The Principality of Redhand

Founded during the Civil War of the Shield Lands, when the allegged usurper Prince Zeech ceded from the Shield Lands, founding his own principality in the name of Hextor. The split caused chaos among the armies of the Shield Lands, and especially the Knights of Holy Shielding, who were themelves dealing with internal division at the time.
  In the twenty years since, the Principality of Redhand has joined as a formal member of the Bandit Kingdoms. Alhaster is the Bandit Kingdoms' only port, so Zeech and his Bandit Lord cronies live in luxury, wealthy from the trade of weapons, drugs, and slaves to the bandit kingdoms.


When Prince Zeech seceded from the Shield Lands and founded the Principality of Redhand, he razed the remains of the Temple of Hieroneous and declared Hextorianism the state religion.

Foreign Relations

Redhand is on hostile terms with the remains of the Shield Lands, and pays tribute to the Bandit Lord Iuz.


  • Alhaster
    Alhaster is the capital of The Principality of Redhand, and sits on the northern coast of the Nyr Dyv.   Low Alhaster comprises areas 1-18, High Alhaster encompasses areas 19-39. Areas 35-39, including the Shanties and Eel Town, are geographically outside the city proper, but still belong to the city.    
Geopolitical, Principality
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Articles under The Principality of Redhand