Heironeous The Invincible Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Heironeous The Invincible (hi-ROE-nee-us)

Intermediate Powers

(The Invincible, the Valorous Knight, the Arch paladin), LG intermediate god of Chivalry, Jus tice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor

Heironeous is the champion of rightful combat and chivalrous deeds. Likewise he is the deity of those who fight for honor and strive for order and justice. Heironeous often leaves the Seven Heavens in order to move around the Prime Material Plane in order to aid heroic causes and champion lawful good.

Heironeous is tall, with coppery skin, auburn hair, and amber eyes. However, he has the power to create an illusion which makes him appear as a young boy, a mercenary soldier, or an old man. In the latter guises he will be garbed appropriately, but he always wears a suit of fine, magical chainmail. At his birth, Heironeous had his skin imbued with a secret solution, which protects him from many weapons, magical and nonmagical alike. His personal weapon is a great magical battle axe which shrinks to one-twentieth of its normal five feet of length, or back to full size, upon Heironeous willing such. Thus, in another guise, his weapon is not noticeable.

In addition to his normal attacks, Heironeous can loose a bolt of energy drawn from the Positive Material Plane. These bolts are more destructive to creatures from the Prime Material plane than to those of the Elemental Planes or the lateral neutral planes. The energy bolt does no harm to inhabitants of the Positive Material Plane or those of the Upper Planes. It is dangerous to creatures native to the lower planes, and to all undead creatures as well. Denizens of the Negative Material Plane are particularly vulnerable. Heironeous has all of the powers typical of a lesser deity.

There is great enmity between Heironeous and his brother, Hextor (q.v.), who chose a different course. Each seeks to destroy or thwart the other. Worshippers of Heironeous are found everywhere, but particularly where those who follow military professions or do heroic deeds are found is a chapel of this deity likely to be found.

Clerics of Heironeous are particularly warlike, always wearing chainmail. Their robes are dark blue with silver trim indicating their station. Places of worship of Heironeous usually are adorned with blue trappings, silver, and occasionally windows of colored glass depicting scenes of Heironeous triumphant. A copper statue of the deity, armed with a silver battle axe and covered in silver mail, with seven silver bolts radiating from behind his head, typically stands behind the altar.

Heironeous (hi-ROE-nee-us) is the Oeridian battle field champion of all that is right and good. He wages war against evil of all sorts, especially his half-brother and nemesis, Hextor. He is tall, with coppery skin, auburn hair, and amber eyes, and wears fine chain. At his birth, Heironeous' skin was imbued with a secret solution called meersalm that protects him from all but the most powerful weapons. His symbol is a silver lightning bolt. His allies are other gods who fight evil, and his foes are those who encourage evil or suffering. Known for his great magic battleaxe, he recently has been promoting usage of the longsword in order to appeal to common soldiers as well as pal adins and leaders.

The world is a dangerous place that poses a never-ending series of challenges to those who fight for justice and protec tion of the weak and innocent. One must act honorably at all times, and uphold the virtues of justice and chivalry in word and deed. Danger must be faced with certainty and calm, and glory is the reward for defeating evil, while virtue is the reward for upholding the tenets of Heironeous.

Heironeous' church is very militaristic, champi oning causes and crusading to eliminate evils. His clerics travel the world, fighting evil as dictated by their church commanders. Older clerics work as judges, strategists, and military instructors. Many of the most powerful clerics of Heironeous have them selves embalmed alive with meersalm to gain its pro tective benefits, although some have not survived the process.

Domains Good, Law, War; Weapons longsword(m) or battleaxe(m)


Heironeous is the champion of rightful combat and chivalrous deeds. He is the patron Power of those who fight for honor, justice, and the fair, good order of things. Clad in chain mail and hefting a great magical battle axe, Heironeous is portrayed as a youthful, tall man with coppery skin, auburn hair, and amber eyes, and is unsurpassingly handsome. He is a "beloved of the Gods"; his skin is said to be magically enchanted to break most weapons striking him, and he has many natural gifts given him by the Powers of lawful good.

Heironeous is typically a Power revered by officers, leaders, and paladins rather than the common warrior, but this is changing. Heironeous is strong as a fighter and as a protector, and this duality attracts many worshipers. He is widely revered throughout the nonevil lands of the Flanaess.

Services to Heironeous include triumphal singing of battle hymns, offerings made to a copper statue of the Power, (such statues adorn most of his finely decorated temples), and sharing of strengthening foods—meat, full-bodied red wine (in moderation) and spiced, stewed kara-fruit.

Heironeous' Priests :

This is a warlike priesthood that counts many elven and half-elven fighter/clerics and many human priests who have attained several levels of experience as warriors before becoming priests. The priesthood has a military organization and maintains excellent armories and systems of communication. Older priests are revered for their strategic skills and as teachers. Opposition of priests of the hated Hextor is mandatory. Possession of magical chain mail and/or a battle axe brings great kudos within the cult.

Requirements: AB Str 16 or Dex 16 or Con 16; AL LG; WP any (battle axe 1st AR chain or plate only; RA dark blue robes with silver trim (senior priests have more ornate silvering SP Combat, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Pro tection, Summoning*, Sun*, War, Wards*; SPL bolt of glory; PW 1) + 2 to all saves versus fear; 4) cloak of bravery; 6) immune to strength reducing magic (ray of enfeeblement, etc. 11) power word stun (W7 TU turn at —2 levels.

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations
Heironeous' realm is the Fields of Glory (Celestia)
Religious, Organised Religion

Lawful Good Deity

Lawful Good Deity


Her relationship with Heironeous is more uncertain, but most of their respective clergy sees their roles as complementary, Mayaheine as protector and Heironeous as the one who marshals the hosts to battle.

Half brother

Mutual respect

Sometimes in conflict

At War

Sworn enemy

At War

At War

At War

At War

At War


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