Sea Barons

The Glossography is a 48-page work framed as the work of Pluffet Smedger, the Elder, of the Royal University at Rel Mord. It bears an in-world publication date of the year 998 CY, or 422 years after the "current day" of 576 CY.  

His Noble Prominence Sencho Foy, the Lord High

Admiral of Asperdi; Commander of the Sea Barons

Capital: Asperdi (pop. 7,100)

Population: 55,000

Demi-humans: Few

Humanoids: Few

Resources: None outstanding

The Aerdi power spread to the islands off the shores of the Gullcliffs, where the newcomers mixed with Flannae. The Overking eventually appointed certain nobles to baronial island fiefs, four in all, instructing them to build squadrons of ships and compete, for whichever of their number excelled in warfare at sea would be appointed over all as supreme baron and admiral as well. Baron Asperdi won the post, and to this day the High Admiral of the Great Kingdom is the hereditary baron of that place. The four barons are virtually independent today, but still swear fealty to the Overking and serve loyally if not with great enthusiasm. Their squadrons protect the coasts from Bellport to Pontylver, driving off the northern barbarian seawolves, protecting the coastal sealanes, and fighting with the ships of the Duxchan Lord whether piratical or otherwise.

  The Living Greyhawk Gazetter (LGG) is a sourcebook for the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Setting is 591CY  

Proper Name: Dominion of the Sea Barons

Ruler: His Noble Prominence Basmajian Arras, Lord High Admiral of Asperdi, Commander of the Sea Barons (LE male human Ftr13)

Government: Independent feudal monarchy with hereditary leadership; a different noble family governs each island, but all owe fealty to Asperdi

Capital: Asperdi

Major Towns: Asperdi (pop. 8,100), Oakenheart (pop. 5,000)

Provinces: Three islands under government control, two islands not controlled

Resources: Seafaring technology and knowledge, shipbuilding supplies

Coinage: [Modified Aerdy] orb (pp), gold baron (gp), noble (ep), penny (sp), common (cp)

Population: 154,000—Human 79% (So), Halfling 9%, Elf 5%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%

Languages: Common

Alignments: CN*, CE, NE, N

Religions: Procan, Xerbo, Osprem, Norebo, Syrul, Kurell, Nerull, Ralishaz, Celestian

Allies: Rel Astra, Ountsy, Roland

Enemies: Scarlet Brotherhood, Lordship of the Isles, Frost/Ice/Snow Barbarians, Lendore Isles (distrusted)


The people of these lands are a mix of Oeridian and Flan. Centuries ago, the Overking established four baronial island fiefs here, instructing each to build squadrons of ships and compete with each other. Whichever proved best in naval warfare would be appointed supreme baron, admiral of Aerdy, and be duly rewarded with Imperial favor. Old Baron Asperdi won the contest, and now, the baron of that is land rules the Sea Barons.

The main duties of the Barons in serving Aerdy were to fight off the Frost and Ice Barbarians and the Lordship of the Isles, which they carried out without great enthusiasm.

The old High Admiral, Sencho Foy, suffered a sad mishap early in Aerdy's entry into the Greyhawk Wars. He choked on a fishbone stuck in his throat (although some say the dagger which had impaled the fishbone first did the important damage). Under Admiral Basmajian, the Sea Barons remained out of the Wars and kept their fleets largely confined to their ports and the Solnor Ocean. The Sea Barons now raid parts of the eastern coast of Aerdy (though they trade with Rel Astra), skirmish with Lendore and the Lordship of the Isles, and prefer to avoid need less combats with the barbarians.

The seamen and barons here are very uncertain of their future, not knowing with whom to ally. They have kept Scarlet Brotherhood "advisers" at a safe distance after seeing what happened to Latmac Ranold. Basmajian himself is believed to favor an alliance with Ratik and the Frost Barbarians, but it will be years before the other barons agree to any kind of binding concord.


The sovereignty known commonly as the realm of the Sea Barons is located off the eastern coast of the Flanaess in the Solnor Ocean, separated from the Aerdi coastline by the Bay of Gates. These isles were among the last lands to be settled by the Aerdi, and were expressly established to provide the Great Kingdom with a naval power. The five major islands here include (from largest to smallest) Asperdi Isle, Oakenisle, Fairisle, Leastisle, and uninhabited (and possibly cursed) Serpent Isle. Each of the four main islands is ruled as a minor barony, the personal fief of an Aerdi lord who no longer pledges allegiance to the Malachite Throne. Asperdi Isle was once the headquarters of the Aerdi Admiralty during the height of the Great Kingdom, and it was the provincial capital of these lands. Today, the barons of Oakenisle and Fairisle are not subjects of Asperdi, but all three work closely together. Leastisle's baron was overthrown in 584 CY, and the isle is in complete anarchy.

The four major isles of the Sea Barons are fertile and lush, even idyllic in the case of Fairisle. The climate is generally warm and mild most of the year, and while not tropical in nature, it can sometimes get very hot during the summer months. These islands are home to an abundance of resources, including fruits such as bananas, galda fruit, and figs, which fetch high prices on the mainland. Additionally, the waters surrounding the islands are rich in seafood, and the shellfish collected just off the shore of the islands are highly prized delicacies. Oakenisle is home to a unique species of oak that is generally regarded as the best available for shipbuilding. Oakenheart, the capital of the isle, accordingly sports highly renowned shipyards, where most of the matchless vessels of the Sea Barons are constructed and repaired. Most of the activity and trade of these islands revolves around the sea, and much of the population owes its livelihood to it Temples to the god Procan are very prominent on these islands, though smaller shrines to Xerbo are not uncommon as well.

