
Cegilune is the hag deity of Larvae, Hags, and the Moon. She is the patron goddess of all hags, including night hags. Her symbol is an overflowing black cauldron.   Cegilune appears as a filthy hag with yellow-brown skin. She may also appear as a young human or elf woman, or as a homely old lady. Very rarely, she'll manifest as a scruffy orc or goblinoid woman. In all of her forms, she carries a small iron pot.   Cegilune is believed to be related to the sylvan deities. Some say she is the dark twin of Titania, queen of the fey, herself. It is alleged that if either Titania or Cegilune were to die, both goddesses would perish. Cegilune has no allies, although she has dealings with some of the evil gods of the giants. She is said to have mated with Grolantor, and as such is considered one of the ancestresses of the hill giant race. She may be one of those who tutored his brother Karontor. She has many enemies among the sylvan gods.   Some centuries ago, the night hags waged war against the lich-god Mellifleur, who had seized control of the larva trade in one region of the Lower Planes. The hags created the altraloth Typhus in order to combat him. However, Mellifleur would not dare to attack Cegilune directly, for she protects her essence with numerous soul-gems hidden from his gaze and protected with powerful contingency spells.   Cegilune makes her lair in the realm of Hagsend in Pluton, the third gloom of the Gray Waste of Hades. She is said to dwell in a filthy, bone-strewn cave halfway up a bleak mountain of desolate black rock. There, she endlessly stirs her cauldron; a full moon hovers over it.   Cegilune is feared by sylvan beings as a dark and bloody stalker, and even hags despise their goddess, hating her for what she has made of them, respecting only her power. They fear her greed, believing she will take from them that which is rightfully theirs. Cegilune rules the night hags with an iron hand, sending them forth to gather larvae for her use.   Cegilune's favored weapon is the quarterstaff.   Cegilune is worshiped in grisly shrines near the cauldrons of her followers.   Cegilune is worshiped with praises and curses every night, cumulating in a ceremony held under the full moon nearest the Winter Solstice (Celene is full on Midwinter Night itself, while Luna is full the week before on Sunsebb 18), when her worshipers compete to inflict the greatest suffering in the blood sacrifices they offer their fell patron.   According to myths told by the ogres and hill giants, Cegilune was once a beautiful, silver-haired goddess of the moon. Her priestesses were granted special powers to further her worship: those known as the Songs of Cegilune were gifted with beautiful voices, her prophets were given the ability to walk on water, and her protectors were given great strength. As the Age wore on, fickle Cegilune grew complacent, and new deities usurped her worship. As her veneration declined, wrinkles began to appear on her lovely face, and those priestesses she called her daughters had begin to age as well. Enraged, Cegilune dispatched her daughters to slaughter hundreds of her former followers.   This expended most of her power, leaving Cegilune and her daughters wrinkled crones. Other deities, enraged by this violation of the sanctity of the Prime Material Plane, rose against her and drove her into the underworld. With this final corruption of their goddess, the daughters of Cegilune were corrupted as well, the Songs becoming green hags, the prophets becoming sea hags, and the protectors becoming the dreaded annis.

Str 21 Dex l6 Int l7 Wis l8 Con 16 Cha l

AC -1 SZ L (10') MV 18 fl 60 HP 112 HD 14 MR 35%

#AT 3 THACO 7 Dmg d8+9x2 (claws) 4d4 (bite)

Special Att/Def: The avatar is immune to weapons below +3 enchantment, and to all illusion/phantasm and mind-controlling spells, and also to death magic and poison. She takes half damage from cold and acid attacks. The avatar saves with a -2 penalty against petrification attacks. She can change self at will, create a forcecage 4/day, and 2/day can use a death gaze against a single creature within 120' (save versus death magic at - 4 or be slain). Once per week, the avatar can wail as a banshee (groaning spirit).

On the day before, on, and following a full moon, the avatar adds 10% to magic resistance. Further, saving throws against her spells are made with a - 2 penalty, cumulative with any other modifiers which may apply. On the night of the full moon, she also can use a moonbeam spell which affects creatures caught within it as a symbol of insanity (usual save versus spells applies). On the day before, on, and following a new moon, the avatar loses 10% from her magic resistance and cannot employ her death gaze power. In worlds with more than one moon, these effects apply to the moon with the shortest lunar interval (unless another moon is specifically associated with evil in the game world).

The avatar's small iron pot can be used I/day each for the following purposes: (1) to draw forth d8+8 poisonous snakes (as per the sticks to snakes spell), (2) to draw forth a vial of poison with which the avatar can coat her claws (Class D poison, three successful claw attacks remove the venom, which otherwise evaporates after one hour), (3) to draw forth and throw up to 60' a web, and (4) to project a screen.

Lastly, the avatar will always have in a small beaded bag 2dl0 hag eyes (see the MoMsrrous Compendium entry for hags). These are the shrivelled eyes from her victims which are magically treated to enable the avatar to see through them as she wills, up to 10 miles away. The avatar may place these around an area where she is active to spy about the perimeter, but she is careful to conceal them, because each, if destroyed, causes ldl2 hp of damage to the avatar.

Creator of Typhus

The hags created the altraloth Typhus in order to combat him(Mellifleur). However, Mellifleur would not dare to attack Cegilune directly, for she protects her essence with numerous soul-gems hidden from his gaze and protected with powerful contingency spells.


Mate of Grolantor

She is said to have mated with Grolantor, and as such is considered one of the ancestresses of the hill giant race.

Tutored Karontor

She may be one of those who tutored his brother Karontor.

Might be opposite half of Titania

Cegilune is believed to be related to the sylvan deities. Some say she is the dark twin of Titania, queen of the fey, herself. It is alleged that if either Titania or Cegilune were to die, both goddesses would perish.




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