Great Helm

The Great Helm is a massive helm which covers the entire head, from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders, leaving slits open for the eyes and holes open for breathing; it has no removable visor. It gives the wearer a –3 penalty with Vision Checks, and a –4 penalty with Hearing Checks.

The Great Helm provides the following other benefits:

The wearer of a Great Helm gets a +2 saving throw vs. wizard spells such as hypnotism, light cast on his eyes, blindness, hypnotic pattern, suggestion, fire charm, rainbow pattern, and some other mind-controlling spells . . . but not charm person, charm monster, or domination.

If the wearer of a Great Helm is also wearing plate mail or field plate armor, he gets a +2 to saving throws vs. dragon breath, and to spells such as burning hands, pyrotechnics, fire ball, flaming sphere, wall of fire, delayed blast fireball, incendiary cloud, and meteor swarm, and other fire-based spells and magical effects (as determined by the DM). If, instead of Plate Mail or Field Plate Mail, he is wearing Full Plate Mail, the bonus is a +3 to saving throws.

If someone uses a Lasso, Chain, or Bolas in an effort to snare a rider's head, and that rider is wearing a Great Helm, the attack is automatically treated just as a normal attack. With lasso or chain, it's a normal lasso or chain dismount, and the attacker doesn't do the extra damage that the head-lasso attack normally allows. With Bolas, the attack does normal damage, but no strangulation damage.


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