Alhaster Boneyard

An iron fence surrounds the property, but the ever-present clergy of Wee Jass is the more potent protection for those interred here. Most of the dead are cremated, but a few wealthy departed are immortalized in crypts and headstones. A handful of trees are planted for shade, but the place is mostly a single, low hill.

Purpose / Function

The Boneyard provides a dignified and safe resting place for Alhaster's dead, and the Jasidin take their duty of protecting the departed from undeath and indignity very seriously.
Alhaster is the capital of The Principality of Redhand, and sits on the northern coast of the Nyr Dyv.   Low Alhaster comprises areas 1-18, High Alhaster encompasses areas 19-39. Areas 35-39, including the Shanties and Eel Town, are geographically outside the city proper, but still belong to the city.    
Parent Location
Owning Organization