The Flannae

It is widely documented that the Flannae people are natives of the Flannaes. Hence the name given to the lands even by the Oeridian conquerors.

Rumors persist that one time long ago, perhaps before the nation of Caerdiralor took shape, the Olman, and Touv people occupied a stretch of land that occupied much of the southern Flannaes. While no sages can prove the validity of this claim a case can be made that the ancient Flan could have seized these lands from the fleeing Olman and Touv people. After all many Touv and Olman gods mimic aspects of the Flan’s pantheon.

Perhaps a relation to Mok’Slyk and the Serpent of Touv myth Meyanok bare some resemblance though Meyanok was not known as a purveyor of magic. Though he was directly responsible for the birth of three gods Vara, Damaran and Berna. Vara has aspects closely aligned to that of Incabulos, especially in the deliverance of nightmares. One could argue that each pantheon has gods or goddesses that can be crossed referenced with the gods of other pantheons. However, many can directly see the influence of Flannae myth in every other human culture bordering or occupying the Flannaes. However, were the Flannae inspired by a pantheon of gods from another origin?

Many sages discredit any notion that such a scenario ever existed as no recorded documentation of the presence of Olman or Touv culture has never been seen in the Flannaes. Proof of Touv and Olman cultures has prevailed in the Amedio Jungle and there are no signs that these people did not originate from these lands.

Many agree that the Old Faith is the bastion of Flannae worship, even to this day. However, some texts remain that show demonic-like beings were accepted in the old faith and being part of man's primal nature. The Old Faith coexisted with these obyrith, and later tanaric beings. Many paid lip service to appease these ancient brethren. Others worshipped them like gods and made pacts to gain power and influence from these beings. Some appeared to be less diabolical in their treatment of the Flan people.

Mok’slyk the Serpent is thought to have granted the Flan people the knowledge of arcane magic. Though Flannae religion shows us that Boccob is the god of magic. Ancient texts from the church itself show that Boccob once trapped a demon of unknown origin that was more powerful than Boccob at this time. It is believed he gleaned enough magical power over these thousand years of the demonic creature's capture. This could explain how Mok’slyk stopped influencing the Flan in his teachings on magic. With Boccob now in place as the deity of magic Mok’slyk waned in power. Hoping to recoup what was taken from him in his thousand years of captivity. It would also explain how Boccob would have little need for worshippers as his power was siphoned from another powerful being.

Throughout the history of the peaceful Flannae. There always existed some outside influence over how their nations were formed. Caerdiralor was formed by dark priests and mystics whose primary worship of Tiamat, absconded with the teachings of the Old Faith. Perhaps it was the pantheon of the Old Faith, that was behind the mysterious force which devastated their capital of Mysyrna. Forcing the survivors to cross the Sea of Gearnat.

The six great realms of the grass sea lived in tune with nature. Until the survivors of Caerdiralor reared their ugly heads and influenced Sulm in becoming yet another representation of Ur-Flan power. Perhaps the Old Faith was testing their people the dark priests and mystics of Caerdiralor cemented themselves into seats of power among the Sulmi. The Flan grew in power and once the Old Faith became threatened with obscurity, Shattados would don the Scorpion crown, and the Isles of Woe would sink. The rampant lion of the Aerdy would lay claim to the Flannaes, and many of the gods of the Flannae would be incorporated into the pantheon of their conquerors. Coincidence is highly unlikely.

Many Flan nations existed at some point, Exag is one of them, however, Exag was greatly influenced by the crafters and little is heard of Flan culture in the city of clay except its influence in Perrenland. The Vast Swamp was or is the home of Acerak, a cambion demilich who constructed his labyrinth for which every artisan or worker who aided in its construction was locked away within its clutches. Acerak would soon follow never a true empire in itself. Many adventurers deemed it the Tomb of Horrors for the atrocities committed and experienced by those who entered the wretched place.

The Kings of Burgess were the last of the just and noble nations to fall to Vecna’s spider throne. The nations of Fleeth and Almadia were intertwined with the death of the princess of Fleeth Almadia was on its own to defend itself from the spider throne. Vecna sought his vengeance against the city of Fleeth. Once he slayed all her people save a few nobles who submitted themselves to his mercy Vecna took Almadia and then set his sights on Burgess. The only true threat to his reign at the time of his Occluded Empire.

