Istus Lady of Our Fate Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Istus Lady of Our Fate (IS-tus)

Greater Powers

(Lady of Our Fate, The Colorless and All-Col ored), N greater goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divina tion, Future, and Honesty

Istus, the Colorless and All-colored, Lady of Our Fate, is honored and feared as the controller of foreordination. While she has relatively few faithful devotees, many persons will call upon Istus in time of want or need. She may or may not heed. None knows. Because fate is so often cruel or unkind, only very cynical or unfeeling persons tend toward service of Istus.

No one knows where (or when) Istus makes her abode. Some savants postulate that there is a nexial pocket universe which only she, and her webs of fate, can enter or exit. Istus does certainly make appearances on other planes, including the Prime Material.

Sometimes she is an old crone, at other times she appears as a noble dame, then again as a lovely lady or even as a shepherd girl. In whatever form, Istus never bears an obvious weapon, for she is able to employ any object offensively. Istus also can create and cast strands and webs of many different kinds. Each strand or web has its own powers and effects. These strands and webs are:

Strand of Binding, which confines a creature as if wrapped in iron chains.

Strand of Cancellation, which causes the object struck to cease existing, and become as if it never had existed. Only non-living things can be affected.

Strand of Death, which reduces whatever it strikes to dust, forever.

Strand of Hostility, which causes any affected creature to become hostile to anyone and anything which opposes Istus, because destiny would have it so.Any and all possible actions in defense of Istus will be used by the creature affected, against even former friends or associates, without direction from Istus. Strand of Passage, which instantly connects the plane it is on with any other Istus desires. Any creatures touching it are transported instantly to the connecting plane.

Strand of Sending, which sends the affected creature to whatever time and place in the near future which poses the greatest threat to its freedom or existence. Willing creatures can be sent to a place of future opportunity.

Web of Enmeshment, which causes all creatures caught within it to become lost in a maze-like space, vision clouded by mist, filled with apprehension and likely to attack on sight any other creature encountered. The web seems to have no internal boundaries, although those inside it can see no more than 10 feet in any direction.

Web of Entropy, which drains magical powers from enchanted items and cancels the effects of spells cast from within (or into) the web.

Web of Stars, which transports Istus and all that is near her to an unbounded time-space of unknown type. All see an infinity of starry space draped with endless nets of silken strands. Distances are distorted, and each step taken moves the individual vast distances — or so it seems. Any creature more than two "steps" away appears as a glowing star of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, or white. This web is an ultra-dimensional pathway to virtually anywhere or any when, provided the way is known. Istus, naturally, knows the way. Extremely intelligent creatures have been known to return to their point of origination. A few intellects, whose genius was surely beyond measuring, are reputed to have actually determined the location of other points along the web and traveled to other times and planes.

The web lasts for one hour of "real" time. When it fades, all creatures return instantly to an apparently random location on their respective home planes, unless they have found and entered some other plane. The "stars" are entryways into times and planes, but unless the nature of the time/plane is known, these portals are impassable.

Istus employs a spindle-like instrument to cast these strands and webs. This device responds to Istus, and Istus alone. All times and places and planes are known to Istus, and she may move freely from one to another so long as she has her spindle. If it is lost, she returns immediately to her own plane. The lost spindle will then crumble into powder, and Istus will be compelled to remake her magical spindle, which may require up to a year, during which time she cannot control fate.

Istus can never be surprised. She can move into the future and back, instantly, once per day. Such movement is known to have a curative effect on her. All time-related spells are totally useless when applied to Istus in any manner. Istus is said to be served by a strange companion, a creature of time similar to an elemental prince.

Clerics of Istus wear gray robes, or black on occasion. Leading clerics have web-patterned formal vestments. Most are female. In addition to the holy symbol of Istus, the cleric must allow her/his hair to grow at least 6 inches long.

Centers of worship of Istus are in Dyvers, Greyhawk, Rauxes, Rel Mord, and Stoink. Services include gauze hangings, clouds of incense, woodwind music, chanting, and meditation.

Istus (IS-tus) is the most powerful of the Baklunish deities. She appears as a Baklunish woman of any age or stature, always carrying her mystical gold spindle (her holy symbol) with which she creates the strands of fate. She is aloof from all other gods, even those of her own pantheon, as she concerns herself solely with the fate of the universe and its inhabitants. Her occasional companion is a cloudlike being believed to a prince from the Plane of Time.

Everything is connected to every other by invisible strands that push and pull over time. The choices a person makes in life affect the pull of some strands, allowing one to alter fate in a small way, but some of these webs of fate have a strong and inevitable pull that cannot be escaped. The perceptive can come to under stand these strands and watch them to predict the future. Accepting your destiny is the greatest service you can make to yourself, for dishonesty about your role in the world leads to ruin and disaster.

Clerics of Istus have seen the extremes of fate, from innocents dying horrible deaths and sadists controlling kingdoms to children recovering from mortal illness and despots felled by simple accidents. Because of this, most her clerics are cynical or stoic, but some kinder individuals serve her because they feel they were rewarded by fate. They are called upon to make predictions and divinations for important personage all over the world.

