Strongheart Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Strongheart is a fearless seeker of justice, risking his life to ensure that good triumphs over evil. He is thoughtful, kind, and seldom rash, yet never hesitant to punish those who spit in the face of law and order.


Strongheart doesn't worship a god but devotes himself to an ideal: that the world can be spared from evil by those who have enough courage to stand against it.


Alignment. Lawful good.

Personality Trait. "I try to see the good in people, but I won't give comfort to those who have no goodness in them."

Ideal. "Justice needs champions. I count myself as one."

Bond. "Valor's Call is not just an assembly of like-minded individuals who believe that good must triumph over evil. Its members are also my friends."

Flaw. "I am prepared-my friends might say too prepared-to sacrifice myself for the greatest good."


Lawful Good Deity

Lawful Good Deity

Lawful Good Deity


Lawful Good Deity



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