Titania Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Titania is the fey deity of fey, fey realms, friendship and magic. Her symbol is a white diamond with a blue star glowing in its center, the antithesis of the black diamond symbol of her sister, the Queen of Air and Darkness.

Titania is described in Monster Mythology as a beautiful female faerie, only three and a half feet in height, with gossamer wings, pale skin, a perfect complexion and cheek bone structure, and penetrating blue eyes, carrying a diamond-tipped wand.

Titania is the leader of the Seelie Court, a confederation of gods, which consists of her consort Oberon, their children Damh and Verenestra, as well as the following gods: Caoimhin, Eachthighern, Emmantiensien, Fionnghuala, Nathair Sgiathach, Skerrit, and Squelaiche. The Seelie Court stands united in opposition to the Queen of Air and Darkness, and is allied with the Seldarine. Titania has some intimate connection with the hag goddess Cegilune, her sister or other half. It is believed that if either Cegilune or Titania were to be destroyed, both would die.

Titania rules the wandering Seelie Court, which shifts erratically between the Beastlands, Arborea, and Ysgard. The light and climate of the realm change according to Titania's fickle moods.

Titania believes in goodness and mercy, and it is almost impossible to drive her to anger unless the being offending her is extremely evil. If this is so, her wrath may be great.

Titania is revered by all non-evil faeries, but brownies, bookas, pixies, and sprites worship her as their special patron.

Dragon #155 presented a different faerie queen, the greater goddess Rhiannon. In Dragon #263, a non-divine Queen Titania was presented, this version a lawful neutral, 20th level druid who carries a silver rod with which she can call up storms. Another non-divine Queen Titania was created for the world of Mystara in Tall Tales of the Wee Folk, where she appeared as a 25th level warrior sidhe of neutral alignment. In the latter two versions she is human-sized, and her attendants Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed, and her young pet human changeling boy, are all mentioned.

Oberon and Titania have switched roles in Monster Mythology from their Shakespearean counterparts in A Midsummer Night's Dream as the King and Queen of the Fairies. In Shakespeare, Oberon ruled the fairies with Titania as his consort, but this is reversed in the role-playing game. The exact reason for this switch is not clear, although in British folklore the fey are usually ruled by an unnamed Queen.

Titania is the Faerie Queen, one who cares for all the faerie races, even those turned to evil whom she ever seeks to bring back into the fold of her creation. Titania is revered by all faeries, but brownies, bookas, pixies, and sprites have a special reverence for her and hold her as their patron deity. Titania's creed is that of mercy and goodness, and it is virtually impossible to drive her to anger unless the being giving offense is direly evil. If this is so, woe betide the creature rousing the ire of the Faerie Queen.

Role-playing Notes: Titania's avatars officiate at worldly meetings of the Seelie Court where the affairs of faerie lands are considered and deliberated upon. All faerie folk know the times of such meetings and know how to find their way to them. Her avatar is 90% likely to be accompanied by that of at least one other of the Seelie Court, even outside of these meetings. Her avatars will also act to defend the integrity of faerie lands if these are threatened by magic, axe, fire or worse.

Statistics: AL eg (ng WAL any non-evil (faeries AoC faerie folk and realms, friendship, magic; SY white diamond with central blue star.


Daughter of Titania

Might be opposite half of Titania

Cegilune is believed to be related to the sylvan deities. Some say she is the dark twin of Titania, queen of the fey, herself. It is alleged that if either Titania or Cegilune were to die, both goddesses would perish.


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