Domains Chaos, Knowledge, Law, Luck; Weapons web of Istus (no equivalent weapon)


Istus, the Colorless and All-colored, is the Power of future destinies and predestination. She has few true followers, but many call upon her in time of need or want when they fear the future. Istus receives many offerings in Baklunish lands and in places where people need good luck to sustain them (such as Free cities, under tyrannical rule in places such as Rauxes and the conquered Iron League states, and by the beleaguered Bandit Kingdom people).

Istus is depicted in one of three ways: as an old crone spinning the strands of the Web of Fate; as a noble and haughty woman; or as a cold, young maiden. Because Fate has been unkind to so many in the Flanaess, offerings of incense, candles, and the like are often ambivalent. Istus' priesthood is small, but often sought out by rulers and nobles for divinations.

AL Neutral; WAL Any (neutral preferred SoC Fate, Destiny; SY Golden spindle with three strands; CR Gray, black; PN Unrevealed .

Istus, the Colorless and All-colored, Lady of Our Fate, is also the deity of the future, destiny, and predestination. She has few true followers, but many people throughout the Flanaess call upon her in times of want or need. Some prognosticators and seers venerate Istus. Her cult is strongest in Divers, the City of Greyhawk, Rauxes, Rel Mord, and Stoink, places where people tend to count on good fortune to sustain them. Services to Istus include gauze hangings, clouds of incense, woodwind music, chanting, and group meditation.


Istus' Priests

Priests of Istus tend toward stoicism. They regard honesty as an absolute virtue. Many are cold, unfeeling folk, given the vagaries of Fate, although a few kinder souls may be found who feel that Fate has been uncommonly generous to them and wish to serve Istus in return. Divinations play a key role in the determination of the actions of these priests.

Most clerics of Istus are female (80%). Generally, only unfeeling or cynical persons serve her (fate often being too cruel or unreliable to inspire strong devotion) although some worship Istus because fate has been uncommonly generous to them. Clerics of Istus wear gray or black robes. Formal vestments for high-level clerics have web patterns. All clerics are expected to wear the golden spindle openly, and to let their hair grow at least six inches long. Since clerics of Istus tend to be resigned to (or confident about) their fates, they tend to make unimportant decisions randomly-by coin toss or die roll. Even when faced with an important decision, a cleric will often consider two or more courses of action of apparently equal merit and choose one randomly.

Clerics of Istus who are or 3rd level or higher can cast one augury spell per day. This does not count against the cleric’s normal spell total. Clerics of 7th level or higher can cast a strand of binding, once per day. The strand has a range of ten feet, and the binding lasts one round per level of the cleric. Victims who fail their saves can make one attempt to bend barsflift gates and break the strand.

Requirements: AB Int 14, Wis 14; AEx 5%; AL N; WP any nonedged weapon - club, flail*, hammer, mace, staff, lasso; AR leather or chain; RA gray or black robes, with web patterns for priests of level 7 +; SP Astral, Charm*(minor), Divination, Guardian*, Healing*, Necromantic, Numbers*, Protection*(minor), Thought, Time; SPL enmeshment, PW 1) cast all divination spells as if two levels higher, 3) augury, 6) divination, 7) strand of binding (I/day, maximum range 40 yards, one creature affected, saving throw versus spells negates; affected creature is rendered immobile for 50 rounds, minus 2 rounds per creature's HD or level; creature can make one attempt to free itself using half the normal Bend Bars °/ochance to break the strand TU nil; ADD enmeshment, bless, predict weather, chant, prayer, quest, stone tell, reincarnate

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations  

Istus’ Avatar

HD 16; THACO 10; SPA CI/MU 16/16; MV 12“; AC -2; hp 75; #AT 1; Dmg typically ld6; MR 50%; SZ M; Str 14, Int 19, Wis 19, Dex 18, Con 16, Cha 19


Istus appears in many guises. Sometimes she is an old crone, at other times a noble dame, shepherd girl, or gentlewoman. She always appears to be unarmed, but can use any object as an effective weapon for ld6 points of damage. No one knows where Istus makes her abode. Most probably it is located in some pocket universe or Deep Ethereal demi-plane which only she and her strands of fate can enter.

Istus can never be surprised. When attacking with an item, she always hits her target, as she can influence fate. Damage is variable-her control is not that fine. She can move into the future and back instantly, once per day. These jaunts into the future restore 3d10 x 10 lost hit points.

Istus is immune to the effects of all time-related spells (such as augury, divination, time stop, and tempus fugit), however applied. A noble time elemental with maximum hit points always attends Istus, but it accompanies her avatar only 20% of the time. Her most common avatar is hit only by weapons of + 3 or better enchantment.

Istus always carries the Spindle of Fate, a golden rod wound with silver-gray threads. This device responds only to Istus. She can move freely among all times and places while she has the Spindle. If it is lost, she returns immediately to her abode, where she makes a new spindle-the lost artifact crumbles to dust. Remaking the Spindle takes 3d10 x 10 days; Istus cannot control fate during this time.

