The Heroes

(a.k.a. The Owlbears)

The heroes of our story are
  • Lins Bogmar, fighter-mage, formerly a simple Cairn Hills explorer before she stumbled on an unexcavated cairn which would send her and her friends tumbling into writhing danger.
  • Sigvurd Snake-in-Eye, barbariand-druid dwarf of the Cairn Hills Clans and friend of Diamond Lake. He came for the chance to pound tomb-monsters, he stayed to defend the common folk from the Ebon Traid.
  • Nemara, Tiefling warlock who scraped her way up from the streets and isn't about to give up her newly-found chance at a decent existence just because some fuckfaces want a wormy apocalypse
  • Fraeya Valinthal, half-elven priestess of Cleric who is just, like, happy to be here? Because Celestian encourages his followers to travel and like, adventurers get to do that a lot. Fighting evil is just icing.
And formerly
  • Vin Frostkeeper, self-taught wizard who thought there might be arcane secrets within the tomb, but didn't expect those secrets to set them on such a deadly path (Retired).
  • Zeke Dorn, paladin of Heironeous, with a mysterious and dark past connected somehow with the Ebon Triad and the lands north of the Nyr Dyv. He fell to powerful wormspawn knights in Kyuss' ancient stronghold, and is presently recuperating in Magepoint (Retired?).


Bozal Zahol


Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Bozal Zahol



The party met Bozal when he came out to defend his secret complex under Raknian's manor. They killed him without interrogation, but found letters between him and Theldrick indicating he was an Ebon Triad priest who had come to help Raknian cover up a murder.

Ekaym Smallcask


Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Ekaym Smallcask



The party was introduced to Ekaym by Eligos, and he told them he was a merchant looking to try his luck in the Champion's Games as a team manager. After some pryin, they learned that he was really trying to investigate Loris Raknian in connection with the disappearance of his sister, who was dating him at the time.   The party agreed to look into it, and discovered that Loris had mudered her in a fit of jealous rage. They even found her zombie body, which Bozal Zahol was keeping in his quarters.   Unfortunately, Lahaka's corpse got infested with worms due to sharing a Bag of Holding with a Kyuss Spawn, and created a distressing sight when produced before Ekaym. It was a messy affair, but the party managed to return her from worm-infested zombie to normal corpse. Afterwrad, a shaken Ekaym said he was going to take her body home to the city of Cauldron, to see about having her spirit put to rest properly.

Shared Acquaintances

Ekaym is good friends with Nelelue.


Friendly Aquaintance

Towards The Heroes


The Heroes

Friendly Aquaintances

Towards Agath



Agath is the high priest who introduced the party to Tenser, and who resurrected Zeke from the dead. He also volunteered his niece, Fraeya, as a capable supplement to the party's forces when he learned they planned to return to Kuluth-Mar despite the loss of Zeke the paladin and Vin the wizard.

Relationship Reasoning

Agath is the uncle of Fraeya Valinthal, the party's cleric. He is also a close friend and trusted advisor of Tenser , who is helping the party in their fight against the Ebon Triad. He also has utility for the party as high priest of the Temple-Library of MagePoint.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Agath and the party are both considered Friends of the Archmage, though the party does not share Agath's level of access to Tenser's tower.

Shared Secrets

Agath and the party both know about the growing power of the Ebon Triad and their plans to bring about the Age of Worms.

Alastor Land

Friendly Aquaintance

Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Alastor Land



The party met Alastor's ghost in the Whispering Tomb, where he offered to use his incorporeal nature to open the final door for them if they could return his bones to the family graveyard. He made good on this promise, though he had no idea the course of events that reuniting the Lands Family corpses would set off.

