Halfling Pantheon Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Halfling Pantheon

The chief deity of halflings is Yondalla, who leads a pantheon including Arvoreen, Brandobaris, Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, and Urogalan. Besides these major gods, halflings recognize a vast pantheon of small gods representing villages, forests, rivers, lakes, beloved ancestors, and so on, as well as the hero-goddess Charmalaine. Halflings also frequently worship Ehlonna and Ulaa. Obad-hai also frequently takes halfling form.


Arvoreen, god of Protection, Vigilance, and War.

Brandobaris, god of Stealth, Thieves, and Adventuring.

Charmalaine, hero-goddess of Keen Senses and Narrow Escapes.

Cyrrollalee, goddess of Friendship, Trust, and Home.

Sheela Peryroyl, goddess of Nature, Agriculture, and Weather.

Urogalan, demigod of Earth, Death, and Protection of the Dead.

Yondalla, goddess of Halflings, Protection, Fertility, Children, Security, Leadership, Diplomacy, Wisdom, the Cycle of Life, Creation, Family and Familial Love, Tradition, Community, Harmony, and Prosperity.


Not truly part of the Halfling Pantheon but venerated by Halflings and associated with the Halfling Pantheon are:





Halflings: Yondalla* (Creator; protection, fertility), Arvoreen the Defender (protection, vigilance, war), Brandobaris (stealth, thieves, adventuring), Cyrrollalee* (friendship, trust, home), Sheela Peryroyl* (nature, agriculture, weather)


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