The Green Dragon Inn

This establishment (location R2) is a well-known haunt of adventurers (often looking for, and finding, patrons who may not be of notably sound ethics and morality), riverfolk, Rhennee , and the like. Occasionally a bunch of students may be found here, or a Watch party hunting some criminal.

The Green Dragon is a rough, tough place; any weapons and armor can be (and often are) worn in here. There are six members of the bar staff, of whom three are on duty at any one time. One of the six is Imogen Gellett (see Chapter 5), who does night shifts; the others may be treated as fighters or thieves of levels 2-7 (1d6 + 1), as the DM wishes. The proprietor of the establishment, Ricard Damaris, is also not a person to be dealt with lightly.

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