Allustan's Residence

Allustan moved into this manor shortly after his brother Lanod was appointed governor-mayor of Diamond Lake. It had been uninhabited for some time before that. The wizard quickly cleaned up the house with his arcane arts, and hired local stonemasons to add a modest wizard tower. Importing his personal library took a bit longer.   Once his library was established, Allustan had word spread around town that the public was welcome to use it, provided they washed their hands first. However, given the low literacy rates and even lower interest in the academic, few take him up on this offer.


The house sits in the shallow valley between Manor Hill - upon which Governor-Mayor Neff has his mansion - and Lookout Hill, upon which the Garrison stands. Its lawn is well-kept, with several shade trees planted around it. The house itself has wooden walls of bright, scrubbed birchwood, with stone-and-mortar for its base. Its gable roof has a bluish tinge.   The front of the house is broad, with the front door on a raised wooden porch, accessible by stair. Windows look out on this porch, screened by thin lace curtains. The porch covers the left-hand half of the house.   The right-hand side has a wide bay window at ground level. Peering through, you would see the interior walls lined with bookshelves, themselves stuffed with volumes of every size and description. A wide, low table sits in the centre of the room, with comfortable couches on either side, and the bay window itself lined with cushions.   Around back of the house, a backdoor lets into a modest garden. Herbs and vegetables are kept in clay planters. The garden's perimeter is marked by four square-stone columns, each as high as the eaves of the house. A pond with a water-spout serves as an attractive centrepiece.   The back corner of the house (northeast corner) is Allustan's wizard tower. Attached solidly to the house itself, with no outside entrance, the tower is one storey taller than the rest of the house, though it's only around 15 feet in diameter. It has a conical roof, and windows only on the second and third floors.  
Diamond Lake
A small mining settlement in the Cairn Hills, Diamond Lake's eponymous lake became too polluted to swim or fish in long ago. The southern end of the town is similarly delapidated, while the wealthy mine managers live opulently in their manors on the northern side of the Vein.
Alternative Names
The Library
House, Large
Parent Location

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