Saint Benedor Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Saint Benedor

Saint Benedor of the Ashen Hand is the patron saint of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom.   Saint Benedor is best remembered wielding the Orb of Sol, a holy artifact of Pelor with great significance to the Aerdi people.   Saint Benedor is a revered servant of Pelor. A scion of House Cranden, he is a distant relative of Sir Oslan Knarren. Saint Kargoth became the mortal foe of Benedor when he was chosen over Kargoth to lead the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom. Sir Maeril of Naelax has sworn vengeance upon Benedor for the destruction of his brother, the death knight Lord Farian. It is rumored that Benedor is one of the mystically touched souls known as Children of Johydee.   Bendedor was originally a native of Chathold. His current whereabouts are unknown.   Sir Benedor Monlath of Chathold was a young man in the autumn of 202 CY, when the Council Gallant proclaimed that he was the best living embodiment of the ideals of the Knight Protectors, and appointed him the next Knight Commander of the order following the death of the well-respected previous Knight Commander, Lord Nidramon the Hextorian. Enraged, Sir Kargoth and his supporters appeared in Rauxes the next month, when Sir Benedor was being invested in the Court of Essences at the royal palace. Before the Overking and the assembled nobles of the Celestial Houses of Aerdy, Kargoth challenged his rival to a contest of arms; despite being physically weaker than Kargoth, Benedor battled him to a stalemate until sunset; by contest rules, this meant that the challenger lost the contest. Compelled to truth by the magic that Schandor had laid upon the court, Kargoth expressed disgust instead of the friendship and decorum expected by the order. Stalking off into the countryside, Kargoth cursed his fate and his god Heironeous.   Benedor next encountered Kargoth when the forsworn knight and his thirteen allies raided the Temple of Lothan near Rel Deven in order to steal the Orb of Sol and use it to crush their enemies. Speaking words of power, Kargoth profaned the temple and summoned the demon Arendagrost to terrorize the kingdom. Hearing the news, Benedor rode to the temple, discovering it a smoking ruin and the thirteen conspirators left eyeless corpses. Glancing at the Orb, he saw the charred remains of the thirteen knights rise from their states of repose as death knights, their eye sockets glowing with eerie Abyssal light. Sir Kargoth was nowhere to be seen.   The thirteen death knights escaped the ruins of the temple, but Sir Benedor, now wielding the Orb of Sol, launched a quest to bring them to justice. There were, unfortunately, few victories in this endeavor. The most significant was when Benedor unleashed the artifact on Lord Farian in 209 CY.

Saint Benedor is a revered servant of Pelor


Sir Benedor Monlath of Chathold was a young man in the autumn of 202 CY, when the Council Gallant proclaimed that he was the best living embodiment of the ideals of the Knight Protectors, and appointed him the next Knight Commander of the order following the death of the well-respected previous Knight Commander, Lord Nidramon the Hextorian.



Saint Kargoth became the mortal foe of Benedor when he was chosen over Kargoth to lead the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom.


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