Relationship Reasoning

Alastor displayed extreme admiration for the heroes as capable adventurers, and his gratitude for being laid to rest was palpable in the air when the party returned to the tomb.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Alastor and the original party members are all life-long residents of Diamond Lake

Allustan Neff


Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Allustan Neff



When the party first heard about the cult underneath Dourstone Mine, it was Allustan who helped them prepare to fight them. He offered to sponsor their mission, lending them whatever help he could. He wanted to play his part in the fight against evil. He used his library and personal knowledge to inform the players about the necromancer Filge, and about the cult he had mentioned. He was able to tell them that the Ebon Triad was trying to unite Vecna, Erythnul, and Hextor into an all-powerful overgod.   After the group reported back from raiding the compound, the intel they gathered along with his research revealed something new: this heretical order had a prophecy: the Overgod could only be formed during the Age of Worms, an era of writhing doom heralded by the reappearance of an elder evil named Kyuss. He thought it very likely this group would be trying to resurrect Kyuss, to speed this doom along.   Since the party was outmatched against the compound, he sent them to Blackwall Keep to recruit his old friend Marzena the War Mage. After that, the party was embroiled in the intrigues of The Free City of Greyhawk . When a dragon attack brought them rushing home again, they found his house levelled by Ilthane's acid. Townsfolk had told the dragon, who was seeking Allustan and the party by names, that Allustan was probably in the Whispering Cairn, an old tomb that he'd been fascinated with of late.   The party rescued him from where he'd gotten imprisoned by one of the tomb's defenses, and he was the one who told them that the Wind Dukes had hidden ancient weapons of Law within the complex. After they retrieved these, they reunited with him to have a proper debrief.   Allustan was impressed and beyond proud of the party's progress. They had achieved more than he dared to hope, and had evolved into highly capable adventurers, forces to be reckoned with in the fight against the writhing chaos. With a proud tear in his eye, Allustan told them he had nothing left to teach them, and sent them on to his former master, Tenser.

Relationship Reasoning

Initially, the party needed use of Identify to use the magic items they'd found in the Whispering Cairn. His library was also useful in figuring out what kind of fresh hell they'd gotten into.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Allustan is an expert in the history of the Cairn Hills, and was able to tell the party much about the Wind Dukes and their war on Chaos. About the Ebon Triad he knew less, but still more than most.

Shared Secrets

Allustan knows that the Ebon Triad is trying to bring the Age of Worms in order to create their overgod.

Shared Acquaintances

Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff is Allustan's brother whose rulership was on the verge of toppling to an oligarchy of mine managers before Allustan moved to town to protect his sibling.   He is also the former co-apprentice of Eligos under Tenser Manzorian, though he retired from his apprenticeship before completion in order to become an adventurer.

Antyress Redpike


Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Antyress Redpike



Though the party, with the help of Nemara's charms, managed to sweet-talk their way into exploring the tomb, relations fell apart when Antyress realized they had looted Isociol's magic weapons.   Last time the party saw him, he had summoned several fire elementals to cover his retreat, and had escaped somewhere into the depths of Isociol's tomb.

Shared Acquaintances

Antyress had met the Flycatcher and didn't like him. He had also heard of Moreto, but had not met him yet.



Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Artophanx



The party found Artophanx in self-imposed stasis inside the Whispering Cairn. Summoned to help build the complex, he was never released from service, and powerful wards kept him from leaving the architect's workroom until the party freed him. He remains grateful to the party for allowing him to return home, and named Vin Frostkeeper as the one summoner he would gladly come to.

Shared Acquaintances

Artophanx is acquainted (unfriendly) with the Vaati.



Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Auric



The party and Auric's Warband were competitors in the Champion's Games of 595.

Shared Acquaintances

Auric's warband includes Khellek, adversary of Vin, and Tirra, bitch-energy-generator toward Nemara.

Balabar Smenk


Towards The Heroes


The Heroes


Towards Balabar Smenk



He was blackmailed into supplying the cult under Dourstone Mine with supplies. He also stole one of their green worms, sending it to his old friend Filge. He helped the party get into Dourstone Mine in exchange for their promise to provide him with blackmail material of his own.   Later, when Ilthane attacked Diamond Lake, Balabar used his forces to bully and cow the devastated townfolk away from his manor, until Sigvurd "persuaded" him to help.

Shared Secrets

Balabar knows about the green worms and the cult's operations insofar as the Diamond Lake cell.

Shared Acquaintances

Filge is Balabar's school friend.

Current Status
Searching for information on Kyuss and his connection to the Ebon Triad
Current Location