Istus also uses the Spindle to cast various strands and webs:

Strand of Binding-The creature struck must save vs. spells or be held immobile, as though bound by heavy iron chains, for 100 rounds minus its hit dice, strength notwithstanding. This strand can be cast three times per day.

Strand of Cancellation-Any non-living object struck is treated as if it never existed! Only non-living things are affected. Magical items are entitled to save at 5% per “plus” or equivalent. Artifacts save at 50% and relics at 75% plus 5% per plus (e.g., an artifact sword +4 would save at 70%). This strand can be cast twice per day.

Strand of Death-Any creature (even a deity) struck is turned to dust; if magic resistance or save vs. spells fails, the creature is forever gone. This strand can be cast once per day.

Strand of Hostility-The creature struck becomes hostile to anyone or anything which opposes Istus (save vs. spell negates). The creature will do whatever is necessary to defend Istus, including turning on former associates or friends (fate decrees that it should be so). The effect is permanent, and only Istus can remove it. This strand can be cast twice per day.

Strand of Passage-This instantly connects the plane Istus is on with any other plane Istus wishes. Any creature touching it is immediately transported to the other plane. The strand remains for three rounds, but allows travel in only one direction. This strand can be cast twice per day.

Strand of Sending-The creature struck is sent to the place and future time (up to 200 days) where the DM feels its freedom or existence is most in jeopardy (save vs. spells negates, willing creatures need not save). Istus can also use the strand to send a creature to the time and location in the near future of greatest opportunity. This strand can be cast at will.

Web of Enmeshment-All creatures caught within this 30-cubic foot web become lost in a misty labyrinth of unlimited size. Vision within the labyrinth is limited to ten feet. Also, the prisoners are filled with a nameless dread, and are 50% likely to attack any creature they meet, friend or foe. The web lasts one turn, but creatures lost in the labyrinth may escape before them. Prisoners who are not in combat may attempt a save vs. spell on the second round of confinement, and each round thereafter until they escape. Creatures with magic resistance may roll when struck: If the roll is successful the creature is not confined; if the roll fails, the creature is trapped until it saves. Creatures killed or struck unconscious within the labyrinth remain there until removed by another creature. This web can be cast once per day.

Web of Entropy-This invisible, 30-cubic-foot web affects all magical energy within it. The web lasts one turn. Magical items must save as though struck by a strand of cancellation each round they remain in the web. Spells cast from, into, or through the web are negated. This web can be cast once a day.

Web of Stars-This web transports Mus and every creature within a 15-foot radius to an unbounded time/space in an unknown location which might be her abode. The web is an ultra-dimensional pathway to anywhere or anywhen, if the way is known. Mus, naturally, knows the way. Other creatures caught within the web see an infinite, starry space filled with silken strands. Distances are distorted, and a single step can move a creature a vast distance. Creatures more than two “steps” away appear as glowing stars of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, or white. The web lasts one hour or 600 “steps” of time.

Creatures of supra-genius intelligence can find their way back to their point of origin. Those with greater than supra-genius intelligence can determine the locations of other points along the web (10% chance per point of Intelligence over 20) and can use the web to travel to other planes and times. Creatures with genius intelligence can also discover the nature of the time/space (1% chance per point of Intelligence) and locate points along it, but each portal must be studied for one turn (100 “steps”) before it can be used. Creatures may try to comprehend the timekpace only once per visit. Points along the web are spaced 3d8 steps apart. Creatures within the web when it fades are instantly teleported to a random location on their home planes. This web can be cast once per day.

Strands have a range of 60 feet, webs 30 feet (except the web of stars which is always centered on Istus). Istus casts her strands and webs at 24th level. She has often granted strand casting to her high clerics, but these clerics are never granted more than two strands a day.


Additional Spell

Enmeshment (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 6

Range: 10 yards

Duration: Special

Components: S

Casting Time: 6 segs.

Saving Throw: Negates

Area of Effect: 30 foot cube

This spell creates a mass of weak, sticky threads which lasts one turn. The threads block vision but do not impede movement. They are non-flammable and can only be removed by a successful dispel magic spell. Creatures touching the threads must save vs. spell at -3 or be instantly teleported to a misty labyrinth of unlimited size. Prisoners within the labyrinth are filled with a nameless dread, and vision is limited to 10 feet. Prisoners are 50% likely to attack any creature they meet, friend or foe. Prisoners not engaged in combat may attempt a save vs. spell on the second round of confinement, and each round thereafter until they escape or the spell duration ends.

Creatures with magic resistance may roll when touching the threads; if the roll is successful the creature is not confined; if the roll fails the creature is trapped until it saves or the spell duration ends. Prisoners in the labyrinth when the spell duration ends are returned to their point of origin.

Religious, Organised Religion

Daoud was a priest of Istus

Dislikes each other

She doesn't get along well with Istus, as Rudd has a big problem with the idea of predestination.


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