felt hardier. I also overheard a couple dwarves near me speaking in their native tongue, and I understood them! I said something to them in Dwarvish and it was like we were fast old friends. I knew I had to have it and try it out on Doc, so I bought it.   Once Doc crossed my mind, I wanted to get him something. Maybe it was the belt that made me want to get him a gift - that's not a normal thought for me. It felt strange... Definitely must have been the belt. Oh well, the belt is too good to pass so I'll keep it, regardless of this horrible feeling. I was thinking of what he might could use to be stronger in battle, and of course I figured he needed a shield. That guy is always getting a beating. Kudos to him though for taking it all - those stouty little folk sure can take a hit. But, a shield would still help him from getting pummeled so bad. In talking to my new dwarven kin around town, it was clear they all adored some guy named Moradin. I think he's a celebrity or something. I've also heard Doc mention his name a few times, so I found a shield that had his symbol on it. That way Doc can keep up with the latest fashion trend this Moradin fellow is setting. Oh! I also found a helm that will make his eyes glow just like mine do! In all my travels I've never seen anyone else that can do that, and seeing that Doc and I are basically brothers now, I thought it would be perfect if he could do it too. Hopefully he likes it.   Since I got Doc something, I again had this really gross feeling that I should get something for all those people hanging around me. I seriously don't like this feeling! I don't know where it keeps coming from, but I want it gone. Note to self, I need to find a temple or healer that can exorcise this from me.   Against my better judgement, I got everyone else stuff too. Even the elves. Ugh. They all better like this stuff and use it or else I'm gonna be pissed.   It was horrible, but in order to find useful things for Armando, I had to go to one of the magic shops. I hated every minute being in that gods awful store. The inventory was lame, the other shoppers were stupid, and the shop owner was especially testing my patience. I just told him to give me whatever will help make a magic user stronger in battle, and he ended up giving me a bag of crap that was super expensive! It was mostly just parchment scrolls and a ridiculous looking hat. Actually, I really like the hat - it's going to look so stupid on him! I ran by a tailor really fast to have them embroider his name on the brim so he can't sell it or give it away and he HAS to wear it! I can't wait to see how lame he's going to look!   I literally had no idea what to get the new guy that just showed up, but I figured I might as well get him something so he doesn't get all jealous and try to stab the others and take their stuff. He said he was a monk, and the only other monk I really knew anything about was Alduin, and Alduin always drank tea for some reason. So, I got the new elf some tea. As a monk, he doesn't seem to wear anything fancy, and seeing how fancy Lhoris always dresses, I got the monk some new clothes so they could match and look stupid together. The tailor said these clothes were magic and could always mend themselves, but whatever, I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of that shop as quick as I could. I basically grabbed whatever was on the nearest shelf, paid for it and left. Good riddance to that fancy pants shop.   Speaking of Lhoris, I got him some really amazing gag gifts! Well, he can still use them, so it's not like I'm just throwing my gold away. Although I totally would just for the satisfaction of punking him. I got that elf some tools that will let him craft and make his own girly jewelry. Now he can make as many dainty bracelets and necklaces as he wants. No doubt he'll try and make friendship bracelets for everyone... HA! The next gift I got him was truly amazing. I saw it in a window of some shop while passing by. It had a display of flowers all around it, and I knew it would be perfect for him. I'm totally going to set it up like I got him this super powerful and awesome weapon, and then when he goes to try it out.... haha, I can't wait to see the look on his stupid face when his dangerously powerful warstaff only creates flowers! Knowing him, I'm sure he'll figure out some other lame use for it though.   Oh right, Kit. I don't know why, but I actually felt a little good about getting her gifts. She's sweet, and even though she's an elf, I don't feel right making fun of her. Maybe because the few times she's talked about her past, it made me remember mine and how crappy it was. She should consider herself lucky she at least had one parent that loved her. She's spoken a few times about smells reminding her of her childhood, and I had heard from a very charismatic bard sailor I met some time ago named Tristan, about a magic spice pouch. He had a pet monkey that had one and would run around throwing pepper in people's eyes that he didn't like. It was hilarious! Oh man, that guy sure was cool. He also told me they used the spice pouch a bunch when making a huge pumpkin pie after coming across and ungodly amount of smashed pumpkin. Anyways, I was able to find one of those spice pouches here in town, and I thought that Kit could use it to have the smells she remembered so fondly. She also has a pet mouse. Well, had. I guess this was the ninth one? That's just weird. Just thinking about having a pet of my very own, and then thinking about my baby owlbear that was stripped so cruel and maliciously from my grasp - multiple times! - made me really, really sad. I decided to stop by a pet shop and see if they had anything that could help fill that deep, dark hole in my wounded heart, but nothing can take its place. I did find some replacement pets for Kit though. I had no idea what she'd want, but I definitely didn't want to get her mouse #10. I ended up finding 3 animals I think she'll like, but I fully don't intend on her keeping all three. I'm sure she'll take the one she likes most and just let the others go, which I'm totally fine with. How on Oerth will she carry all 3 of those with her on our travels anyways!?   That's it. I'm actually a little excited to see how they all react when I give them this stuff. Again, these new feelings are really weird to me. Maybe I'm just feeling extra good because of last night at the brothel. Boy, that blonde was something else! Definitely worth the 3000 gold coins I got for the bow off Alduin's corpse.

