Vara Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Vara is the Touv goddess of Nightmares and Fear. Her symbol is a necklace of mummified animal feet.   Vara prefers to be depicted as a Touv woman with red eyes and stars in her hair.   Vara is the first child of Meyanok, and considers herself to be superior to her younger brother Damaran and younger sister Berna. She uses her status as the eldest to compel them to do her bidding. Like her father, Vara loathes the other Touv gods, and revels in the act of twisting their minds.   Like the other Touv gods, Vara dwells on the Material Plane.   Vara's dogma involves inflicting misery, oppression, and terror on all others.   Priests and shamans of Vara enforce their control through fear and oppression, though those who enjoy making others miserable sometimes follow them willingly. Vara's clergy are tyrants and bullies; often they act to enforce the desires of a cruel leader. They have an affinity toward illusions and phantasms. Their favored weapon is the javelin and they may also wield the atl-atl, club, dagger, and short sword. They may wear any nonmetal armor.   Breeka's dreams When she was newly hatched, Vara visited her grandmother Breeka's troubled sleep, and wracked her with nightmares. Breeka, goddess of living things, vomited forth her terrifying dreams, which hid in the shadows and between the trees to make the land full of dangers at night from then on, those twisted creatures and plants that plague the world to these days as living nightmares.


Vara uses her status as the eldest to compel them to do her bidding. Like her father, Vara loathes the other Touv gods, and revels in the act of twisting their minds.

Creator of Vara



Damaran is easily bullied into service by his older sister Vara


At War


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