
This maneuver is like a combination of the Pull/Trip and Shield-Punch maneuvers.

The attacker must start at least 10 feet away from the victim, and must have either a medium or body shield. Basically, he runs at full speed up to his victim, slamming full-tilt into him, hoping to injure him or knock him down.

As with the Shield·Punch, the attacker gets no bonus to hit from the shield, nor does he get the AC bonus of his shield from the time he starts the maneuver until his next attack.

If he hits, he does damage equal to the Shield-Punch, and the target must make a 1d20 roll against Dexterity to stay on his feet. The target applies these modifiers to his Dexterity:

+3 Target Was Moving Toward Attacker
+3 Target Was Not Moving
-3 Target Hit From Behind
-3 Target Was Unaware of Attack

As you can see, it's more reliable a knockdown than the Pull/Trip. However, the attacker also has a chance to be knocked down.

If he misses his roll to hit, he slams into the target anyway, and does no damage to his target. He must make his Dexterity ability check at a -6 penalty: If he makes it, he is still standing, but if he fails it, he is knocked down. Either way, his target remains standing.

Even if he succeeds in his attack roll, he still has a chance to fall down. The attacker rolls 1d20 against his own, unadjusted Dexterity. If he fails it, he falls down, too.


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