Nuria was a contemporary of the six realms of the grass sea and the Isles of Woe. It traded magical wonders with the citadel of Veralos. ultimately it would be consumed into the Great Kingdom. Believed to have existed in what is now the Kingdom of Nyrond. The Flan population would intermingle with their Oeridian conquerors and become willing citizens of The Great Kingdom.

Perhaps one of the most troublesome of the lost Flan nations is the /tyrants of Trask. Believed to have existed around the Trask River in the modern-day North Kingdom. The Tyrants of Trask were responsible for the attacks on the elven city of Summer Stars. Evil and bellicose beyond refute the invading Oerids of house Naelax, had little choice but to wipe them from the face of Oerth, destroying much of their magic and writings.

Last in the line of benevolent Flannae rulers, Ehlissa the Enchantress lived in what is now known as the South Province some 1,700 years ago and continued to reign in her prehistoric kingdom for several centuries more. Queen Ehlissa has no issues, she keeps songbirds as pets. During her reign, her people knew peace and none of her subjects knew poverty or hunger. Fair but ruthless, willing to use her artifact, Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale to magically bend her subjects to her will. Her reign lasted up until the Great Migrations, during her reign she managed to prevent the force locked away in her Nightingale from escaping. Presumably dead none truly know what happened to Queen Ehlissa or her famed Nightingale. Little to nothing remains of Flan culture in this region. Long ago Suel and Oerid migrations took their toll on her Kingdom, becoming part of the Great Kingdom of the Aerdy.


The Flannae people are recognizable by their bronze complexions and wavy or curly hair. With strong angular features and heavy brows, most Flan are easily discernible from other human racial types. They tend to be of average to stocky build, sturdy, and somewhat hirsute; they are anything but the prototypical human type these days.

Male Flannae average between 5’ 3” to 5’ 6” tall and weigh between 150-180 lbs. Female Flannae average between 4’8” to 5’2” tall and weigh between 110-130 lbs. Of course, taller and heavier Flannae are possible.

Their eyes are most commonly dark brown or black, with brown and amber appearing less frequently. Their hair color is usually black but also ranges through shades of black-brown, dark brown, and brown. Curly and wavy hair is usual, but some Flan have taken to straightening out their hair in recent times.

The original Flan nomads of a millennium ago wore simple, utilitarian clothing including loincloths, capes, and leather wrappings on their feet that served as shoes. They also wore brightly colored body paints, primarily vermilion and yellow ochre, in primitive patterns, a practice still common among the surviving Rovers of the Barrens. In civilized regions, Flan clothing tends to follow the current fashion, though they still tend to prefer solid, bright primary colors.

Personality & Culture

Flan are reclusive, independent, secretive, quiet, practical, hard-working, and reserved. Flan are natural hunters and gatherers, imbued with survival instincts, most learn to live off the land. Flan tend to eat lean even when there is an overabundance of food available. Many Flan prefer water or milk to alcoholic beverages, though in some places, especially in Geoff and Sterich, mead and ale have become commonplace. Flannae are known for their enjoyment of nature, wind instruments, hunting, gathering, dancing, storytelling, and family ancestry. All Flan appear to be unemotional or slow to speak, however, those that succeed in gaining their trust can find themselves a loyal, passionate, and jovial friend. Of all the human sub-races the Flan are more inclined to work and live among the demi-human races.

Few nations boast a large Flan population these days. Geoff, Sterich, Perrenland, and the Wolf nomads sport Flan people mostly mixed with people of other human ethnicities. Only the Rovers of the Barrens and the people of Tehn sport a significant stock of pure Flan-blooded people these days.

The ancient Flan were able to carve out some of the most successful and impressive nations known to mankind. Ahlissa, Caerdiralor, The Isles of Woe, The Occluded Empire, Tostenhca, Sulm, and Itar.

