Monitors of Infinity Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Monitors of Infinity

Known variously as Guardians of Time, Time Lords, Lords of Time, and other various titles, they are the Monitors of Infinity. The Monitors monitor chronomantic activity and serve as protectors of the Time Line. The Monitors are high level chronomancers of every conceivable type. Some are pure Chronomancers. Others are Temporal Champions and Temporal Raiders. These mysterious beings have kept themselves hidden from the questioning minds of those in reality and are known only slightly by other chronomancers due to the unavoidable confrontations that occur.


The Monitors are pledged to the preservation of Temporal Prime and the timestreams. They labor to prevent degredation of the borders between Temporal Prime and the Prime Material. The Monitors monitor the timestreams carefully and try to fix severe damage as they can. They detect turbulence patterns and try to intercept major upheavals in the natural order of events. Failing that, they plan complex infiltrations into reality to thwart the chronomancer's plans. Since most confrontations are of this nature, a certain amount of friction exists between the Monitors and the other Chronomancers.


Monitors set themselves high goals in their attempt to prevent degredation of the timestreams, but there are some things they simply cannot do. Monitors are kept quite busy with important work and even if one of them were to notice a low-level chronomancer making his first timeslip, the Monitor would report the activity, but would not interfere. The Monitors are too few to stop all chronomancy, and they always need new chronomancers to recruit into the Order. Monitors must, unfortunately, ignore most of the tampering, attempting to control the damage being done by chronomancers with just enough power to be really dangerous.


To attain their goals, the Monitors have set rules and procedures that they follow. Number One is SECRECY. The degree of secrecy the Time Lords keep make a regular chronomancer appear talkative. Monitors are all too aware fo their small numbers, and regardless of their higher levels, they cannot afford direct interraction, even of a friendly nature. It would take up too much time that is best spent patrolling and defending Temporal Prime.

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