Goblin Pantheon Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Goblin Pantheon

Goblins have their own pantheon, led by Maglubiyet. Other members of the goblin pantheon include Bargrivyek and Khurgorbaeyag.


Bargrivyek, goblin god of Cooperation and Territory.

Khurgorbaeyag, goblin god of Slavery, Oppression, and Morale.

Maglubiyet, god of Goblins, War, and Rulership.

Nomog-Geaya, god of Hobgoblins, War, and Authority.


Goblins and Hobgoblins: Maglubiyet (Creator; war, rulership), Khurgorbaeyag (slavery, oppression, morale, goblins), Nomog-Geaya (war, authority, hobgoblins).

Other deities worshipped by goblins include Iuz, Dispater, and (rarely) Meriadar.





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