Free City of Ountsy

Ountsy is a Free City on the coast of the former Great Kingdom and founding member of the Solnor Compact. The people there are known for being tight fisted, always counting coins during any business transaction, and for not valuing art of science.   Once a fief of Rel Astra during the days of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy, The city became independent when the kingdom collapsed after the disappearance of Ivid V at the end of the Greyhawk Wars. Despite the rivalry between the city and Rel Astra hey quickly joined the Solnor Compact, recognizing the need for mutual protection.   The city of Ountsy is located on the coast of the Solnor Ocean, equidistant between Rel Astra and the Roland. The Trine of Ountsy claims very little territory, mostly just chunks of the Lone Heath. This positioning led Ountsy to becoming a hub for trade.   Celandenn (LE human female priest 13, Wee Jas)—Lady Warden of the College of Divination.   The city of Ountsy is run by Lady Emmara of House Garasteth, although she was born to House Darmen but renounced any allegiance to them. Her official title is Trine of Ountsy, an ancient title with astrological connotations. She also holds the title of Lord High Mayoress. She came into power after the death of her husband in 570 CY. Like most previous rulers of Ountsy, she seeks the advice of the astrologers and diviners of the College of Divination. Her most trusted advisor is Celandenn, Lady Warden of the College and priestess of Wee Jas. Theodenn Semmer, is head of the Ountsy military, and has the title of Supreme Phalangist. He took his position before Lady Emmera came to power. At first he didn't like her but warmed up to her as she made sure both he and his troops were well paid.   Arcane Magic is handled by Court Mage Svenser and his apprentices. One of the flaws of Ountsy is that any high scholarship, with the exception of the College of Divination, is seen as frivolous and useless. Interest in academics is shamed out of most of the population in their youths. This means there are no wizards trained domestically and they must be brought in from elsewhere. Lady Emmara is careful to ensure that Svenser and apprentices have everything they need to guarantee their loyalty.

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