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"Gnomeswinger" ,"Lizardsbane", "Bearfather", "Kingbiter" Viridian

Chaotic Neutral Earth Genasi (Outlander (Wanderer))
Wild Magic Barbarian 6
89 / 95 HP

Viridian is a tall, muscular, hulking figure with smooth, hairless, and cool grey skin, long brown hair, and black eyes that glow bright green when he rages. He is over confident, humorous and rash in his decision making.

  • Kullen; albino half-orc bounty hunter / muscle for Balabar Smenk in Diamond Lake. Personal grudge.

  • Wizard; Kullen's Gang pet wizard. He is now in an unmarked grave after trying to come after us.

  • Gnome Wizard; Thieves' Guild member. Jumped us for gold. Used as a makeshift weapon to kill his friends with his body.

  • Faceless One; Vecna Cult leader. He had no face, and now has no head.

  • Giant Boar; Made for some excellent bacon.

  • Grimlock Kennelmaster; easy enough and got a sweet scary mask off his corpse.

  • Wind Duke Ancient Clay Golem; tough fight, but yielded a huge profit from the clay remains.

  • Giant. Apes! 4 of them so far...

  • Garras; another dirty half orc. This one was a Hextor cultist who bit off more than he could chew when he challenged me. I won the battle of wits and then took his head.

  • Shesht - Lizardfolk shaman, turned into a giant crocodile and tried to eat me. But I cleaved him in two.

  • Giant Snake; Huge, easily 500 ft long and weighing 2000 lbs. Technically one of those floating jellyfish that sometimes come to me killed it, but still counts as my kill.

  • Harpy; it bit Armando so I slapped it and broke its neck. Might need to tame my own giant pythons... naw, who am I kidding!?

  • Lizardfolk King; I recall eating some jerky I skinned from a lizardfolk shaman, and then my memory is hazy. I only vaguely recall some primal recollection from the depths of my mind where I had the lizardfolk king in my mouth... jaws? ... and was rolling around until he went limp. I seemed to wake and saw Kit standing over me with a bloody dagger, and a gods-awful taste in my mouth. But the king was dead at my feet, so naturally I took and wore his crown to proclaim my kingly triumph!

  • Basilisk; big six-legged lizard that tried turning me to stone before I hacked it in two with my axe. Maybe next time, scaley-boi!

  • Tamatoa; gigantic crab the size of a brothel with a shell covered in loot and treasure. Arman snuck in for the killing blow, but that was the only time he even hit the thing the whole fight, while I was whaling away on it, draining it of life and brining it near death by the time Arman stole my kill. I swear I heard it sing "You'll never be quite as Shiny... You wish you were nice and Shiny..." as it lay dying.

  • Woe Strider; some kind of ugly ass lanky elf monstrosity with a void full of purple eyeballs where its face should be. Still better looking than Lhoris. I cut down a couple of them while the group focused on the other 2.

  • Ghostblade Eidolons; weak-ass ghosts that were pouring black ooze out of cups. A whole town was infested with them, so I killed like a dozen and rid the place of their evil presence. Got a sweet golden bow from a god as thanks, but I gave it to Kit since it was too small for me.

  • Cyclops-es; several of them tried to ambush is in a ravine on a road trip. They were stupid... not just to jump us, but also like really stupid. I was loving every blood-soaked second of it!

    *Note to self: Stop letting these bastards steal my kills. The list would be much longer if it weren't for their swooping in at the last second to take my glory!

    Viridian's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. Groupies
      09 Dec 2021 05:36:39
    2. Death & Moving Forward
      06 Jan 2022 10:41:01
    3. Gifts for the Weak
      21 Jan 2022 05:28:37
    4. This New World
      27 Apr 2022 03:51:52
    5. The Ship & The Kraken (Discord Archive)
      28 Apr 2022 04:16:09
    6. Allustan Troubles (Discord Archive)
      28 Apr 2022 04:28:16
    7. What a Strangely Epic Place This Is
      21 Jun 2022 04:43:07
    8. Notable Kills
      26 Jul 2022 10:46:18

    The major events and journals in Viridian's history, from the beginning to today.

    What a Strangely Epic Place This Is

    Hello Journal, my old friend - I've come to talk with you again... It's been a while since I last had a chance to write down my thoughts. It's been a crazy week! I have so much to tell you about - so much has happened here in this super strange, super...

    04:30 pm - 21.06.2022

    The Ship & The Kraken (Discord Archive)

    Viridian rows the dinghy with tireless abandon, and a look of set determination and sheer resolve on his face as the small boat speeds across the open sea by the power of his incomparably strong arms. Sweat beads and drips from his sleek grey muscles and...

    04:16 pm - 28.04.2022

    Allustan Troubles (Discord Archive)

    After the adrenaline wears off from fighting the undead, worm-infested zombiefolk in the basement, Viridian takes advantage of the downtime before turning in for the night. Intentionally seeking out Marzena's room, he sits down on her oomphy bed, takes h...

    04:14 pm - 28.04.2022

    This New World

    Well, we're in some strange new world apparently. I remember falling asleep on the road back to Greyhawk after we saved that black-walled keep from a bunch of dirty lizard people, and the next thing I knew, we all were in some strange cave with an even s...

    05:22 pm - 26.04.2022

    Gifts for the Weak

    I'm not good at saving my wealth and would much rather spend it than have it sitting in my pockets for someone to steal. It would certainly be much more difficult for someone to steal my weapon than pickpocket some coins. Over the past several weeks...

    07:04 pm - 20.01.2022

    Death & Moving Forward

    Alduin died. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saddened by the loss of the man, death is part of the job. I've seen stronger men than him fall... Hell, even by my very own hand plenty of times. I've had "companions" die on me - frequently even. So, why does...

    08:45 pm - 04.01.2022

    Notable Kills

    - Kullen; albino half-orc bounty hunter / muscle for Balabar Smenk in Diamond Lake. Personal grudge. - Wizard; Kullen's Gang pet wizard. He is now in an unmarked grave after trying to come after us. - Gnome Wizard; Thieves' Guild member. Jumped us fo...

    03:51 pm - 09.12.2021


    Dear Diary, Well, I'm not alone anymore - whether I like it or not. After years of wandering the lands after leaving home, I wound up in Greyhawk and these "adventurers" decided to just follow me around after doing a job for some hoity toity nobleman....

    09:57 pm - 08.12.2021

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Viridian.

    Played by

    Other Characters by Jables1968