The Kingdom of Caerdiralor was the seat of Ur-Flan power. Absconding from the Flan coexistence with nature. The ur-Flan delved deeply into the dark arts and sort to use the destructive force of nature to bend all to their will. Worship of Tiamat was paramount to their society. Many other obscure demonic and or immortal powers influenced them as well. Mok’slyk the Serpent seemed to be influential in gifting the ancient Flan people with the arcane arts. The true nature of Mok’slyk is unknown. Though his influence amongst all the Flan people is well documented throughout history. Caerdiralor met its end during its genocidal campaign against its gnomish and dwarven neighbors. It was an unknown catastrophe in their capital city of Myrsyrna that ended the genocidal war, and had the surviving elite fleeing across the Sea of Gearnat to the Lands of the Rhugha.

Meanwhile in the lands known as the Bright Desert, tribes of Flan people began to embrace the teachings of Vathris the Maker, the Subtle Teacher. Born a mortal, Vathris raised himself to the cusp of immortality, through his knowledge, deeds, and wisdom. Embracing the ideals of progress and ingenuity. Under Vathris's guidance, the six great tribes of the grass-sea became six realms.

The six realms at that time were known as Itar, Sulm, Rhugha, Ronhass, Durha, and Truun. Itar was chief among these six realms as they embraced the teachings of Vathris wholeheartedly. Many of the other tribes struggled to shed their past beliefs and the most resistant of those realms were the Rhugha and the Ronhass. strange that two of the most prominent realms in the great grass sea choose to war against each other on a mere slight that none can recall. If not for the interference of the other four realms the Ronhass would surely have fallen into obscurity. The only way to keep peace among the six realms was to divide a line directly through the lands of the Rhugha and Ronhass. The Truun were gifted this realm to maintain the peace. Gifted horsemen themselves and outnumbering both the Rhugha and Ronhass in size made the Truun the most reasonable choice to police these realms.

Though peace would not last that long. The dark mystics and priests of Caerdiralor found their way into the nobility of Sulm ears. They whispered honeyed words of peace and progress. Instead, they used their knowledge of iron craft and secretive dark magics to influence Sulm away from the teachings of Vathris. Sulm’s nobility, enthralled by the advances in magic and technology brought to them by the Caerdiralors, sought to control the six realms and make them into one mighty nation.

Sulm would rule over the six realms uniting them in bloodshed under one banner. Despite the numerous nations of horsemen that opposed them. Sulm’s iron-shod legions proved too much for the other realms. The Itari posed the greatest threat to Sulm’s machinations of dominance over the great grass sea. The decades-long war ended when Vathris's divine spark was ended by a dark wicked barbed longspear. In vengeance for Itar’s tenacious defense, Sulm’s wicked sorcerer-king ordered the destruction of Itar’s capital Sennerae. An earthquake summoned by the dark mystics of Sulm brought the towering cliffs of Sennerae down into the deep blue void of the Sea of Gearnat.

Sulm would fall due to the machinations of their last king Shattados. Five hundred years after Keraptis was named protector over the Flan nation of Tostenhca. Shattados would don the Scorpion crown gifted to him by the lord of entropy himself, Tharizdun. The people were transformed into manscorpions and dune stalkers, while Sulm’s grass sea quickly converted into the sands which make up the lands of the Bright Desert today.

Tostenhca was a military protectorate under the leadership of Keraptis, the people saw great strides in the production of mineral wealth, hanging gardens of agricultural sciences, and craftsmen’s ships that could rival those of dwarven and gnomish races. They also saw the height of taxation that was strictly enforced by the Keraptis regime. Keraptis made good on his threats to those who failed to follow his strict tyrannical orders. Though the city saw its greatest success under Keraptis' rule, his over-taxation and cruelty were ultimately his downfall. The people revolted and under the leadership of the High priest Gethrun Shoiraine destroyed the wizard hierarchy and laid siege to Keraptis's keep. Defeated Keraptis fled to the south with his gnomish minions.

Three hundred years later, Keraptis would enact his revenge using the power from the Null Enigma found under White Plume Mountain, Keraptis cursed Tostenhca. Which led to the death of Tostenhca’s inhabitants. Tostenhca was lost and forgotten, save for the rumors of its gold-laden rooftops and unsurpassed wealth. Many an adventurer has met their end searching for the lost wealth of Tostenhca. Where once a proud and striving Flan nation stood only a cursed and kobold-infested place remains. Now referred to in the cold tongue as Skrellingshald “the cursed Flan hold”.

