Charmalaine Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Charmalaine (TCHAR-mah-lain) is the halfling hero-goddess of Keen Senses and Narrow Escapes. She gained her nickname "the Lucky Ghost" from her ability to leave her body to scout ahead in spirit-form. In this form, she is believed to warn halfling adventurers of impending danger. Her holy symbol is a burning boot-print.   Charmalaine is a young halfling woman with alert eyes, black oiled leather armor, and boots coated in mud. She carries a mace called Fair Warning and is usually seen with Xaphan, her ferret familiar. She is energetic, spontaneous, and fearless.   Charmalaine's apotheosis was co-sponsored by Fharlanghn and Brandobaris.   Charmalaine preaches vigilance and attention to one's environment. Her followers are urged to hone their reflexes, to be quick on their feet, to enjoy exploration but also safety. They are taught that too many material things can be too much weight.   Charmalaine's holy text reads like an adventurer's journal, telling of an escape from a red dragon, a newly freed demoness, a sahuagin army, and too many traps to count.   Charmalaine's clerics are nearly always adventurers, monster-hunters, military scouts, or members of other risky professions. Her adventuring priests are thrill-seekers. Their preferred weapon is the light mace.   The Lucky Ghost Hero-goddess of keen senses, narrow escapes, and luck Hero-deity Alignment: True Neutral Domains: Luck, Protection, Trickery Symbol: Burning boot print Charmalaine (pronounced TCHAR-mah-lain) is a young halfling goddess concerned with awareness of her environment and the ability to react to its hazards. Sponsored by Fharlanghn and Brandobaris (halfling god of adventurers and thieving), she is an energetic and spontaneous person, unafraid of danger, for she expects to be able to detect it when it approaches and evade it before it brings her harm. The holy text of her faith reads like an adventurer's diary, detailing her escapes from an army of sahuagin, a newly-released demoness, hundreds of magical traps, and even the lair of an ancient red dragon. Charmalaine is depicted as a young halfling with bright and alert eyes, black oiled leather armor, and muddy boots. She carries the light mace First Warning and is usually accompanied by her ferret familiar, Xaphan. Her holy symbol is a burning boot print. She is called the Lucky Ghost because of her ability to send her spirit out of her body to scout ahead safely, and is said to warn halfling adventurers of impending danger while in her incorporeal form.   Charmalaine's clerics are almost always adventurers, but some find work in other risky professions such as monster-catching, military scouting, and guarding public officials. Her adventuring clerics arc thrill-seekers, for the danger and the rewards it brings. Some join specific quests to experience new things and have interesting tales to tell.   Adventure Guild: Her clergy primarily consists of thrill-seeking adventurers or those who pursue other risky professions such as hunting, beast training, scouting, and guarding public officials. Astral Projection: Charmalaine can send her spirit out of her body, allowing her to scout ahead safely and warn halfling adventurers of impending danger. Carry a Big Stick: She wields a light mace called First Warning that has a head that shouts out warnings. Familiar: She has a ferret familiar called Xaphan, who usually accompanies her. Super Senses: Charmalaine teaches her followers to be attuned to their surroundings, for the one who is off-guard is the one who gets caught. She instructs them to hone their reflexes until their bodies react before their minds have time to make them pause, for a moment's hesitation can cost them their lives. Super Speed: Halflings envision her as a young adult who moves so fast that her boots smoke and sometimes even catch fire.

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With Fharlanghn, Brandobaris co-sponsored the apotheosis of Charmalaine.



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