The Grapevine
ln a city the size and complexity of Greyhawk, just about anything is liable to be a topic of conversation at one time or another. Not everything people talk about is true, of course-but that's what makes rumors so interesting!
DMs are advised to toss in one of the tidbits on these pages whenever the city campaign needs a little kick-start. Feel free to make up your own bits of gossip, both true and false, to supplement what's here.
The truth of these rumors, you will note, is not always indicated here. This is so the OM can decide which rumors really apply to his campaign and which are just old adventurers' tales.
However, some rumors are noted as being "confirmed easily." This indicates that those particular stories are common knowledge, and perhaps 30-60% of the citizenry might be acquainted with equivalent, or slightly altered, details.
Rumors noted as "can be confirmed" indicate tales that can be verified (at least as verified rumors) if the PCs make some diligent effort to gain information on the story-interviewing likely witnesses, offering bribes, etc.
Confirmation does not mean that a rumor is true, however! A greater proportion of them may be true than for the other rumors, but some easily confirmed rumors are still simply tall tales.