Verenestra Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Verenestra is the fey deity of Female Faeries, Charm, and Beauty. Her symbol is a filigree-edged silver mirror.

Verenestra appears as a demure, slim female faerie (either a sylph, dryad, or nymph, as she chooses) of unearthly, fey beauty. She is always barefooted, wearing only gossamer garments the size of handkerchiefs to provide her with a semblance of modesty. She stands four and a half feet in height.

Verenestra is the daughter of Titania and one of the Inner Circle of the Seelie Court. She is prone to jealousy, and avoids other goddesses of beauty, love, and romance such as Myhriss and Hanali Celanil.

Verenestra travels with the Seelie Court. She has her own bower there with silver birches, larches, plane trees, and fringes of willows, decorated with living silver filigree and jewels, with many mirrors inside for the goddess to gaze at herself in.

Verenestra is a fickle, vain creature, but wise enough to know that she must help protect all the faerie realms in order to ensure that her patron races remain safe. Therefore, she is loyal to the Seelie Court despite her flighty, inconstant nature. She may occasionally send avatars to the Prime Material Plane to abduct handsome males.

Verenestra is revered primarily by dryads, nymphs, and sylphs.

Verenestra is the patron goddess of dryads, nymphs, and sylphs. Fickle and very vain, this beautiful goddess nonetheless has the wisdom to know that the security of her female worshipers is as one with the security of all the faerie realms and creatures, and she is utterly loyal to the Seelie Court despite her otherwise inconstant nature. Verenestra has her own bower in the Seelie Court, resplendent with silver birches, larches and plane trees, and a fringe of willows; the trees are decorated with living silver filigree and jewels and within, the goddess has many mirrors in which to admire her own arts of selfbeautification. She is jealous, and snobbishly avoids contact with other female goddesses of beauty, love, or romance.

Role-Playing Notes: Verenestra rarely sends avatars to the Prime Material; she may do so to abduct an exceptionally charismatic male and play with the poor creature's affections, rewarding him with some minor magical item. Otherwise, her avatar will usually only accompany those of other sylvan gods when a communal interest is of major importance.

Statistics: AL n (eg WAL n (ng) (dryads, nymphs, sylphs AoC female faeries, charm, beauty; SY filigree-edged silver mirror.


Daughter of Titania

Verenestra is jealous of Myhriss

She is prone to jealousy, and avoids other goddesses of beauty, love, and romance such as Myhriss and Hanali Celanil.

Verenestra is jealous of Hanali Celanil.

She is prone to jealousy, and avoids other goddesses of beauty, love, and romance such as Myhriss and Hanali Celanil.


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