Lendor Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Lendor (LEN-dor)

Intermediate Powers

(Prince of Time, Master of Tedium), LN intermediate god of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study

Lendor (LEN-dor), the leader and progenitor of the Suel pantheon, is depicted as a white-haired and bearded husky older man. Largely withdrawn from the affairs of the world to care for larger issues, Lendor considers himself superior other gods and especially to his children, as he has the ability to banish any of his children or undo their magic. A blow from his flaming sword Afterglow is said to be the force that started the flow of time at the dawn of the universe. His holy symbol is a crescent moon in front of a new moon surrounded by fourteen stars (sometimes less or more).

Time stretches to infinity, and issues that seem pressing are merely a smaller part of a larger whole. In order to make sense of the universe, one must look at the entire mosaic instead of just a part of it. Age brings experience, wisdom, and the impetus to take things slow.

Lendor's clergy are mostly older, particularly sages, village elders, and record keepers. They tend to have little interaction with the outside world, remaining cloistered in their libraries and temples for years at a time. Occasionally a younger person will be drawn to this faith, taking the role of wandering adviser, preaching the need to keep the present in perspective; these preachers often become advisers to conservative leaders or mount expeditions to recover ancient tomes and artifacts lost for generations.

Domains Knowledge, Law, Protection; Weapons greatsword(m), piercing and slashing weapons


This very old Suel Power is referred to as "Prince of Time and Tedium," which explains why his reverence is almost extinct on Oerth. Said to be the Creator of the other Suel Powers, Lendor is distant, aloof, and preoccupied with the unfolding of events through time in all the multiverse.

Lendor's handful of worshipers are sages, old men, and others distant from everday concerns. Services to this Power involve interminable recitations, officiated by elderly priests who find it difficult to recruit others to their faith.

Lendor's Priests

The priesthood of Lendor is elderly, rigid, and uncreative. This priesthood is preoccupied with ritual, formalities, and unswerving devotion to lawful neutrality.

Requirements: AB Int 14; AL LN; WP any nonedged weapon; AR leather, chain; RA silver robes adorned with a black circle containing a crescent moon surrounded by 14 stars; SP As tral, Divination, Elemental (air), Guardian*, Law, Numbers*, Thought, Time; SPL none; PW 3) slow (W3, reversed Aasre 7) immune to time-affecting spells (haste, time stop, temporal stasis, etc. 12) time stop (W9 TU nil.

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations
Lendor's realm is the Wheel of Time (Mechanus)



Daughter of Lendor

Wee Jas

Son of Lendor


Lendor's Grandson



Sometimes Allies



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