Veralos, the Lost Citadel of the Flan, was a fortress built upon the edge of the Rift Canyon in ancient times and paid fealty to the wizard-priests of the Isles of Woe. Elite scholars, artisans, and mystics from all walks of life were sent here to develop their craft for the betterment of all Flan-kind. Though the wizard priests of the Isles of Woe were well entrenched into Veralos's social structure. Little discovered behind its fortified walls escaped their attention. Well after The Isles of Woe plunged beneath its watery depths into oblivion. Veralos continued, though fearful of the rampant lion, nearing closer to its hallowed walls. Veralos would unknowingly release a sleeping power from within the Rift that would crumble the hidden citadel and its people for all time. Even with the successful foray initiated by the company of seven. Many scholars believe Veralos to be just another myth surrounded by an uninhabitable region of the Flannaes.

The “survivalist instinct” is forever present within the minds and hearts of the Flannae peoples and they find ways to coexist in their lands regardless of their circumstances. Few nations of pure Flan descent survive these days save the Rovers of the Barren and Tenha. The Wolf nomads, The Sheldomar Valley, Perrenland, and the Theocracy of the Pale are proof that the survivalist instinct can prevail. While these nations are not of pure Flan descent they have intermingled with other human cultures cementing part of their religious and cultural influences among them all.

A great many Flannae grew up to become farmers, herders, druids, bards, rangers, and mages of renown. Being instilled from early childhood with a profound respect for nature in all its forms. Flannae have studied the aspects of nature and their place in it at one time or another. Most Flannae have at least a rudimentary understanding of farming, herding, animal husbandry, agriculture, geography, and weather patterns. Many Flannae plant a tree in front of their homes or in a garden where they have easy access. As long as the tree remains alive and well the place is considered safe. If the tree should be damaged or die it is considered a sign of bad luck and one should pick up and leave the place behind them.

The skill of manufacturing leather and wooden crafts is also highly respected among the Flannae people. Many a Flan has crafted a flute from a branch that had fallen during a storm. Tanning was and still is a common practice of many Flannae people. The hides are highly prized for use as clothing and armor. A naturally peaceful people, skills such as dancing and singing are often manifested in Flannae from all walks of life.


The Flannae people seem to have a particular fondness for gods representing nature. The Flannae Pantheon mostly consists of gods from The Old Faith, with Beory and Obad-Hai being the gods most commonly associated with that faith. Over the years different cultures have altered the original gods associated with the Old Faith, save Beory and Obad-Hai, who are always present among their number. The original gods were always the center of it all. Mother Beory, Father of Summer Obad-Hai, The Lord of Spring Pelor, The Autumn Lord Incabulos (in some Flan cultures he is replaced by the goddess Berei), and The Lord of Winter Nerull. Originally all were neutral aspects though Incabulos became associated with plagues and suffering, making many followers of the old faith wish for the Lord of Winter to end their suffering. As such every winter Obad-Hai is slain by the Lord of Winter. It is the Lord of Spring that releases Obad-Hai from the summer tree. He has Berei assist him with the burial of Obad-Hai. Where he is buried, Mother Beory’s tears revive him and a young sapling grows, which drops the fruit that hatches a young Obad-Hai once again in the spring. By the summer he is fully grown and strong, the Stag King, leading the wild hunt against those that would defile nature. During autumn he grows into a weathered old man, waiting for the winter lord to slay him once again. There is a belief amongst the Old Faith, that should Pelor fail to bury Obad-Hai after seven days, he will be gone forever, and Oerth will forever be plunged into an eternal winter.

The Flannae Pantheon consists of Allitur, Beory, Berei, Boccob, Celene, the Earth Dragon, Ehlonna, Gruumsh (amongst the early Flan he was thought a chief rival of Obad-Hai, in the old faith he was once known as the autumn lord, and was replaced by Incabulous after he established himself as the chief patron of the orcish pantheon), Obad-Hai, Pelor, Incabulous, Iuz, Krovis, Kyuss, Luna, Myhriss, Olidammara, Rao, Red Fox, St. Cuthbert, The Serpent, Vathris, and Zodal.

