The Baklunish Pantheon Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

The Baklunish Pantheon

The most powerful Baklunish deity is Istus, goddess of fate.[1]


Al'Akbar is a Baklunish man who rose to the status of demigod following the destruction of the Baklunish Empire in the Twin Cataclysms.


Xan Yae is a popular goddess of twilight, worshipped by warrior-monks, mystics and those who wish to master the arts of stealth. Her servant Zuoken, demigod of physical fitness and the unarmed martial arts, is popularly followed by monks and practicioners of the psionic arts.


Geshtai is a water goddess. Mouqol is god of trade.


Ancient Baklunish legend speaks of the Five-Fold Deity.[2]


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