Wee Jas Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Wee Jas

Intermediate Powers

(The Witch Goddess, Ruby Sorceress, Stern Lady, Death's Guardian), LN (LE) intermediate god dess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law

Wee Jas (WEE jas) is portrayed as a stunning woman dressed in a beautiful gown, wearing some piece of jewelry with a skull motif. She promotes the utilization of spells and magic items (though many of her Suel followers insist she favors the creation of such things). She gained her death aspect when the survivors of the Rain of Colorless Fire looked to their goddess of magic for assurance that the dead were being escorted to the afterworld. Her allies are the lawful Suel gods while the chaotic ones are her enemies (except Norebo, who is her lover despite their philosophical differences). She respects Boccob, dislikes the beauty goddess Myhriss, and ignores most other deities. Her symbol is a red skull, sometimes in front of a fireball.

Magic is the key to all things. Understanding, personal power, security, order, and control over fate come with the study of magic. Respect those who came before you, left their knowledge, and died to make room for you; there will come a time when your life is over and those who come after will honor your learning and your memory.

Clerics of Wee Jas arbitrate disputes, give advice on magic, investigate magical curiosities, create magic items, and administer funerals. The more powerful clerics use their magic to fortify their temple and city. Clerics of lower level are expected to defer to ones of higher level at all times. Her clerics must get her permission before restoring a weak or chaotic being to life.

Domains Death, Law, Magic; Weapons dagger, wizard weapons


Wee Jas is the Suloise Power of magic and death. She is portrayed as an attractive, well dressed young woman, but her necklace—an ivory skull set against a ring of fine fire rubies—gives away her nature. Wee Jas is primarily lawful, but she inclines toward evil through her preoccupation with power.

Wee Jas is not widely revered even among Suel folk, although it is said that some of the Scarlet Brotherhood look to her magical powers with devotion. However, funeral rites among the Suel, even the barbarians, usually involve a small offer ing to her to protect the soul of the departed. She is a protector of the dead, and her priests are only rarely allowed to command undead creatures, having to commune with Wee Jas to see if this is acceptable to her.

Services to Wee Jas include the reverent flattery of fine icons of her (she is a vain Power), offerings of finery and gems, and magical fires.

Wee Jas's Priests

Wee Jas's priests are officiators at funerals, maintainers of graveyards, and ardent students of magic and arcane lore. The priesthood has rigid ordering and demands absolute obedience from its juniors.

Requirements: AB Int 13; AL LN, LE; WP as wizards; AR none; RA black (evil) or gray (neutral) robes; SP Astral, Charm, Combat*, Divination, Elemental (all), Guardian, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Sun*, Thought, Time, Wards*; SPL ability alteration; PW 3) +1 to saves versus magic; 6) may use 1st- and 2nd level wizard spells from the Enchantment/Charm and Illusion schools as priest spells of same level; 9) may use wizard spells of 1st through 4th level from the schools of Alteration, Enchantment/Charm, Illusion, and Invocation-Evocation as priest spells of same level, and may use magical items normally only usable by wizards; TU command (but see above)

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations
Wee Jas's realm is the Cabal Macabre (Acheron)

Daughter of Lendor

Wee Jas

Romantically linked siblings

Wee Jas

Wee Jas jealously dislikes Myhriss for her claim of dominion over love and beauty.

Wee Jas


Wee Jas


Wee Jas


Wee Jas


Wee Jas


Wee Jas



Wee Jas considers him a loose ally as a fellow lawful Suloise god, but he avoids her.

Wee Jas bears great enmity toward Phyton, for his dominion over beauty

Wee Jas

At War

Wee Jas

At War

Wee Jas

At War

Wee Jas


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