Blessed Libation

This spell is a variant of the spell Heroes' Feast and differs in the following regards. Rather than summoning forth a great feast, this spell is cast upon a large quantity of some alcoholic beverage. Anyone who drinks at least one pint is subject to all the benefits of heroes’ feast, and thus this spell can potentially affect a greater number of people. However, those that drink from the blessed libation are affected by an Inebriate spell, except there is no saving throw and the penalties increases every hour rather than by minute. Participants may make a poison save at the end of the 12 hours to avoid passing out.


Level: 6
Range: 25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 12 hours (120 Turns)
Casting Time: 10 rounds
Area of Effect: One gallon of liquid/level
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: a large quantity of ale, wine, or liquor (consumed)


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