Mellifleur Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Mellifleur is the god of Lichdom and Magic. His symbol is a crystal vial held in a skeletal hand, with a ring on its fourth finger.   Mellifleur's features are typical for his kind, though his clean, undamaged, clothing marks him as more concerned with his personal appearance than most liches tend to be. Green gemstones glow within his eye sockets   Nerull actively opposes Mellifleur, seeking to recapture and absorb Mellifleur's power,[3] since Mellifleur unintentionally usurped it during the apotheosis of a servant of Nerull.[1][2][3] For this reason, some neutral good deities will occasionally aid Mellifleur in the hopes of keeping the forces of Evil divided.[1][3] The yugoloth known as Typhus was empowered by a cabal of night hags to defeat Mellifleur's armies, back when the lich-god was attempting to seize control of the larva trade.   Mellifleur resides in Gehenna,[1] where he hides many magical phylacteries, which can sustain him should he be overcome, or magically trapped.[2] In the 3rd edition Manual of the Planes, Mellifleur is also called Melif[4] and his realm, rising from Gehenna's deepest and darkest furnace, is called Hopelorn.[5] Hopelorn is a mortuary city carved from obsidian and is a place where sarcophagi light the streets[5][6] with a hellish red hue.[5] The tiny slits of windows look out into the dead, black landscape.[5] Liches, and other forms of undead, gather to research the arcane arts and the nature of life and death, dissecting captured fiends in fell experiments.[5] Only the yugoloths are avoided for such experiments by the denizens of this place, for fear of bringing the wrath of the yugoloths down upon themselves and Hopelorn.[5]   Melif and Hopelorn also appear in the 4th edition Manual of the Planes   Mellifleur encourages mortals to explore the secrets of life and death, and to ultimately become undead themselves   Mellifleur is worshipped by some liches. Mellifleur delights in guiding mortal arcanists along the path to undeath, as his own power is increased by all such acts.   Mellifleur was once a mortal wizard[1] (or, as some rumors state, a yugoloth wizard)[5] who performed the rites to make himself a lich. Due to an unforeseen conjunction of the spheres, Mellifleur's ritual tapped into divine forces sent by Nerull, who was, at that precise moment, endeavoring to elevate one of his servants to divinity. Somehow, Mellifleur's magic diverted this power into himself; thus Mellfleur became both a lich and a god in the place of Nerull's favored minion.[1][3] The illithids, who seem to know much that is hidden from others, tell a somewhat different story.[3] They claim that Mellifleur interrupted not just one such apotheosis, but many, thus usurping the ascension of many gods on many different worlds. Because of this, they say Mellifleur became not just a demigod but a lesser god in one unexpected surge of power. This forces Mellifleur to oppose the machinations of many outraged gods of evil.[


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