Orcish Pantheon Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Orcish Pantheon

Orcs have their own pantheon, led by Gruumsh. These deities include:


Gruumsh, god of Orcs, Conquest, Survival, Strength, and Territory.

Bahgtru, god of Strength and Stupidity.

Ilneval, god of Warfare and Leadership.

Luthic, goddess of Female Orcs, Fertility, Medicine, Healing, Servitude, Caves, and Homes.

Shargaas, god of Darkness, Thieves, Stealth, Night, and Undead.

Yurtrus, god of Death and Disease.


The orcish gods teach that all other races are inferior, and that all their possessions rightfully belong to the orcs, having been stolen in the first place.

Orcs: Gruumsh (Creator; war, territory), Bahgtru (strength, combat), Ilneval (warfare, especially for leaders), Luthic* (fertility, medicine, servitude), Shargaas (darkness, thieves), Yurtrus (death, disease; many placate, few revere).

Iuz is also popular among orcs, especially within his own empire. The Earth Dragon is popular in the Pomarj. Orcs less inclined toward evil may worship other deities, such as the mongrelfolk god Meriadar, or the half-orc hero deity Nazarn.





Yurtrus is a member


No known relationship with the Orcish Pantheon


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