Beory, Boccob, Obad-Hai, St. Cuthbert, Pelor, and Rao are the primary recipients of Flan worship in the Flannaess, though all the gods of the pantheon receive varying amounts of veneration, token though they may be. Many others have lost a direct association with the Flan pantheon and are not mentioned here, though, in truth, about 90% of the Flan pantheon is considered part of the common pantheon of gods. Even the Oeridians stopped worshipping Sol and fully adopted Pelor into their pantheon of gods. Beory is considered the mother of the gods, and only in the Baklunish west is she known as Mother Geshtai, foe of Sevelkar the waster, the Baklunish name for Incabulos. the Flan may be the most diminished of the human races currently bordering or occupying the Flannaes. However, they have cemented their customs and traditions into every human species they have ever come across. Most notable of them all are the Oeridians and to a lesser extent the Suloise people.

Professions & Skills

The Flannae have developed many and various skills over the centuries and in that time those professions and skills have changed little regardless of their location upon the Oerth -- as such all Flannae characters gain a + 2 bonus to any two of the following skills: Nature Lore, Sage Knowledge (geography), Sage Knowledge (the inner planes), Sage Knowledge (the outer planes) Survival (player's choice), Animal Handling, Leatherworking, Profession (animal breeder), Agriculture, Dancing, Singing, or Riding, Land Based.

Flannae characters are so attuned to nature that many have learned languages common amongst the fey races. As such Flannae characters may take the Sylvan tongue as a bonus language. If a character wishes to take this language as a bonus language, a percentile dice roll is required. If the result is 01 - 35, the character may take this language as a bonus language.

The ancient Flannae also dwelled and worshipped demons like they do gods these days. Many have learned the Abyssal tongue of demons and a few have learned the infernal languages of devils as a bonus language. If a character wishes to take this language as a bonus language, a percentile dice roll is required. If the result is 01 - 05, the character may take this language as a bonus language.

Fighting Styles

The ancient Flannae peoples were associated with primitive fighting styles, few of which see use today. Many Flannae were accomplished horsemen. Most preferred to ride into their opponents armed with spears and axes. Some carried sickles to sacrifice their enemies to the old gods. Archery from horseback saw some usage mostly among the Itari and later by Sulmi. Now the modern-day Rovers of the Barrens seem to have continued this tradition which serves them well in maintaining their lands.

In Geoff and Sterich many of the Flan in these nations have adopted the sword as their main weapon. While it seems this tradition was inspired by the Oerids of these lands, the Flan embody the spirit of their ancient brethren by running headlong into battle naked armed only with their swords. Two-handed weapons have also become commonplace as they tend to be more useful in damaging the giants which raid these lands. Long-bowmen have just begun to see more usage as they allow one to keep a long distance from their enemy, short-bow use is more common especially when riding horseback.

The Wolf nomads favor the spear, throwing axe, and sling their ancestors used in battle. Some carry spiked leather gauntlets, or the punching dagger and curved blades of their Baklunish ancestors, alongside their wolf companions.

In Perrenland polearms see much use, especially amongst the mercenary companies. Mercenaries from Perrenland are highly valued in the armies they serve. Their ability, especially in defense measurements, is highly sought after. Shortswords, axes, spears, shields, and hunting knives are also commonplace, with crossbows seeing little use in this region. The most skilled pikemen and halberdiers are often from Perrenland. Having pushed back many a marauding army. Most military men in Perrenland learned their craft as mercenaries. Fighting on the opposite sides of warring parties. However, it is the rare mercenary who fells one of his kin. This has served them well when being hired to route fellow countrymen from the opposing army ranks. Only to find them bolstering the ranks of the mercenary army sent to dispose of them.

One thing that remains common amongst all Flan people is the use of light or no armor. Most Flan despise the extra burden of heavy armor, and few would don any armor that weighs more than forty pounds.

Naval combat is something most Flan nations these days know little about. Many of their nations do not border large bodies of water capable of supporting naval units. In ancient times, the Isles of Woe and Caerdiralor supported naval units. Ahlissa presumably had the largest naval units of all the Flan nations, though, they also saw little usage as naval combat was not as advanced as it is now in present-day Oerth. Instead, most naval units merely supported the transportation of troops. Perhaps naval units were more commonplace when the Pomarj was a heavily populated Flan nation. Though as far as historians can tell this area was populated by primitive isolationists who later were absorbed into the migrating Suel population. Eventually, only traces of Flan culture exist. With altars and shrines, devoting worship to the earth dragon is paramount among these findings.

