Raxivort Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Lesser god, CE — Xvarts, Rats, Bats It is told that Raxivort began life centuries ago as a normal xvart. Due to his superior capabilities, he rose to leadership of all xvarts, and because of great service to a demon (some say Graz'zt), Raxivort was granted certain powers and appointed Master of Slaves of the demon. Raxivort feigned gratitude and bided his time. Eventually, the cunning xvart gained sufficient knowledge and power to loot the demon's strongroom and with the new arsenal attempted to wrest control of the Abyssal Plane from its lord. The battle was titanic and lasted for months, neither side being able to better the other. At last Raxivort sought a truce and departed for the wildly changing planes of Pandemonium, giving up the portion of the Abyssal Plane he had taken, but carrying off great spoils. Raxivort now reigns in luxury, while demons shun him, and one (at least) plots a black revenge. Raxivort is Lord of Xvartkind, Packmaster of Rats, Night Flutterer. He can take the form of a xvart, rat, or giant bat (mobat) — or use magic to take other human, demi-human, or humanoid guise. Raxivort's normal form is xvart, of course, with bright blue skin and burning orange eyes. His features are gross and ugly in the extreme. Raxivort wears silken garments over blue mail, the whole shimmering as if aflame. Raxivort favors small, bladed weapons such as knives, daggers, and short swords. He can hurl any such weapon with great accuracy. He seldom has fewer than a dozen throwing knives and daggers. Raxivort also has a falchion of small size but great magical power. It is called Azure Razor, and in his hands it has the power to paralyze one specific type of creature upon command. In addition to his other powers, Raxivort has the ability to generate a blue blaze from his left hand. This flame combines the powers of both fire and acid. Raxivort has many companies of xvart fighters to serve and guard him. Likewise, he has packs of the largest giant rats and scores of mobats at his beck and call. Shamans serving Raxivort always display the blueflaming hand of their deity. They can rise to Lama status. Magic-using witch doctors can rise to Theurgist status.
Raxivort's realm is 2E/3E: Black Sewers (Pandemonium) 5E: Wanders
Religious, Other


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