In the opinion of many of the rulers along the Solnor Coast, the Sea Barons are little better than the pirates and freebooters who they once fended off for the Great Kingdom. Slavery is sanctioned on the isles, and it is said that the Sea Barons would gladly take over the illicit southern trade of the Scarlet Brotherhood if given the opportunity. Currently, Lord Basmajian of Asperdi leads the Sea Barons, following the untimely death of Admiral Sencho Foy during the wars. The greatest threat to the Sea Barons remains the alliance between the Lordship of the Isles and the Scarlet Brotherhood. The rest of the Sea Barons are now bound in alliance to the Free Cities of the Solnor Compact, led by Rel Astra and its Lord Drax. The Sea Barons provide protection to these mainland ports by patrolling the waters along the coast in return for the ability to anchor in their harbors and trade goods in their markets.


Early in the history of Aerdy, when the Aerdi expanded west from their holdings in the Flanmi basin, little attention was paid to naval pursuits in the Solnor. Most of the islands off the eastern coast of the Flanaess were either inhabited by Flan natives in the north or Suel colonists in the south, and these peoples posed little threat to the expansion of the dominant Aerdi on the continent. It was only centuries later, after the founding of the Great Kingdom, that the overkings sought to extend their dominion to the seas. The seasonal raids of northern Suel barbarians from the Thillonrian Peninsula were becoming more than a simple nuisance to the cities of the eastern Aerdi coast. In the south, past the Aerdi Sea, pirates of Suel extraction began harrying traffic between the Solnor and the Azure Sea with impunity. This could no longer be tolerated by the Malachite Throne, so the small Aerdy admiralty based in Rel Astra needed to be expanded.

For centuries, the isles enclosing the Bay of Gates across from the Gull Cliffs and the coastal cities of Roland and Ountsy were populated by primitive Flan tribesmen and some small number of Aerdi, notably dissidents from the mainland. However, early in the first century of the Great Kingdom, Overking Manshen decided to create baronies from the fertile isles; Oeridian colonists soon settled them while the court in Rauxes struggled with their administration. In 102 CY, House Garasteth laid claim to the isles, and open conflict threatened to break out between House Garasteth and House Atirr, from North Province. Overking Manshen's wisdom was in full display when his solution to the problem was to conduct an open competition to settle the matter. He appointed four peers from the rival noble houses to the baronies of the four islands and instructed them to build fleets. The baron who was most successful at the naval exercises that ensued would be chosen to represent the entire realm as the lord high admiral of the Great Kingdom. Baron Asperdi of Atirr won the post handily, and the largest island was named for him and his descendants. The headquarters of the Aerdi Admiralty was thereafter moved to Asperdi Isle, and the islands came to be known as the Dominion of the Sea Barons.

With the naval power of the Sea Barons at the fore, the Aerdi captured the Lordship of the Isles in 168 CY by defeating the Suel of Duxchan. However, victories and glories fur the Sea Barons over the next few centuries were few. Their typical lot was to battle the Suel barbarians on seasonal raids from the north. At the same time, their Duxchan rivals gained authority from the overking over the southern seas and the rich trade proceeding from Hepmonaland. However, as the purveyors of trade from distant parts of the kingdom to the large markets, primarily in Rel Astra and Pontylver, the Sea Barons still profited greatly.

In 448 CY, the Sea Barons suddenly gained sole authority over naval pursuits in the eastern Great Kingdom, following the affiliation of the Lordship of the Isles with the Iron League. Overnight, the prince of Sulward and the baron of Asperdi became nemeses instead of rivals, with the Aerdi Sea as their field of battle. More than a century and a half of conflict has ensued between the two powers, and while the names and faces have often changed, the contests are still hotly fought. The Sea Barons won the most recent encounter, the massive Battle of Medegia, fought in the Aerdi Sea in 572 CY. Now, the Duxchaners, with the resources of the Scarlet Brotherhood at their backs, have made a comeback. Two captains loyal to the Sea Barons were killed and replaced by agents of the Brotherhood in 587 CY. The spies were uncovered, but the Sea Barons are extremely concerned that they will be targeted by the Scarlet Ones to suffer the same fate. For that reason, they have allied with Lord Drax and the Free Cities of the Solnor Compact, keeping a close watch over the activities of their captains.

Lord Basmajian has worked hard since his accession during the wars to ensure that the fate that befell so many other nations is not shared by his own. He kept his fleets out of the Greyhawk Wars, but the Sea Barons were not prepared for the sacking and capture of the smallest of their realms, Leastisle, by marauders in 584 CY. These usurpers pale in comparison to the external threats that the remaining three barons face, and they are confident they will win back the small barony. However, they cannot afford the effort so long as the Scarlet Brotherhood's threat in Duxchan exists, and so long as they lack a treaty with the barbarians of the north. For the time being, Vernport on Leastisle remains a free city, if a dangerous and anarchistic one.

Conflicts and Intrigues:

The Sea Barons do not desire a permanent alliance with the Cities of the Solnor Compact, distrusting Drax's motives, but they feign friendship. The Sea Barons fear assassination or worse by the Scarlet Brotherhood, and treat with strangers in their lands harshly. Expeditions launched to the mysterious south in the last few years have returned with tales of fantastic wonders and riches.

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Articles under Sea Barons


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