    Death & Moving Forward

    Alduin died. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saddened by the loss of the man, death is part of the job. I've seen stronger men than him fall... Hell, even by my very own hand plenty of times. I've had "companions" die on me - frequently even. So, why does his death give me pause? I'll admit, he was growing on me, and I was beginning to enjoy his company somewhat. Apparently he wasn't going anywhere so what else could I do but try to tolerate his presence. Maybe he was more of a companion than those from the paid jobs I'm used to? Times like this definitely make me miss being on my own.   He was reckless though. Too reckless for someone as small and frail as he was. The recent elf companion is probably even more frail than Alduin, but he thinks before he acts, which is probably why he's still alive after several of the battles we've been through. Personally, I'd rather bash some heads before asking questions - it seems to soften them up plenty good for later. But the ones I'm with now seem to always want to think and plan and talk before a fight. I don't like it. We did all that and Alduin still died when he tried to face that demigod thing alone. It was a dumb thing to do in that situation - I should have been the one to take the thing on. I am the largest and strongest of our little group. I could have taken the beating from that damned thing and survived.   So, what does all this mean? Death, companions, strength, planning... Is there strength in having companions around? Are they greater for trying to lay plans before entering the fray? Is the elf woman with a shield actually a man? Am I sad over the loss of a companion? This all makes my head hurt.   Also, what the actual fuck?! We were charged to find out and eradicate a group of cultists down in a gods forsaken mine and were nearly killed by a demigod! And all we got for our troubles was a worthless rock with some magic runes from Allustan that WE HAVE TO GIVE AWAY to Otto?!?! Otto better pay up and make all that trouble worth it considering he was the one who sent us to the shithole town in the first place. Gods I hate mages. This world would be a better place if they were all locked on an island somewhere and forced to deal with the schemes and machinations of their own kind alone. Maybe throw the elves on that island too - they could dance for the mages or something pointless. "Point-less". It's ironic because of their pointy ears. Though, that new girl Kit is definitely fun to be around. She seems naïve and almost innocent, but I've seen her kill and drink the night away, so she's got some hope yet. Yeah, I like that one. And the dwarf - their kind is always a good time. Maybe it's just a façade , like an act he puts on, or maybe he's just horrible in a fight, but he always makes me laugh when he tries to clamber around on those stubby legs. The giant maul he carries was a bold choice - one I approve of - but I think it might be too big for him.   The dark skinned wizard, Armando, is growing on me - despite my better judgement. I wasn't surprised to see him run from a fight back in those cursed temples, but I've been pleasantly surprised that he hasn't since. In fact, he's stepped up a few times in the face of certain death, which I can't help but give him credit for. I still don't trust magic or mages, but he has been useful on many occasions. I don't know what I would have done with the owlbear being the size it was if Armando didn't shrink it down to something I could carry out. That was a rather brilliant idea on his part.   Well, it's agreed. I won't kill them all and will continue to let them follow me around. For now. I have made better money this last month alone than I typically do in a year, so there might be something to all this.