The Flan present in the Theocracy of the Pale have been absorbed into the Oeridian way of life. In truth, little of their ways exist in the Pale these days. Many of their fighting formations and weapon usage mimics those of their Oeridian brethren.

Racial Abilities & Skills

The following is a list of racial and heritage abilities and proficiencies that a Flannae character may take as a bonus proficiency.

Bloodline, Caerdiralor

While some Flan from all walks of life are imbued with the bloodline of Caerdiralor. You have a stronger connection traced back to a mixture of the Sulmi bloodline with the survivors who fled the doomed nation when they crossed the Sea of Gearnat.

Benefit: A Caerdiralor Flan receives a +2 to saves against spells from the necromantic school of magic.

Bloodline, Itari

You are a descendant of the ancient Itari Flan whose forward-thinking permitted them access to the ways of Vathris the maker.

Benefit: An Itari Flan receives +2 skill bonuses to the @nature, and Diplomacy skills. The character can easily sway someone’s reaction by two categories for each successful Diplomacy roll.

Special: The character's Diplomacy score must be equal to, or greater than the character's level he is trying to persuade. Otherwise, the character's Diplomacy can only improve reaction rolls by one category.

Bloodline, Durha

You are a descendant of the Durha Flan, some of the most backward thinking and barbaric of the Flan people.

Benefit: The Durha were some of the most determined warriors. However, determination and skill are two different things. As such these characters gain 1 extra hit point per character level.

Those with this bloodline may remain active at less than zero hit points with a successful Constitution check minus the amount of damage suffered below zero. This check must be made each round, however, each check made beyond the first suffers an additional -1 penalty. Failure means the character passes out into unconciousness, risking death. Successful checks means the character remains in the fight, but upon the conclusion of combat, the character slumps into unconciousness and may still die if healing is not provided as they continue to lose 1 hit point per round. A character that has become unconcious may not roll to pull themselves out of unconciousness. Once unconcious, they remain in that state until death or they are healed/first-aid applied.

Example: Fleg has a Constitution of 13 and was struck by a club bringing his hit point total to -3 hit points. Fleg wills himself to maintain fighting on and rolls a 9 on his Constitution check to overcome his wounds. Since Fleg is at -3 hit points he needed a 10 to remain active. Fleg remains active and is not struck again that round. The next round, Fleg must make another Constitution check and rolls a 10. Since Fleg has an additional -1 penalty, he needed a 9 to be successful. Failing the chaeck, Fleg slumps into unconciousness.

Bloodline, Rhugha/Ronhass

You are a descendant of the Rhugha/Ronhass Flan. While the Rhugha and the Ronhass were both intimately related to each other by blood and tradition; the two were continuously at odds with each other. Many jest that the Rhugha and Ronhass were skilled horsemen only because they were as stubborn as the mules they trained and lived with.

Benefit: A Rhugha/Ronhass Flan receives a +2 bonus to their Riding, Land Based (horses) and Animal Handling (horses) proficiencies. They also receive a +2 to saves against spells or abilities to charm or enthrall them. Spells that control emotions can affect them if it induces anger.

Special: Diplomacy can never be taken by a character with this bloodline.

Bloodline, Sulmi

You are a descendant of the Sulmi Flan. The ancient Sulmi were always very ambitious; determined to complete a task no matter the cost. This endearing trait led them to incorporate the teachings of Caerdiralor into their society. However, some pure strains of this bloodline exist.

Benefit: A Sulmi Flan receives a +4 insight bonus to any proficiency or ability check, once per day. This does not guarantee success but shows their determination in completing a task.

Bloodline, Truun

You are a descendant of the Truun Flan. Much like the Rhugha/Ronhass, the ancient Truun were skilled horsemen that attacked in large groups. However, the Truun did not share the stubbornness their Rhugha and Ronhass brethren were famous for.

Benefit: A Truun Flan receives a +2 Riding, Land Based (horses) and Animal Handling (horses) proficiencies.. A Truun that makes a successful Land-Based Riding check in combat also receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls while on horseback.

[World of Greyhawk Boxed Set 1983]
[The Flannae by Dennis Lovatt, Oerth Journal #27 April 2016]


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