    Dear Diary,   Well, I'm not alone anymore - whether I like it or not. After years of wandering the lands after leaving home, I wound up in Greyhawk and these "adventurers" decided to just follow me around after doing a job for some hoity toity nobleman. There was a cute little elf druid girl that wasn't so bad (for an elf), but she left after that job was done. Another elf wizard who up and vanished as well - good riddance I say. You can never trust an elf, and a magician at that only makes it even worse. There was also this holier than thou paladin who wasn't as preachy as others I've seen. He saved a dog from a fighting pit, which kind of pissed me off considering I had already placed a bet. That guy ended up getting in trouble with his church or something for just trying not to get arrested. Just goes to show you that those religious types are overrated anyways. There was also this weird chick who liked to tell stories and had a pet imp. The imp was cool, but I never trusted that woman. Turns out my suspicions were right (as always) because she bailed just when things started to get a little dicey. I think she was a witch, so good riddance to her as well. Last from that original group is this monk guy who is still hanging around. He's cool enough, I guess. Kinda scrawny, but can hold his own with weaker, lesser foes while I take out the big, main threats. He likes to kick people and is always disappearing, but at least he comes back. I can't blame him though for wanting to hang around me for protection - people usually pay good money for that and he's getting it for free. Reminds me of that old proverb - I think it went... "why stroke the bull when you can milk it for free." Something like that.   It's mostly been a whirlwind of groupies since that initial job for the rich guy. There was a dwarf who, despite his claim to want to party, was actually rather grumpy. I liked him - we got along just great. I would kill things and he'd heal my cuts and bruises afterwards. He stormed off one night while we were, ironically enough, partying. I have a feeling I'll see him again sometime. I hope so, he was cool. There were a few others who showed up in the weirdest of places - an odd water elf bard I think? Some skinny other elf who danced around with his swords - it was super fruity and lame. He'd spend more time twirling around being fancy than actually killing stuff, but I guess that's pretty consistent with elves. Another reason I can't stand them. Then this furry little cat kid found me in some tomb, which was spooky enough until he started talking to dead people. That was super weird. I did like him though - he was like my tiny little pet buddy. I think subconsciously I was trying to fill the void of my little stolen owlbear with something else small and furry and he fit the bill. I was even going to let him hang out in my new harness I had made, but he vanished one night just after we killed that pansy white orc who was trying to kill me. Pfft, like he had a chance. I guess if my furry little buddy bailed after a fight, he wasn't cut out enough to hang with me.   I did get invited to some fancy tavern to meet a couple secret friends of the witch. Not really my cup of tea (tea is for wussies by the way), but I went anyways to see if the ladies there were any better than the places I frequent. Turns out they weren't bad... I did end up spending a wild night with the prettiest one in the place, so it wasn't a total waste of time. I'll have to detail that in another journal entry... While I was occupied with the babe, the groupies following me around decided to invite more to join my little fan club. I can't really blame them, although I wish they had better taste or at least screened the newcomers. There was another dwarf, a cleric he said, who I actually like quite well. He was a good addition to my group. I seem to get along with that little race - probably because they seem to really ... Look up to me! But, with the dwarf was another puny elf who I was told was like a package deal. I think he... she? I really don't know still if it's a guy or girl with that long hair and tiny frame. I think they're just a really homely girl elf who is like the dwarf's servant or something. She keeps trying to impress me, but I just really can't stand those guys - always thinking they're better than everyone else. Gnomes on the other hand... Those tiny little guys are super fun! Fun to watch, fun to mess with, and even more fun to swing around. Which reminds me of another person I had to save who won't leave my side now. Another wizard type, ugh. This one though has proven to be pretty useful at times. Maybe enough to help me get over my distaste for them... we'll see. I still only trust magicians as far as I can throw them. No, wait. I can throw pretty dang far. That must have been a line thought up by a weak elf or something. I trust magicians as far as an elf can throw them! Although, the last one to join my little fan club happens to be another elf ... I think? I thought I saw the outline of those pointy ears showing through her hood. I think she might be hot, but I still can't quite see through the shadows her hood casts over her face. I'll admit, there are some pretty attractive elven women I've seen, so that whole race isn't a total failure. Except of course the one hanging around the dwarf with us. Gods she's ugly.   Anyways. These latest groupies seem cool enough I guess. I still haven't decided if they're quite worthy enough for me to keep hanging out with, but they are growing on me. Being alone for so many years did have plenty of perks and upsides. No one to pester me or hold me back. I only had to watch out for them if the pay was good. No responsibilities or liabilities to worry about. These guys seem pretty needy and I have a feeling they won't last long without me if they keep getting into trouble. I don't want that on my conscience just now, so I'll stick around a bit longer. Plus, I'm sure they're learning so much from me. Actually, should I be charging them for that? I don't know why I only started attracting these followers since arriving in Grewhawk. Maybe they're wanting to start a cult around me... the Cult of Viridian. That's not bad actually...   Until next time, All my love -   V


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